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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 53521 - 53540 of 53996


… les femmes et les hommes une priorité et l’a érigée en grande cause de ces deux quinquennats successifs. Ce n’est pas … de réflexion de deux jours, imposé afin de confirmer une demande d’avortement après un entretien psychosocial. Le … les engagements financiers pris dans le cadre du Forum Génération Egalité, soit 400 millions d’euros pour la …

SPECA 2023 - Dinara Ziganshina, Scientific Information Center of the Interstate Coordinating Water Management Commission of Central Asia

… International Nam Theun Holding (EDF-NTH) и Electricity Generating Public Company Limited (компанией по производству …

Rev. 20 (2017)

… are also made available on a separate page ( track changes and changes highlighted ) (English only). … Rev. 20 (2017) …

Bulletin annuel de statistiques des transports pour l'Europe et l'Amérique du Nord

… 2004 PDF PDF Version Note: Editions of this bulletin up to and including 2003 were published only in hardcopy - How to …

Bulletin annuel de statistiques des transports pour l'Europe et l'Amérique du Nord

… 2008 PDF PDF Version Note: Editions of this bulletin up to and including 2003 were published only in hardcopy - How to …

Bulletin annuel de statistiques des transports pour l'Europe et l'Amérique du Nord

… PDF PDF Version    Note: Editions of this bulletin up to and including 2003 were published only in hardcopy - How to …

El Convenio del Agua: una respuesta a los desafíos mundiales del agua

… Unidas. CRÉDITOS FOTOGRÁFICOS © Istockphoto Página 3 © Alexander Belokurov Página 6 © IISD Página 9 © ICPDR El Convenio … y lo apliquen.” 3 António Guterres, Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas EL CONVENIO DEL AGUA 4 EL … es decir, debe tener en cuenta las necesidades de las generaciones futuras. TERCER PILAR Cooperar mediante …

Leaflet: How to adapt water management to climate change in transboundary basins?

… Download the leafet in English , French , Russian , Spanish and Arabic … Leaflet: How to adapt water management to …

Rev. 16 (2009)

… are also made available on a separate page (track changes and changes highlighted) (English only). … Rev. 16 (2009) …

Tentative timetable - Secretariat

… document No. 1 English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety …

Tentative timetable - (Secretariat)

… document No.1 English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety …

Tentative timetable - (Secretariat)

… document No. 1 English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety …

Protocolo sobre Agua y Salud

… Brochures about the Protocol on Water and Health ECE/CEP/NONE/2009/3  Ginebra, 2009 Download this …

Protocolo sobre Agua y Salud: Objetivos de progreso

… Brochures about the Protocol on Water and Health ECE/CEP/NONE/2009/3  Ginebra, 2009 Download this …

The Water Convention: responding to global water challenges

… Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41(0)22 917 12 34 E-mail: [email protected] … مرجع الصور قدمت الصور هلذا املنشور © Istockphoto © Alexander Belokurov الصفحة 3 © IISD الصفحة 6 © ICPDR الصفحة 9 … secretariat Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Phone: +41 22 917 10 32 e-mail: [email protected]

Amendments to ADR 2009

… annex I   Formation des conducteurs : ECE/TRANS/WP.15/204 and ECE/TRANS/WP.15/204/Corr.1 ECE/TRANS/WP.15/204/Add.1 …

What it is, why it matters

… Brochures about the Water Convention  New York and Geneva, 2004  In Arabic Download this Publication … What …

Tentative timetable - (Secretariat)

… document No.1 English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety …

What it is, why it matters

… Brochures about the Water Convention  New York and Geneva, 2004  In Chinese Download this Publication … …