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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 53321 - 53340 of 53997


… A study on the transport infrastructure and services available in Kyrgyzstan. This document reviews the country’s extensive recent and future transport investments, and sets out recommendations to ensure its transport network …

La Convention sur l’eau de la Commission économique pour l’Europe et la Convention sur les cours d’eau des Nations Unies

… ainsi davantage sur la protection de l’environnement, tandis que la Convention de 1997 serait plutôt axée sur la … 68 5.3.2. Notification sur demande … and Surface Water, A Single Resource : U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1139 (Denver, United States Geological Survey, 1998), p. 76. 26 Une analyse de leur contribution …

UNECE report shows progress towards the SDGs is slowing in the region, calling for renewed political impetus

… the region  – which hosts 16% of the world’s population and accounts for 41.4% of the world’s GDP at purchasing power parity,  and approximately 83% of total Official Development … for the region since last year’s assessment.  Progress on gender equality can be measured for less than half of …

European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR 2011)

… transport of dangerous goods by road. Its Annexes A and B contain the technical requirements for road transport, … as well as uniform provisions concerning the construction and operation of vehicles carrying dangerous goods. They also establish international requirements and procedures for training and safety obligations of …

Международная стратегия по обучению и наращиванию потенциала по мониторингу радиоактивного металлолома и процедурам реагирования

… Contents: International Training and Capacity Building Strategy for Monitoring and Response Procedures for Radioactive Scrap Metal  Prepared by: UNITAR and UNECE (2007) PDF … Международная стратегия по обучению и …

Rev.4 (files)

… UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Manual of Tests and Criteria Fourth revised edition   Copyright © United … to order the official publication of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria   Corrigendum 1 PDF (11 KB)   GENERAL …

Recommandations relatives au transport de marchandises dangereuses - Manuel d’épreuves et de critères

… available online for free (download) . The Manual of Tests and Criteria contains criteria, test methods and procedures to be used for classification of dangerous goods according to the provisions of Parts 2 and 3 of the Model Regulations, as well as of chemicals …

Reconciling resource uses in transboundary basins: assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus

… Coordination between the water, energy, food and environment sectors is fraught with difficulties even at … resources has emerged as a way to enhance water, energy and food security by increasing efficiency, reducing … countries for common resources. The process looked to generate relevant information to support decision-making, …

Programme de travail pour 2019-2021 de la Convention sur l’eau

… Transboundary river and lake basins account for nearly half of the earth`s land surface and generate roughly 60 per cent of global freshwater flow. …

Справочник МДП - десятое пересмотренное издание

… Office 401-3, Palais des Nations, CH-1210 Geneva (Switzerland); Тел. + 41-22-917-1531; Факс + 41-22-917-0039 или … таможнях места отправления. Это также касается mutatis mutandis того случая, когда имеется несколько таможен места … colis ou des objets ainsi que le poids brut total des marchandises énumérées sur ces feuilles annexes (cases 9 à 11). …


… ttps:// ; … …

Glossary for Transport Statistics – Fourth Edition (July 2009)

… Glossary is a joint publication of the UNECE, ITF, and Eurostat. It comprises 735 definitions and represents a point of reference for all those involved … will be given to the improvement in both the quality and comparability of transport statistics data. Download the …

Statistiques des accidents de la circulation routière en Europe et en Amérique du Nord

… This publication provides comparable data on causes, types and results of accidents in Europe, Canada and the United States. Data are organized by nature of accident and surroundings; accidents while under the influence of …

Глоссарий по статистике транспорта - Третье издание

… the result of the valuable cooperation between UNECE, ECMT and Eurostat, that - through the action of the … level. The Glossary now comprises 533 definitions and represents a point of reference for all those involved … will be given to the improvement in quality of data and their comparability.  This publication is available in …

Financing Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins

… qui renforcent l’attractivité financière 41 3.6 Recommandations pour l’élaboration de projets susceptibles d’être … qu’Astrid Hillers, Christian Holde Severin et Steffen Brandstrup Hansen (Fonds pour l’Environnement Mondial [FEM]). …

European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) - Applicable as from 1 January 2011

… the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) done at Geneva on 26 May 2000 under the … the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine … on 29 February 2008. ADN consists of a main legal text and annexed Regulations and aims at: - ensuring a high level …

Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses - Règlement type (Rev.18)

… light of technical progress, the advent of new substances and materials, the exigencies of modern transport systems and, above all, the requirement to ensure the safety of people, property and the environment. They are addressed to governments and

Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses - Règlement type (Rev.19)

… light of technical progress, the advent of new substances and materials, the exigencies of modern transport systems and, above all, the requirement to ensure the safety of people, property and the environment. They are addressed to governments and

Report of the Regional Forum 2017

… session of the regional forum was held on 25 April 2017 and was chaired by Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, Commissioner General for Sustainable Development and Interministerial Delegate for Sustainable Development for the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Seas of France. … Report of the Regional Forum 2017 …


… 1999 Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone and its 2012 amended version 17 May 2005 Original protocol … 1998 Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and its 2009 amended version 23 October 2003 Original …