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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

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…       For enquiries regarding EXCOM meetings and documents, please contact:  [email protected]   June … should be classified as confidential, as necessary, and be shared with member States under password protection …

Switzerland - Martin Tschirren, State Secretary, Federal Office for Housing

… Switzerland - Martin Tschirren, State Secretary, Federal Office for … UNECE Ministerial Meeting on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management Discours de M. le Secrétaire d’Etat Martin …

Annex 1: Environmental Assessment, 05.06.2007 - ACCC/C/2014/105 (Hungary)

… , (On the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment (the „Strategic … . Communication from the Commission to the European Council and the European Parliament, an Energy Policy for … From scoping to monitoring: Content requirements and proposals for practical work, Hallein, Austria 2005, …

DDP Pecan Kernels 2021

… DDP Pecan Kernels 2021 French Recommandation pour une période d’essai allant jusqu’à la fin de … 2021 ÉDITION UNITED NATIONS New York et Genève, 2021 Recommandation : Cerneaux de noix de pécan - 2021 NOTE Groupe de … produits secs et séchés, les plants de pomme de terre, la viande, les fleurs coupées, les œufs et les ovoproduits. Tout …

DDP Inshell Pecans 2021

… DDP Inshell Pecans 2021 French Recommandation pour une période d’essai allant jusqu’à la fin de … 2021 ÉDITION UNITED NATIONS New York et Genève, 2021 Recommandation : Noix de pécan en coque - 2021 NOTE Groupe de … produits secs et séchés, les plants de pomme de terre, la viande, les fleurs coupées, les œufs et les ovoproduits. Tout …

Compliance Committee Meetings

… meeting (18-21 October 2021) Seventy-first meeting (7, 8 and 9 July 2021 (rescheduled)) Seventieth meeting (12-16 …

Steering Committees

… the TEM Steering Committee,16 October 2023, Geneva, Switzerland Forthcoming   Report   80th session of the TEM Steering … TEM Steering Committee,17-18 October 2022, Geneva, Switzerland Forthcoming   Report   78th session of the TEM Steering … the TEM Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2019, Warsaw, Poland Forthcoming   Report   72nd session of the TEM Steering …

Steering Committees

… 57th session of the TER Steering Committee, Geneva, Switzerland,  14 November 2023 Report , Agenda   56th session of the TER Steering Committee, Gdansk, Poland,  15-16 June, 2023 Report , Agenda   55th session of the TER Steering Committee, Geneva, Switzerland (Hybrid),  15 November 2022 Report , Agenda   54th …

Kharkiv project presentation - Ms. Gulnara Roll, UNECE

… Secretary to the Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management UNECE E-mail: [email protected] Slide …

Poverty Measurement Guide to Data Disaggregation - RU

… ACS Обследование американского общества (American Community Survey) XV ASEC Ежегодное социально-экономическое приложение (Annual Social and Economic) BEA Бюро экономического анализа (Bureau of … 12 13 …

Report_On-line_Dam Safety Meeting_June_2021_FINAL

… и метрология» Oleg Makarov Chief specialist of Planning and Design Technological Institute (PDTI) “Vodavtomatika i … Head of the Sector for Operation of Irrigation Systems and Large GTS of the Ministry of Water Management Tel. … Head of the Department, Professor "Hydraulic structures and engineering structures" TIIIMSKHA Tel. (+99871) 2371932 …

Протокол по проблемам воды и здоровья. Г-н Александр Белокуров, сотрудник по вопросам окружающей среды, ЕЭК ООН

… #ProtocolWaterHealth Water Convention & Protocol on Water and Health … Протокол по проблемам воды и здоровья. Г-н …

FFV Cauliflower 2021

… fruits secs et séchés, les plants de pomme de terre, la viande, les fleurs coupées, les œufs et les ovoproduits. Tout … sous réserve de notification. Pour tous commentaires et demandes de renseignements, veuillez vous adresser au : Groupe … par l’OCDE, pour les contrôles de conformité est recommandée aux stades de l’expédition ainsi que dans les centres …

FFV Watermelon 2021

… fruits secs et séchés, les plants de pomme de terre, la viande, les fleurs coupées, les œufs et les ovoproduits. Tout … sous réserve de notification. Pour tous commentaires et demandes de renseignements, veuillez vous adresser au : Groupe … par l’OCDE, pour les contrôles de conformité est recommandée aux stades de l’expédition ainsi que dans les centres …

Brochure "The global opening of the 1992 Water Convention"

… ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes THE GLOBAL OPENING of the 1992 Water … account for nearly half of the earth’s land surface and generate roughly 60% of global freshwater flow, …


… the eighty-first session of the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (9-12 June 2020) English DOCX PDF French DOCX PDF … for the eightieth session of the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (14-17 January 2020) English DOCX PDF French DOCX … the seventy-ninth session of the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (21-24 May 2019) English DOCX PDF French DOCX PDF …

Session 4: Addressing dispute settlement: insights from Africa, Mutoy Mubiala

… for transboundary waters: insights from Africa (The GERD AND TRANSAQUA/GRAND INGA Cases) Mr. Mutoy Mubiala, Professor of … en Afrique (PIDA) soutient la construction des grandes infrastructures, notamment dans le secteur des …


… - AETR questionnaire on checking of driving and rest times English PDF (109Kb)   French PDF (108Kb)   …   Russian PDF (366Kb)   ECE/TRANS/192 - Report of the Inland Transport Committee on its Sixty-Ninth Session (6 - 8 …

Standard for Pomegranates 2021

… Standard for Pomegranates 2021 Russian СТАНДАРТ ЕЭК ООН … и запросы можно посылать по адресу: Agricultural Standards Unit Economic Cooperation and Trade Division United Nations Economic Commission for …

Guide to implementing the Water Convention

… economic commission for eUrope Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International … are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 1. Background … at 222, para. 24. The commentary concluded that: “A survey of all available evidence of general practice of …