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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 53061 - 53080 of 54000

Concept note UN_OECD seminar in follow-up to Beirut port explosion_14 Dec 2021_final

… : أنظر 3 fire-and-explosion-fertilizer- : أنظر 4 … Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment, Survey and Nature Conservation الطب�عة (إدارة الحما�ة …

Rôle et pertinence de la Convention sur l'eau pour la Guinée Bissau : son cadre, ses obligations, sa mise en oeuvre pratique et ses activités sur le terrain

… Pays dans le processus d’adhésion >20) Note: The boundaries and names shown on this map do not imply official … aide les pays à développer des accords Aide apportée sur demande et selon la disponibilité des ressources pour soutenir … l'ENABEL, la DANIDA, la Slovénie, les Pays-Bas, la Finlande et/ou d'autres, en fonction de l'intérêt manifesté ; - …

Aarhus TFAJ Database - CH Camping site Berne case

… posted by the Task Force on Access to Justice SWITZERLAND: Administrative Court of Canton Berne; VGE … ruling; federal offices as well as organisation may demand access to justice in these cases. 2. Country/Region … 403]). Im Fall der Erneuerung eines Wasserkraftwerks sind Regenerations- und Aufwertungsmassnahmen des Biotopschutzes …

FPAMR 2020-2021-Worksheets-Wood Raw Materials

… figure t = technical estimate (based on arbitrary or standard procedure) r = repeated data Unit: 1000 m3 1000 US$ c … 268,885 c 301,003 c 241,937 c 285,992 c 18.2% 44,055 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,573 c 4,375 c 4,613 c 4,458 c 4,303 c … 165,270 c 267,390 c 195,884 c 109,793 c -43.9% -86,091 Finland 61,434 c 63,279 c 68,289 c 63,667 c 60,233 c -5.4% …

MARS report

… страница 52: … в рамках данного проекта. За этот период платформа Standards4SDGs2 (Стандарты для ЦУР) была усовершенствована и … и одобрен Бюро РГ.6, а также 2 См. URL: 3 См. рекомендацию 1, страница 52: …

Review of Implementation 2018 - Protocol

… Party? Albania , Albanie, Албания ENG 29 Mar. 2019 Yes Andorra , Andorre, Андорра     No Armenia , Arménie, Армения RUS ENG … Беларусь     No Belgium , Belgique, Бельгия     No Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnie-Herzégovine, Босния-Герцеговина ENG …

Review of Implementation 2015 - Protocol

… Party? Albania , Albanie, Албания ENG 18 Mar. 2016 yes Andorra , Andorre, Андорра     no Armenia , Arménie, Армения RU ENG 29 … 29 Apr. 2016 no Belgium , Belgique, Бельгия     no Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnie-Herzégovine, Босния-Герцеговина ENG …


… Eslovenia, España, Estonia, Federación de Rusia, Finlandia, Francia, Ghana, Grecia, Guinea-Bissau, Hungría, … Honduras, India, Irán (República Islámica del), Iraq, Irlanda, Jordania, Kenia, Lesoto, Liberia, Libia , Madagascar, … Níger, Nigeria, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Filipinas, Ruanda, Santa Lucía, Arabia Saudí, Sierra Leona, Sudán del …

Modern EIA system in comparison with EIA/ovos expertiza system. Benefits of introduction of modern EIA system in Kazakhstan

… 2 • Управляющий партнер в компании Jendroska Jerzmański Bar and Partners (Юристы в сфере охраны окружающей среды) • …


… DOC PDF   ECE/TRANS/WP.11/222/Add.1 - Terms of reference and rules of procedure of the WP.11 English DOC (126 KB) PDF … 1- Draft amendments to the ATP adopted at the sixtieth and sixty-first sessions and modified at the sixty-second session English DOC (256 …

52nd session

… DOC (93Kb) PDF (101Kb) Informal Document No. 18: (Poland) Complementary proposals for document … (70Kb) - - - - - - Informal Document No. 15: (USA) Tire standard upgrade - FMVSS 139   English DOC (100Kb) PDF (43Kb) … Document No. 2: (Turkey) Application of Disc Brakes and EBS Systems on HGV Combinations   English DOC (20Kb) PDF …

Анализ отчетности по КТИ

… по КТИ за 2016 г.) LPS GNFR Heigh t class …

(CLEPA) Inf EqOP - WHIPLASH improvements for small occupants

… small occupants Summary of CLEPA presentations in Inf EqOP and Proposal to update head restraint regulations. … Difference of whiplash performance for mid-size male and mid-size female in seats - Outcome of EU Project ADSEAT … with difference in geometry Head well restained with Seat A and C Head of 50th female not sufficiently restrained …

Guidance on the Practical Application

… (informal translation by Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) (1.3 MB) ENG ENG German … Guidance on the Practical …

FFV Apricots 2021

… fruits secs et séchés, les plants de pomme de terre, la viande, les fleurs coupées, les œufs et les ovoproduits. Tout … sous réserve de notification. Pour tous commentaires et demandes de renseignements, veuillez vous adresser au : Groupe … par l’OCDE, pour les contrôles de conformité est recommandée aux stades de l’expédition ainsi que dans les centres …

Review of Implementation 2019

…                                      ENG     29.04.2022 Yes Andorra , Andorre, Андорра         No Armenia , Arménie, Армения PDF   … PDF (from the Federal Government)     30.04.2022 Yes Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnie-Herzégovine, Босния-Герцеговина PDF …

(OICA) Proposal for a new Supplement to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 101 (CO2 emissions/fuel consumption)

… United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/11 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 27 October 2022 Original: English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations Working Party on Pollution and Energy Eighty-seventh session Geneva, 10-13 January 2023 …

Standard for Strawberries 2021

… Standard for Strawberries 2021 Russian СТАНДАРТ ЕЭК ООН … и запросы можно посылать по адресу: Agricultural Standards Unit Economic Cooperation and Trade Division United Nations Economic Commission for …

FFV Standard Layout 2021

… FFV Standard Layout 2021 French NORME-CADRE POUR LES NORMES … au contrôle de conformité, élaborées par l’OCDE, est recommandée aux stades de l’expédition ainsi que dans les centres … vegetables-rules.htm. …