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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 53021 - 53040 of 54000

Drin Nexus Assessment Phase II - Summary Albanian

… Politeknik, Tiranë. 3. Panta Rhei was developed and is continuously maintained Leichtweiss Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water resources (LWI), in collaboration with the … humbjet në ekonomi në zonën e Malit të Zi do të mbeten të pandryshuara. Figure 1: Humbjet nga përmbytjet sipas dy …

S.3.4. Shukhrat Isakulov - Statement on Sustainable Tourism in SPECA

… заседании 2021 SPECA ECONOMIC FORUM Sustainable Transport and Trade for a Green and Inclusive Economy after the Pandemic (17-18 NOVEMBER 2021, TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN) …


… amendments to Draft Regulation on the protection of M1 and N1 Categories of vehicles against unauthorized use …

Annotated provisional agenda for the fourth joint meeting

… del martes 28 de junio de 2022, a las 10.00 horas, continuando en el mismo lugar el miércoles 29 de junio de 2022, y … las adhesiones, y de la aplicación de sus principios ahondando en los beneficios de la cooperación: (a) aumentar de la … del trigésimo aniversario del Convenio del Agua 16. Echando la vista atrás: 30 años de experiencias en la …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2020 - National Reply - Azerbaijan

… (НЕОБРАБОТАННЫЕ ЛЕСОМАТЕРИАЛЫ) 1000 м3бк 0 0 Solid Wood Demand agglomerate production 0 0 missing data 2.4 1.1 … 1.2.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк Availability Solid Wood Demand missing data missing data missing data 1.2.1.NC … 5.35 Does not include the use of any of the wood fiber to generate the heat to make (add about 30% if inputted wood …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2020 - National Reply - Armenia

… (НЕОБРАБОТАННЫЕ ЛЕСОМАТЕРИАЛЫ) 1000 м3бк 0 0 Solid Wood Demand agglomerate production 0 0 missing data 2.4 1.1 … 1.2.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк Availability Solid Wood Demand missing data missing data missing data 1.2.1.NC … 5.35 Does not include the use of any of the wood fiber to generate the heat to make (add about 30% if inputted wood …

Working Group on Implementation

… Ms. Reelika Kuusik (Estonia) Ms. Nicolette Bouman (Netherlands) Mr. Vitalii Mutaf (Republic of Moldova) Ms. Anna … Helena Fridh (Sweden), Chair Mr. Raphaël Gonzalez (Switzerland), Vice-Chair The Working Group subsequently elected Ms. … (2000-2001) are available to the competent authorities - and only to them - through a password-protected site, in …

Development of proposals for amending the AETR Agreement, including Article 22bis

… document No.4 English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Road Transport … to the AETR Agreement which build on the proposals of 2016 and subsequent AETR expert discussions as well as regulatory … à la procédure définie dans le présent article. 2. À la demande d'une partie contractante, tout amendement de …

42nd Session

… unit)  DOC    PDF Informal Document No. 24 : (Netherlands): Proposal for a Suppl. to Reg. No. 67, concerning … containers)  DOC    PDF Informal Document No. 23 : (Netherlands): Certification procedures for hybrid vehicle … (French only)  DOC    PDF Informal Document No. 19 : (Poland): Proposal for draft amendments to Reg. No. 103  DOC    …

58th session

… Regulation No. 117 amending proposal by ETRTO  in GRB-58-02 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2013/30 English DOC PDF GRB-58-12 - …

DDP Raw & Roasted Peanut Kernels 2021

… DDP Raw & Roasted Peanut Kernels 2021 French Recommandation pour une période d’essai allant jusqu’à la fin de … 2021 ÉDITION UNITED NATIONS New York et Genève, 2021 Recommandation : Arachides décortiquées crues ou grillées - 2021 … produits secs et séchés, les plants de pomme de terre, la viande, les fleurs coupées, les œufs et les ovoproduits. Tout …

Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Moldova

… pentru a asigura o redresare rezilientă în perioada post-pandemie. În ultimul deceniu, Moldova a depus eforturi … stimulentele din partea cererii și absorbția de cunoștințe generate de comerț, integrarea lanțului valoric și … Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS V), Profil de țară, Moldova, disponibil pe: …

WP.6 32nd session agenda

… : a) Rapport sur le renforcement des capacités ; b) Mandat du Groupe de travail ; c) Programme de travail pour … pour une période de deux ans (2022 à 2024). Les candidats seront officiellement présentés par leur délégation … menées pendant la période considérée ainsi que les grandes orientations pour les mois à venir. Ce rapport est …

3.4_2021_04_21_GCA TWMCA_KYR&TAJ_regional_coop_GIZ

… 4th webinar on “Freshwater Management Indicators and Policies”. Titel der Präsentation22.01.2019Seite 2  …

3.4_2021_04_21_GCA TWMCA_KYR&TAJ_regional_coop_GIZ

… 4th webinar on “Freshwater Management Indicators and Policies”. Titel der Präsentation22.01.2019Seite 2  …

Austria Decision V/9b

… Party concerned enclosing Committee's first progress review and reminding of deadline for second progress report  From … Annex 1 : Environmental information amendment (Burgenland) Annex 2 : Environmental information amendment …

DDP Raw & Roasted Inshel Peanuts 2021

… DDP Raw & Roasted Inshel Peanuts 2021 French Recommandation pour une période d’essai allant jusqu’à la fin de … 2021 ÉDITION UNITED NATIONS New York et Genève, 2021 Recommandation : Arachides en coque crues ou grillées - 2021 NOTE … produits secs et séchés, les plants de pomme de terre, la viande, les fleurs coupées, les œufs et les ovoproduits. Tout …

Review of Implementation 2019 - Protocol

…                                          PDF       Yes Andorra , Andorre, Андорра         No Armenia , Arménie, Армения PDF   …         No Belgium , Belgique, Бельгия         No Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnie-Herzégovine, Босния-Герцеговина PDF …

Review of Implementation 2013 - Protocol

… Party? Albania , Albanie, Албания ENG 23 May 2013 yes Andorra , Andorre, Андорра     no Armenia , Arménie, Армения RUS … Беларусь     no Belgium , Belgique, Бельгия     no Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnie-Herzégovine, Босния-Герцеговина ENG …

Mr. Miroslav Mašić, Ministarstvo saobraćaja i pomorstva, Provjera Bezbjednosti Puteva (RSI)

… Mašić Ministarstvo saobraćaja i pomorstva Road Safety Audit and Road Safety Inspection implementation practices, …