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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 53001 - 53020 of 54001

TIR Carnet Prices in 2023

… 127.88 Belgium FEBETRA 77.56 77.56 118.92 118.92 Bosnia and Herzegovina AIRH 90.00 105.00 Bulgaria AEBTRI 49.03 … 190.39 171.35 190.39 Estonia ERAA 55.84 55.84 80.66 Finland SKAL 114.77 114.77 114.77 114.77 France AFTRI 77.56 … PKCG 105.93 105.93 Morocco AMTRI 114.57 114.57 Netherlands NIWO/TLN 65.79 79.61 88.89 North Macedonia AMERIT 51.81 …


… (133Kb)   ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2006/32 - (Austria, Germany and Spain) Proposals of amendments to RID/ADR/ADN - … - QUESTIONS DIVERSES - Projet MITRA (Monitoring and Intervention for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods) … - Application télématique pour les transports de marchandises dangereuses- Note du Président   English DOC (189Kb) …

Data Expert Group (DEG)

… No. 16-DEG-07 - Report of a meeting between Germany, JASIC and IMMA/ISO English only DOC (31 KB) PDF (33 KB) No. … PDF (16 KB) Annex ZIP (290 KB) - - - - No. 10-DEG-07 - Standardised reporting sheet to be circulated English only XLS …

Annex 4: CCDRN’s response 08.04.2021 - PRE/ACCC/C/2021/186 (Portugal)

… is still in progress, in the preliminary investigation and assessment phase of the Environmental Impact Study … Pedido de informação ambiental "Mina do Barroso" Reportando-nos ao pedido formulado por V. Ex.ª, cumpre esclarecer: … o acesso aos documentos que esta CCDR possui – salientando-se a este propósito que apenas a APA, pelos motivos …

Handbook “Documents regulating international rail passenger transportation”

… Handbook “Documents regulating international rail passenger … No. 3 (2021) Russian Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Rail Transport … железнодорожных билетов 6 31. UIC 108-1 МСЖД 108-1 Computer generation and exchange of tariff information of TCV and OWT …

S2.8 Uladimir Padalitsa - Using UNCEFACT for development of electronic services in digital corridors

… Po rt C o m m u n it y Sy st em Trip 1: sea Trip 2: inland water Trip 3: rail Trip 4: road Skipper, driver Ship … 2 Бесшовная мультимодальная цепочка поставок Export and import declarations, transit documents In fo rm at io n … по электронной логистике и ЦТК IFTMIN Data in EDIFACT standart … … NAD+CZ+Х:Type++ NAME:NAME:NAME: NAME:NAME:LNG+AD+ …

Interprefy user guide FR

… prêts à utiliser la plate-forme Interprefy! 1. Pour demander la parole, demandez l’autorisation de parler en levant la main 2. Ne vous … ‘ALL Speakers’). Au moment où vous lèverez la main, la demande sera visible sur la liste du Président coordinateur. 3. …


…   Russian PDF (564 KB)     ECE/TRANS/SC.1/2006/4 - (Netherlands) Proposed amendments to Annex II to the AGR English PDF … - (Editorial Committee from UNIDROIT and UNCITRAL) Protocol additional to the CMR English PDF (51 …

12th session

… Maritime Register of Shipping) Rules for the Classification and Construction of Inland Navigation Ships (for the Danube) English ---- PDF (591 …

Руководство ЕМЕП по инвентаризации

… Руководства 6 7 Структура Руководства 1.A.2.a — Iron and steel 1.A.2.b — Non-ferrous metals 1.A.2.c — Chemicals 1.A.2.d — Pulp, paper and print 1.A.2.e — Food processing, beverages and tobacco 1.A.2.f — Non metallic minerals 1.A.2.g.viii - …

Руководство ЕМЕП по инвентаризации

… Руководства 6 7 Структура Руководства 1.A.2.a — Iron and steel 1.A.2.b — Non-ferrous metals 1.A.2.c — Chemicals 1.A.2.d — Pulp, paper and print 1.A.2.e — Food processing, beverages and tobacco 1.A.2.f — Non metallic minerals 1.A.2.g.viii - …

UN Regulation No. 145 Amendment 2

… United Nations Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals …

5th session

… to Regulation No. 48 on the installation of lighting and light signalling devices (with regard to Adaptive …

Протокол по проблемам воды и здоровья, Александр Белокуров, сотрудник по вопросам окружающей среды ЕЭК ООН

… #ProtocolWaterHealth Water Convention & Protocol on Water and Health … Протокол по проблемам воды и здоровья, …

Twenty-five Years of International Cooperation on the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

… United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Environment and Human Settlements Division Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Phone: (+ 41 22) 917 23 54 or 917 12 34 Fax: (+ 41 22) … Story anada and the United States recognized over a generation ago that solving long-range transport of air …

Making Data Meaningful Part 2

… UNITED NATIONS Geneva, 2009 NOTE The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do … changing. There are also distinct differences between generations, in their technical abilities and understanding … statistics 20 GOOD EXAMPLE of a stacked bar chart Gender split of teachers in Ireland, 2005-2006 85 62 38 15 …

United Nations Framework Classification for Resources Update 2019 (ECE ENERGY SERIES No. 61) - In Slovenian: Okvirna klasifikacija virov Združenih narodov Posodobitev za leto 2019

… Committee for Mineral Reserves Internatonal Reporting Standards (Odbor za mednarodne standarde za poročanje zalog mineralnih surovin) European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (Evropsko združenje geo-znanstvenikov in …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2020 - National Reply - Ukraine

… ЛЕСОМАТЕРИАЛЫ) 1000 м3бк 0 ERROR:#VALUE! Solid Wood Demand agglomerate production 519 missing data missing data 2.4 … 1.2.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк Availability Solid Wood Demand missing data missing data missing data 1.2.1.NC … 5.35 Does not include the use of any of the wood fiber to generate the heat to make (add about 30% if inputted wood …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2020 - National Reply - Ukraine

… ЛЕСОМАТЕРИАЛЫ) 1000 м3бк 0 ERROR:#VALUE! Solid Wood Demand agglomerate production 519 missing data missing data 2.4 … 1.2.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк Availability Solid Wood Demand missing data missing data missing data 1.2.1.NC … 5.35 Does not include the use of any of the wood fiber to generate the heat to make (add about 30% if inputted wood …

Requirements for designated Technical Services

… English Resolving interpretation issues and requirements for the technical services in the framework … 1958 Agreement The credibility of the type approval system and the Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement relies upon the transparent application of harmonized standards and the integrity of the Contracting Parties and