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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 521 - 540 of 53961

Seminar for Nordic and Baltic countries "Drinking water and sanitation in a Nordic and Baltic perspective –common challenges and collaboration"

… A seminar for Nordic and Baltic countries "Drinking water and sanitation in a Nordic and Baltic perspective –common challenges and collaboration" …

Draft assessment of land and soil and chemicals and waste in the pan-European region (UNECE)

… Draft assessment of land and soil and chemicals and waste in the pan-European … information about SOC is obtained from local soil surveys undertaken by different national or regional …

Portuguese example: Water Recovery Facility - A New Generation of Water, Águas do Tejo Atlântico

… Portuguese example: Water Recovery Facility - A New Generation of Water, Águas do Tejo Atlântico English … A New Generation of Water “Increasing resilience of water and sanitation sectors to climate change in the …

UNRMS: Principles and Requirements

… UNRMS: Principles and Requirements ECE/ENERGY/GE.3/2022/6 English … development support (f) Education and training (g) Ensuring gender equality and diversity (h) Managing the traditional … of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development …

Appendix B: Implementation and Investment Plan for the Irrigation and Rural Water Supply Sub Sector

… of Tajikistan’s water resources, based on decentralization and outsourcing services in a transitional process towards a … between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the civil society at large. The proposed reforms are based on generally accepted guiding principles for IWRM and aim at managing and developing water resources in a …

Additional meetings and activities of the month

… RIO Olympic Games On 4 and 5 August, at the RIO Olympic Games, the Special Envoy … with Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary-General, Mr. Filippo Grandi, High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. François Hollande, President of France and Ms. Michaëlle Jean, …

Presentation - Progress in producing and using environmental statistics and indicators - Bosnia and Herzegovina

… Presentation - Progress in producing and using environmental statistics and indicators - Bosnia … the reporting of the JQ Inland water Questionnaire, a new survey is planned in the BHAS Statistical Survey Plan 2022 …

Bosnia and Herzegovina ADR certificates and description

… Bosnia and Herzegovina ADR certificates and description English Bosnia and Herzegovina Models of ADR driver training certificates …

Meeting with Mr. Laurent Dartoux, European CEO, and Taka Horio, General Manager, Bridgestone

… Special Envoy met with Mr. Laurent Dartoux, European CEO, and Taka Horio, General Manager at Bridgestone to witness … Fund . … Meeting with Mr. Laurent Dartoux, European CEO, and Taka Horio, General Manager, Bridgestone …

New UNECE policy brief presents strategies to improve the mental health of older persons 

… In many countries in Europe, North America and Central Asia, more than one in four older persons is … related stigma, which is more prevalent among older generations, as well as ageism create additional barriers to … in the region. The brief highlights striking differences by gender, age, and level of education. Depression rates are …

Sustainable and Healthy Urban Transport and Planning

… Report on the workshop prepared by the UNECE and the WHO/Europe secretariats: ECE/AC.21/2004/4 ENG FRE RUS … Sustainable and Healthy Urban Transport and Planning …

Leon Dhaene, Secretary-General, International Scheldt Commission: Warning- and Alert System of the Scheldt and recent pollutions

… International Scheldt Commission: Warning- and Alert System of the Scheldt and recent pollutions English Challenge 3: Innovative … water pollution events Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents Seminar on emerging risks in …

Item 8 (RSF and Laser Europe)

… Item 8 (RSF and Laser Europe) English Global Forum for Road Traffic … of the Global Road Safety Film Festival "For a smart and safe mobility“  An organization of The Foundation Laser … awareness of road safety issues, particularly for young generations  Advocacy for global, national and private …

Greening the “Belt and Road” and other major infrastructure development plans and projects in Central and Eastern Asia

… Greening the “Belt and Road” and other major infrastructure development plans and projects in Central and Eastern Asia English Greening …

Documents and materials

… Conference documents and materials Documents and materials for the Conference are being posted on this … provide the necessary technical equipment (electric sockets and WiFi Internet connection) to enable the use of laptops …

UNECE cooperates with Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development to strengthen implementation of Rio+20 outcomes in Central Asia

… The expert meeting, “Outcomes of Rio+20: challenges and opportunities for the Interstate Commission on … the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Scientific and Information Center of the Interstate … sustainable future for our planet and for future generations”. The document places the green economy in the …

Valuing Europe’s Forests and Paying for Ecosystem Services Can Benefit Rural Communities and Contribute to a Green Economy

… United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released a joint report … land and water resources, restoring land production while generating necessary financing from the carbon credits. …

Global and Regional Forest-related Processes and Initiatives

… Global and Regional Forest-related Processes and Initiatives Item … the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Gender Plan of Action: 9 to 10 November 2023 (Geneva, …

Reuse, repair and repurposing of lithium-ion cells and batteries and implications on safety and UN 38.3 testing requirements (PRBA)

… Reuse, repair and repurposing of lithium-ion cells and batteries and implications on safety and UN 38.3 testing requirements …

Issue-based Coalitions and groups

… Issue-based Coalitions for the Europe and Central Asia region   Issue‐based Coalitions act as … Issue-based Coalition on Health Issue-based Coalition on Gender Equality Issue-based Coalition on Youth and