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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 461 - 480 of 53961

Modernisation Committee on Production and Methods - Rune Gløersen and Marton Vucsan

… Modernisation Committee on Production and Methods - Rune Gløersen and Marton Vucsan Modernisation Committee on Production and Methods English MC on Production and Methods Rune Vucsan …

UN system in Europe and Central Asia strengthens coordination and support to country teams on ‎environment and climate change ‎

… UNECE, UNEP and UNESCO, as co-leads, together with 15 other UN agencies, funds and programmes active in Europe and Central Asia, have joined forces to address …

UN/CEFACT and the SDGs

… out by the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) can provide an important … the achievement of the SDGs. UN/CEFACT recommendations, standards and tools make it simpler, faster and cheaper to trade …

UNFC Generic Specifications, Bridging, and Guidance Documents, Harikrishnan Tulsidas

… UNFC Generic Specifications, Bridging, and Guidance Documents, Harikrishnan Tulsidas English 104 UNFC Generic Specifications, Bridging, and Guidance Documents TRAINING ON UNFC AND ITS APPLICATIONS … instructions and guidelines on how to classify estimates generated by application of that system using the UNFC …

Draft Chapter 4 - Dimensions and indicators

… Draft Chapter 4 - Dimensions and indicators English UNECE Guidelines for Measuring … at the effects of present-day choices on current and future generations (‘later’), within a nation or region (‘here’) … are actually disaggregation indicators, for example the gender pay gap or the share of women in parliament. Common …

UNFC and Commercial Applications

… for Resources (UNFC) is constructed to classify projects and the resource quantities associated with them. It was … to serve the following principal applications:  Energy and mineral studies Resource management functions Corporate business processes Financial reporting standards UNFC is now a classification system for extractive …

Blocking and bracing material and arrangements (updated)

… Blocking and bracing material and arrangements (updated) … Commission for Europe Working Party on Intermodal Transport and Logistics Geneva and virtual, 12-13 July 2022 Blocking and bracing material …

Reference Guide on Code Lists and Identifiers in the Textile and Leather Value Chains

… Reference Guide on Code Lists and Identifiers in the Textile and Leather Value Chains ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2022/INF.1 Codes … 18 4.13 GENDER … name Representation of human sexes2 Product consumer gender ISO 26000, sustainability standards Sustainability …

Freshwater Management Indicators and Policies

… Introduction: Clean drinking water and sanitation are vital elements for human well-being and … . Good Practices Armenia and Georgia Objective of the survey in autumn 2020 was a more substantial cooperation of … needs in order to support human wellbeing and stability for generations to come. Sufficient, most recent, reliable and

11th International Seminar on Trade and Transport Facilitation

… 11th International Seminar on Trade and Transport Facilitation The seminar will build on the ten … results of the two previous seminars on trade facilitation and multimodal data exchange, covering trade, transport and logistics in the region: the Black Sea - Baltic Sea …

Water Convention and partners support efforts to mobilize public and private capital for cross-border water management

… Cooperation and management of transboundary waters, which span over 45% of the world's surface and serve as vital resources for nearly half of the global … where OKACOM is setting up the CORB fund ; or how revenues generated by energy production from shared hydropower …

Ethics management, leadership and performance

… Ethics management, leadership and performance i. Organisation, Culture & Ethics Fabrizio … questionnaire and expressed interest in the subject. 1° survey: 60% resp. 2° survey: 78% resp. 3° survey: 72% resp. …

(Belgium, Netherlands and CCNR) - Degassing and berthing

… (Belgium, Netherlands and CCNR) - Degassing and berthing ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2023/43 English … United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2023/43 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 8 June 2023 Original: …

Production and transportation of water coal suspension using gravity forces to generate electric energy and disposal of greenhouse gases from the Dushanbe 2 HPP, by Mr. Sobirjon Usmanov, Association of Power Engineers of Tajikistan

… Production and transportation of water coal suspension using gravity forces to generate electric energy and disposal of greenhouse gases … of water-coal slurry using gravity forces for electricity generation and greenhouse gas burial from HPP Dushanbe-2 …

2022 SPECA Economic Forum "Greener and Safer Future"

… Context Impressive economic and social development of the SPECA participating countries … poverty. Rapid resource-driven economic growth, has been generating dangerous levels of pollution, accelerating … supply remains low. The progress towards achieving on gender equality is slow and uneven across SPECA …

Press releases and interviews

… transboundary water cooperation Republic of Moldova and Ukraine sign Treaty on sustainable management of … the UNECE Water Convention, Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea of Italy UN Water interview with Mr. Dejan Komatina, …

Statement by Justice and Environment on compliance issues in general (item 3 (b) (i))

… Statement by Justice and Environment on compliance issues in general (item 3 (b) (i)) English Association Justice and Environment, z.s. European Network of Environmental Law … in the room, by us CSOs, but also by the youth, by future generations, as they are those who will be the parties most …

Workshop on information and public participation in water and health related issues

… The workshop on information and public participation in water and health related issues was held on 15-16 June 2010 in … under the framework of the UNECE/WHO-EURO Protocol on Water and Health. It was jointly organized by the Ministry of …

Presenting the 2021 global status of water and sanitation

… Participants will have an opportunity to discuss results and lessons learned with UN custodian agencies and their implications for policymaking and acceleration … of the Initiative was on working with Member States to generate, compile and analyse data for SDG 6 and all its …

Supply and Use Tables and Input Output Tables, SUT Principles and Guidelines (UK)

… Supply and Use Tables and Input Output Tables, SUT Principles and … accounts by industry and by institutional sector. • Generation of income accounts by industry and by … impact on business registers, administrative data, business surveys and statistics, NA, BoP, labour, regional, …