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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 2701 - 2720 of 53985

Revision 8.1 Annexes V and VI

… Revision 8.1 Annexes V and VI CEFACT/ICG/2010/IC010/Rev.1 English rec21_Rev8_1e_2010.xls Annex V and VI CODED REPRESENTATIONS OF PACKAGE TYPE NAMES USED IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE, Revision 8, Annex V and Annex VI (UN/ECE CEFACT Trade Facilitation …

Presentation of the study “Digital transformation and land administration – Sustainable practices from the UNECE region and beyond”

… Presentation of the study “Digital transformation and land administration – Sustainable practices from the … founded on July 18 1878 in Paris represents the interest of surveyors worldwide provides an international forum for … groups - Help to demonstrate progress toward equality… Gender disaggregated property ownership information supports …

Training materials on housing and urban development

… materials listed below are organized by the UNECE Housing and Land Management Unit in cooperation with the Geneva UN Charter Centres of Excellence and UNECE partner organizations. They can be organized at …

Time to rethink the way we work and travel

… aside in a makeshift home office. After weeks of lockdown and confinement, the priority now is to relaunch the … economies. Given the uncertainty around how long the pandemic will last, it could be far worse. Entire sectors of … has already laid bare in all areas including in relation to gender. Believed impossible until we had no other choice, …

UNECE Brand management and crisis communication_final.pdf

… UNECE Brand management and crisis communication_final.pdf English … Applications, Templates Sting/audio Definition Assess Surveys Environ ment Vision Values Mission Corporate …

Informal document no. 1 - Report on the "Workshop on Safe and Healthy Walking and Cycling in Urban Areas"

… Informal document no. 1 - Report on the "Workshop on Safe and Healthy Walking and Cycling in Urban Areas" English 1 Informal document no. … 1 16 October 2009 HIGH-LEVEL MEETING ON TRANSPORT, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Steering Committee on the Transport, Health …

CIS region expected to see tentative recovery in 2017 and 2018 as global economy slightly improves: UN report

… growth will still be muted given persistent uncertainty and continued fragilities Following the terms-of-trade shock and economic downturn of 2014-2015, the Commonwealth of … pressures in parts of the region, have continued to generate a challenging growth environment. The region’s …

Concept Note and Programme

… Concept Note and Programme Russian Ежегодное совещание Рабочая группа по … проблемам семьи, женщин и детей, Азербайджан … Concept Note and Programme …

Implementation of Human Settlements Policies on Urban and Housing Modernization: Vienna Case Study

… Housing policies and urban development cannot be considered in isolation from the social environment and in particular, the general features of the country concerned. This holds especially for Austria, and even more so for its capital, Vienna, which has a number …

Hazard identification numbers 78 and 87 (OTIF)

… Hazard identification numbers 78 and 87 (OTIF) ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2023/25 English … United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2023/25 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 16 June 2023 Original: English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on the Transport of …

Project objectives, planned activities and expected outcomes and impacts, Ms. Nataliya Nikiforova, Protocol on Water and Health, and Ms. Claudia Kamke, Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, UNECE (online)

… Project objectives, planned activities and expected outcomes and impacts, Ms. Nataliya Nikiforova, Protocol on Water and Health, and Ms. Claudia Kamke, Convention on the …

Project objectives, planned activities and expected outcomes and impacts, Ms. Nataliya Nikiforova, Protocol on Water and Health, and Ms. Claudia Kamke, Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, UNECE (online)

… Project objectives, planned activities and expected outcomes and impacts, Ms. Nataliya Nikiforova, Protocol on Water and Health, and Ms. Claudia Kamke, Convention on the …

Work Session on population and housing censuses

… the May 2003 Joint ECE-Eurostat Work Session on Population and Housing Censuses PDF   EMAIL 11 Jun.03    INF.1  … EMAIL 11 Jun.03    WP.8  The role of the American Community Survey in re-engineering United States Census of Population …

Frank Ibrecht -Information and Communication Technologies and Road Safety UNECE side event on Intelligent Transport Systems

… Frank Ibrecht -Information and Communication Technologies and Road Safety UNECE side event on Intelligent Transport … English Abteilung Straßenverkehr, Referat LA 20 Information and Communication Technologies and Road Safety UNECE side …

Communicating and Disseminating Macroeconomic Statistics, SNA update supporting editor

… Communicating and Disseminating Macroeconomic Statistics, SNA update …  Evidence base gathered and tested through using YouGov Survey in the UK in February 2020 (1,665 people) and in …

Presentation, Jakob Dirksen, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI)

… Presentation, Jakob Dirksen, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) -- B.02/PRES … Estimates, including Projections for time point closest to surveys and 2030 *incl. Switzerland, Türkiye, & UK Methods ❑ …

Presentation - 7th pan-European Environmental Assessment - Chemicals and waste

… - 7th pan-European Environmental Assessment - Chemicals and waste English 7th pan-European Environmental Assessment … 3  Despite commitments to foster waste prevention, waste generation is growing across the region and all subregions. … Union, where advanced schemes are in place, < 45% of the generated e-waste volume was collected for recovery in 2017 …

Road traffic: Urban challenges and perspectives - (Lithuania )

… Road traffic: Urban challenges and perspectives - (Lithuania ) Informal document No. … (March 2022) English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety … provisional agenda Contribution to Agenda 2030 – Goals 3 and 11, Targets 3.6 and 11.2 Road Traffic: Urban challenges …

Towards age-friendly sustainable cities and communities

… Development “Towards age-friendly sustainable cities and communities” was co-organized by UNECE and WHO in collaboration with the UNECE Standing Working Group on Ageing and the WHO Global Network …

Environmental Performance Review of Romania shows waste management and wastewater treatment remain top priorities

… Access to clean water and improved sanitation and waste management remain some of … to double by 2020 to reach 15 billion m3, according to a survey by the National Institute of Hydrology and Water … has led to significant changes in industrial waste generation. The generation of non-hazardous waste from …