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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 2021 - 2040 of 53975

Revision of GHS Annex 9 (section 9.7) and Annex 10 to align them with the criteria in Chapter 4.1 and the generic environmental hazard guidance (ICMM)

… Revision of GHS Annex 9 (section 9.7) and Annex 10 to align them with the criteria in Chapter 4.1 … it is highly recommended that solubility data be generated using the Transformation/Dissolution (T/D) …

Mainstreaming Gender into Economic Policies: Trends and Challenges for Central Asian and Caucasian Countries-2009

… This paper presents gender disparities and related challenges constraining economic development and growth within Central Asian and Caucasian countries. It …

Prevention, mitigation and control of the environmental impact of transboundary activities, projects, programmes and plans

… Prevention, mitigation and control of the environmental impact of transboundary activities, projects, programmes and plans English Application of transboundary EIA/SEA in the context of the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols Environmental Impact of Transboundary …

Economic Cooperation and Trade Division Brochure

… UNECE Economic Cooperation and Trade Division Economic Cooperation and Trade Division … Circular Economy and Digital Transformations 6 Supporting gender equality, including with the help of standards … rate of less than 30 per cent (UNECE Regional TF Survey). ECTD and SDGs 5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective …

Item-4c. F. Aguilar. Wood Energy: Update on current trends and developments on wood energy policies and market trends

… Item-4c. F. Aguilar. Wood Energy: Update on current trends and developments on wood energy policies and market trends … 2024 foresees no changes in domestic woody biomass used to generate power in the electricity, industrial and commercial … after wildfires is another assortment used for energy generation. • In Sweden, where an estimated 5 million m3 of …

Policies, Procedures and Terms of Reference

… Title and Symbol Description Consolidated UN/CEFACT mandate and terms of reference ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2017/15 …

San Marino Declaration Revised and Adopted

… San Marino Declaration Revised and Adopted English DRAFT DESICIONS Agenda Item 4. Panel on urban planning for climate-neutral and circular homes and cities Proposed draft Decision: The … and Agriculture Organization, International Federation of Surveyors, and ECE Accelerated digitization and the future …

Approaches in measuring subjective poverty in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Edin Sabanovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

… Approaches in measuring subjective poverty in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Edin Sabanovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina … countries. These indicators are produced on the basis of survey questions which are not directly related to poverty, …

Informal subregional consultation of countries in North and Central Asia on the Fourth Review and Appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing: check-in and coordination between ESCAP and ECE

… Online meeting - By invitation only For meeting documents and other details please consult the ESCAP meeting website … vents/2021/informal-subregional-consultation-countries-north-and-central-asia-fourth-review-and     … Informal subregional consultation of countries in …

Enhancing the global architecture supporting economic and financial statistics: a post Covid-19 perspective (BIS and SARB)

… Enhancing the global architecture supporting economic and financial statistics: a post Covid-19 perspective (BIS … of the discontinuation of normal statistical exercises like surveys or face-to-face interviews, esp. due to social …


… ; … …

Planning of official publications and promotional materials for 2023 of the housing and land management component of the Housing, Land Management and Population subprogramme

… Planning of official publications and promotional materials for 2023 of the housing and land management component of the Housing, Land Management and

Transport and Logistics Domain Meeting Presentation by Sue Probert, Hanane Becha, and David Roff

… Transport and Logistics Domain Meeting Presentation by Sue Probert, Hanane Becha, and David Roff English Sue Probert, UN/CEFACT Chair Hanane … 40th UN/CEFACT Forum Thursday, 11th May 2023 Transport and Logistics Domain What does UN/CEFACT has to offer? • …

Transport, Health and Environment: Trends and developments in the UNECE-WHO European Region (1997-2007)

… This report reviews developments and progress in transport, health and environment since 1997. While transportation is an integral part of economic and social development and is essential to the functioning …

National Focal points of the Protocol on Water and Health

… Ms. Zhaneta Miska Sanitary Engineer Public Health and Primar Care Sector Bulevardi Barjam Curri Nr. 1 Tirana … +355 423 646 22 E-mail: [email protected]   ANDORRA Ms. Celia Vendrell Health and Welfare Ministry Av. Princep Benlloch,nm.30, 4t Andorra …

International migration and cross-border mobility

… paper by Mexico In-depth review of international migration and cross-border mobility (full version) The Bureau of the … carried out an in-depth review of international migration and cross-border mobility in October 2019. The document … the activities of international organizations in this area and presents practices from selected countries: Mexico, …

Targets and target dates to achieve sustainable water management, safe drinking water supply and adequate sanitation according to the Protocol on Water and Health

… Targets and target dates to achieve sustainable water management, safe drinking water supply and adequate sanitation according to the Protocol on Water and Health The project proposal was adopted at the second …

Ms. Esma Dilek, Directorate General of Communications, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Türkiye

… General of Communications, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Türkiye 5 September –Agenda item 8 (a) – … ELECTROMOBILITY IN TÜRKİYE Esma DİLEK Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Türkiye Deputy Director General of … PRESENTATION OUTLINE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AND ELECTROMOBILITY IN TÜRKİYE 2 Presenter Notes …

UNECE and Eurasian Economic Commission recommend next steps in trade facilitation and the Single Window in the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia

… The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE and the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) organized a second joint Conference on Trade Facilitation and the Single Window on 23-24 April, in Moscow. The … move the country to among the first 20.  Trade facilitation and the Single Window for export and import clearance can …

Rethinking sustainable urban transport and mobility

… The policy segment opening the 77th session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC), which will be held from 24 to … be dedicated to “Rethinking sustainable urban transport and mobility to meet the challenges of a new era”.   … Union 80 per cent of the citizens live in urban areas and 40 per cent live in large urban areas of over 200,000 …