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Displaying Results 354101 - 354120 of 354121

Opening remarks for the 43rd session of the Executive Body to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

… Opening remarks for the 43rd session of the Executive Body to the Convention on Long-range … has cost and is costing thousands of lives, destroying and damaging the futures of so many. The Executive Body, at its …

IPO flyer

… Objective The Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook (IPO) is a UNECE flagship publication, which guides member States in assessing, reforming and …

Remarks at Les Rencontres Economiques - session “Another growth model is possible”

… Europe Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41 (0)22 917 6072 Email: [email protected] 1 PLEASE CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Remarks by Ms. Tatiana Molcean United … investment aimed at reducing carbon emissions or avoiding damages associated with climate change rather than …

(Allemagne) - de l'ADN : Forme et contenu du certificat d'agrément - indications exhaustives

… : Forme et contenu du certificat d'agrément - indications exhaustives ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2024/5 English … des ADN entsprechen. 4. Diese Feststellung erklärt sich damit, dass Absatz über Form und Inhalt des … des ADN entsprechen. 4. Diese Feststellung erklärt sich damit, dass Absatz über Form und Inhalt des …

3-4 September 2012 Remarks of the Executive Secretary at the 20th Anniversary event of the Water Convention (Helsinki, Finland

… Nations Under-Secretary-General Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe at The 20th Anniversary event of the Water Convention 3-4 … In the future, partnerships will become even more fundamental. It is therefore key that more and more partners …

SDG Snapshot Report 2019

… 0 Snapshot Report: SDGs in the UNECE region SDG Snapshot Report 1 SDG 4: Quality … SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth………………………………..………………..9 SDG 10: Reduced …

Policy Brief: Improving sustainable development in the Syr Darya River Basin through a transboundary nexus approach

… A transboundary nexus approach to as- sist in enabling cross-sectoral and cross- country interventions is needed to address current challenges in the Syr Darya River Basin. In the Soviet era, basin resources …

La Convention sur l'eau : 30 ans d'effets positifs et de réalisations sur le terrain

… des lacs internationaux (Convention sur l’eau), adoptée à Helsinki en 1992. Au cours des trois dernières décennies, la … dans la pratique. Elle permet au lecteur de mieux appréhender les répercussions sociales, économiques et … les bassins transfrontières, sont autant d’objectifs fondamentaux à cet égard. La Convention contribue à faire en …

Instructions relatives aux Règles types pour l’identification permanente du matériel roulant ferroviaire

… G ui da nc e N ot es o n th e M od el R ul es o n th e Pe rm an en t Id en ti fic at … 405 East 42nd Street, S–09FW001 New York, NY 10017 United States of America Email: [email protected] website: … le cas lorsque les voitures ne peuvent pas circuler indépendamment car elles sont reliées à un bogie commun (comme dans …

Clearing the Air Issue no.3

… 2005 Albania lodged its instrument of ratification with the United Nations Depositary in New York. Following the required period of 30 days Albania will become the 50th

Report of the Implementation Committee on its 16th meeting

… Report of the Implementation Committee on its 16th meeting … the Murras and Dobrinje small hydropower plants involve no dams, but only weirs, the Committee had several questions …

Report of the Regional Forum 2017

… CEE lors que sa première session Table de matières Paragraphes Page I. Participation………………………………………………………………………. 1–6 2 … nécessite un cadre institutionnel clair, où le caractère fondamental du rôle et de la contribution du parlement est … prioritaires a été dégagé; il devrait subsister indépendamment des changements gouvernementaux. En revanche, les …

UN Regulation No. 118. Rev.3

… E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.117/Rev.3 English E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.117/Rev.3 … 6 February 2023 Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Harmonized Technical United Nations Regulations for Wheeled …

UN Regulation No. 118 - Rev.2

… E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.117/Rev.2 English E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.117/Rev.2 … 21 June 2019 Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Harmonized Technical United Nations Regulations for Wheeled …

Standards for Disaster Risk Reduction: ECE/TRADE/424

… documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to … of liability following a disaster and reduce the risk of damage to the reputation of a company. In practice, a number … the consequences could be economic loss, ecological damage or deterioration of public health. Afterwards, the …

(FuelsEurope) Opening of openings and the dosing of extra additives

… (FuelsEurope) Opening of openings and the dosing of extra additives INF.32 English INF.32 INF.32 … auf bereits überlasteten Wasserstraßen in Hafengebieten und damit ein zusätzliches, vermeidbares Risiko im Vergleich zur … auf bereits überlasteten Wasserstraßen in Hafengebieten und damit ein zusätzliches, vermeidbares Risiko im Vergleich zur …

(EBU and ESO) - Alternative propulsion systems/fuels in inland navigation: identifying necessary adjustments in the ADN

… in inland navigation: identifying necessary adjustments in the ADN ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2023/9 English … qu’un même niveau de sécurité devrait être maintenu indépendamment de la nature des marchandises transportées et du … qu’un même niveau de sécurité devrait être maintenu indépendamment de la nature des marchandises transportées et du …

(Netherlands) - Request for a recommendation on the use of methanol as fuel for the propulsion of the tank vessel “Stolt Ijssel”

… (Netherlands) - Request for a recommendation on the use of … at least contain the following information: Failure and damage of the methanol fuel system; Leakage; Bunkering … at least contain the following information: • Failure and damage of the methanol fuel system; • Leakage; • Bunkering …

List of documents by agenda item and annotations for the forty-first session

… List of documents by agenda item and annotations for the forty-first session ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/83/Add.1 English … der UN-ECE ihre Musterbescheinigungen zu übermitteln, damit das Sekretariat sie auf der Website einstellen kann. … der UN- ECE ihre Musterbescheinigungen zu übermitteln, damit das Sekretariat sie auf der Website einstellen kann. …

(Netherlands) - Request for a recommendation on the use of hydrogen fuel cells for the propulsion of the vessel “Rhenus Mannheim”

… (Netherlands) - Request for a recommendation on the use of … at least contain the following information: Failure and damage of the fuel cell system; Leakage; Bunkering … at least contain the following information: • Failure and damage of the fuel cell system; • Leakage; • Bunkering …