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Mr. Michael Harting - ITS as an efficient tool for governments

… - ITS as an efficient tool for governments English 74th session of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee74th session of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee74th session …

Restrictions of Ownership, Leasing, Transfer and Financing of Land and Real Properties in Europe and North America

… Restrictions of ownership, leasing, transfer and financing of land and real properties in Europe and North America Printed and published on …


… United Nations, Geneva – 1737000 (R) – April 2018 – 9 – ECE/TRANS/261 Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: …

Методология для хвостохранилищ

… Agency Safety of the Tailings Management Facilities in the Danube River Basin Technical Report by: Adam … Sustainability Strategies, Policy and Knowledge Transfer Dr. Sonja Otto Publication as pdf: … Agency, UBA (2018). Raising Knowledge among Students and …

TIR Handbook - Eleventh Revised Edition

… EUROPE TIR HANDBOOK CUSTOMS CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT OF GOODS UNDER COVER OF TIR CARNETS (TIR … his capacity as depositary of the TIR Convention constitutes the authoritative text of the TIR Convention. Therefore, …

Progrès de la coopération dans le domaine des eaux transfrontières situation mondiale de l’indicateur 6.5.2 des ODD et besoins d’accéleration 2021

… Progrès de la coopération dans le domaine des eaux transfrontières SIT UATION MONDIALE DE L’ INDICATEUR 6.5.2 … (voir whymap/EN/Home/whymap_node.html), et par d’autres sources. Cependant, l’exercice …

Export and Import Unit Prices for Forest Products, 1964-2020

… Export and Import Unit Prices for Forest Products, 1964-2020 This file provides a unit price calculation for more than 60 forest products …

Draft sectoral study: Circularity concepts in wood construction

… VERSION UNITED NATIONS Geneva, 2022 Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry Eightieth session Geneva, 2-4 November 2022 … masonry, and reinforced concrete. These things, of course, translate to environmental advantage only if wood is …

- Presentation

… - Presentation English Conference of European Statisticians … data collection in Malta Silvan Zammit Director Data Resources, IT and Methodology Census Deputy - 2 - ▪ Census … Database (MSSQL) Census Office Database (MSSQL) Web Users Transform Transform Stage 1 - Collection Stage 2 – Reporting …

Selected bibliography on the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention)

… bibliography on the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) English Selected bibliography on the …

Purchase Order Financing Request Cancellation - D23B

… Purchase Order Financing Request Cancellation - D23B English UML/ POF Request Cancellation_D23B.html POF Request … Document/Group_ Identification. Identifier BBIE Grouped Transaction Specified Quantity The number of grouped …

Mr. Shomik Raj Mehndiratta, Practice Manager for Transport in Europe and Central Asia, World Bank Group

… Mr. Shomik Raj Mehndiratta, Practice Manager for Transport in Europe and Central Asia, World Bank Group 25 … Asia Region The World Bank 1. Transport Sector Objectives and the Role of Development Corridors 2. Approach to … Asia 4. Case Study: The Middle Corridor 5. Case Study: Western Balkans Trade and Facilitation Project Agenda World …

Road Map on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals - Second Edition

… Statistics for Sustainab le D evelop m ent G oals Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: … Nations, Geneva – 2118107 (E) – January 2022 – 708 – ECE/CES/STAT/2021/5 ISBN 978-92-1-117280-5 Co nf er en ce o f E … with you. The Road Map team 1 The global commitment to transforming our world requires a global commitment to …

Poland ERoad Census 2020 - Report

… General Traffic Census 2020/21 including collection, processing and presentation of the results - Stage X Heller … accordance with the UNECE requirements established in the TRANS/WP.6/2019/11 document1. The summary encompasses the …

Progress on Transboundary Water Cooperation: global status of SDG indicator 6.5.2 and acceleration needs, 2021

… 3.0 IGO, CC BY-SA) ( Используя содержание данной публикации, … который несет издатель». Оригинальное название: Progress on Transboundary Water Cooperation Global status of SDG … по адресу:, и другими источниками. Однако мониторинг дает …

eTIR and NCTS Data mapping analysis report v.1.00

… report Document History Version Date Author Status Description 0.10 02/12/2020 CUSTDEV3 SfR Implementing the mapping of: eTIR I15 to NCTS IE015 presented in sheet "From I15 to IE015", NCTS IE029 to eTIR I7 … moved in the following sheets: 1. Table “Assumptions” was transferred to "Coversheet" sheet 2. Table “Open issues” was …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Kazakhstan

… for Europe Environmental Performance Review Programme assesses progress made by individual countries in reconciling … policies such as those in agriculture, energy, transport and health. Through the peer review process, the …

Access to Environment-related Product information: Implementation Outlook

… Access to Environment-related Product information: … English AC/TF.AI-8/Inf.2 1 Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Access to Information, Public … the quantity of greenhouse gases emitted by the mode(s) of transport used. Parties from the South-Eastern Europe also …

In-Depth Analysis of Coal Demand Dynamics in Tajikistan until 2050

… until 2050 GENEVA, 2022 3 The information, methodologies, data and opinions contained or reflected herein are based on information made available by third parties, subject to continuous change and therefore are not … of the UNECE Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition and with support of Oleg Dzioubinski, Regional …

Energy Transition and the Post-Covid-19 Socioeconomic Recovery: Role of Women and Impact on Them-REPORT

… Energy Transition and the Post-Covid-19 Socioeconomic Recovery: … The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations or its …