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Модельные правила по постоянной идентификации железнодорожного подвижного состава

… M od el R ul es o n th e Pe rm an en t I de nt ifi ca ti on of R ai lw ay … Nations, Geneva – 2304934 (E) – June 2023 – 208 – ECE/TRANS/337 The Model Rules facilitate the financing and …

Estimation of regional gross domestic product for South Africa: experimental estimates

Estimation of regional gross domestic product for South Africa: experimental estimates … for Q3: 2020GDP production: Growth figures for Q4: 2020 7. Transport, storage & communication Component Indicator … variable and unit of measurement Source SIC 711: Rail transport Passenger volumes Number of employees PRASA …

Semantics Introduction - Definitions, Importance, Lessons, and Achievements

… Semantics Introduction - Definitions, Importance, Lessons, and Achievements English Sue Probert (Chair) sues[email protected] UN/CEFACT Semantics Definitions, … trade documents • Foundation for International transport conventions e.g. Maritime B/L (ICS), Airwaybill …

Comments on document INF.24 (Poland)

… INF.27 INF.27 INF.4 Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods 111th session Geneva, 9 - 13 May 2022 11 May 2022 Item 6 of the … of ADR Comments on document INF.24 Security features - certificates of approval for vehicles according to …

Consideration of the use of the lithium battery Class 9 hazard label (Model No. 9A) on vehicles powered by lithium batteries (IATA)

… battery Class 9 hazard label (Model No. 9A) on vehicles powered by lithium batteries (IATA) UN/SCETDG/60/INF.9 English UN/SCETDG/60/INF.9 … UN/SCETDG/60/INF.9 Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized …

Lithania 2022

… Lithania 2022 English Working Group on Strategies and Review, Sixtieth session, 11–14 April 2022 Provisional agenda item 5 … air pollution abatement (such as acts/laws on sustainable transport, sustainable agriculture/farming, energy, green …

Assignment of a new UN number to lithium battery powered vehicles (IATA)

… of a new UN number to lithium battery powered vehicles (IATA) UN/SCETDG/61/INF.51 English UN/SCETDG/61/INF.51 … UN/SCETDG/61/INF.51 Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized … of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Sixty-first session Geneva, 28 November - 6 December 2022 Item 3 of the …

- Abstract

… United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland ANNEX I UNITED … 30 November - 2 December 2021 I. ABSTRACT Title SILC express: Infra-annual data collection on living conditions in … indicators according to Eurostat’s methodological and transmission guidelines on infra-annual data collection on …

Ходьба пешком и езда на велосипеде: последние данные в поддержку формирования политики и практики

… на тех же условиях»; Лицензией допускается копирование, … поездок в пределах двух–трех километров. (House of Commons Transport Committee, 2019). В Австрии более 40% поездок на … Наций об изменении климата ( Abel S, Hanzlik M, Kraft K, Heidi S, Cass I, …

Driving forces of informal employment: An empirical study based on Polish enterprise data, Gdansk University of Technology

… Driving forces of informal employment: An empirical study based on … the existing empirical evidence provides a rich strand of possible explanations for informal employment. … in elucidating the extent of the shadow economy in transitional economies. In the next step, I provided a …

Модельные правила по постоянной идентификации железнодорожного подвижного состава (Пересмотр)

… M od el R ul es o n th e Pe rm an en t I de nt ifi ca ti on of R ai lw ay … Nations, Geneva – 2409892 (E) – July 2024 – 158 – ECE/TRANS/337/Rev.1 The Model Rules facilitate the financing and …

THE PEP Partnerships

… которое состоится в Вене 22–24 октября 2019 года. Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: … . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Диаграмма III. Схема проекта «Transdanube.Pearls» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … и готовит третье исследование. 2 3 VI. ПАРТНЕРСТВО …

Handbook on water allocation in a transboundary context

… Handbook on water allocation in a transboundary context ECE/MP.WAT/64 English HANDBOOK ON … A TRANSBOUNDARY CONTEXT © 2021 United Nations All rights reserved worldwide Requests to reproduce excerpts or to … For Indigenous people, environmental flows, while welcome, will not necessarily meet cultural, spiritual or …

Learning from Each-Other: the UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development

… COMMISSION ÉCONOMIQUE POUR L’EUROPE Apprendre les uns des autres La Stratégie pour l’éducation en vue du … membres du Groupe d’experts dans le processus et des effets transformateurs que celui-ci a eus sur eux. Le Comité … module était encore à l’étude ( Les thèmes clefs du développement durable sont …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2018 - National Reply - Finland

… Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2018 - National Reply - Finland … sawn wood, assembled with glue in order to facilitate transport or later working. [from HS4421, Other articles of … the Combined Nomenclature to fill in - other countries are welcome to do so if their trade classification nomenclature …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2019 - National Reply - Norway

… Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2019 - National Reply - Norway … sawn wood, assembled with glue in order to facilitate transport or later working. [from HS4421, Other articles of … the Combined Nomenclature to fill in - other countries are welcome to do so if their trade classification nomenclature …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2018 - National Reply - Norway

… Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2018 - National Reply - Norway … sawn wood, assembled with glue in order to facilitate transport or later working. [from HS4421, Other articles of … the Combined Nomenclature to fill in - other countries are welcome to do so if their trade classification nomenclature …

Bâtir un avenir meilleur en évoluant vers des modes de mobilité et de transport nouveaux, propres, sûrs, sains et inclusifs

… PPE-TSE Bâtir un avenir meilleur en évoluant vers des modes de mobilité et de transport nouveaux, propres, sûrs, sains et inclusifs … pour la promotion du cyclisme : node/825 En adoptant le premier Plan directeur paneuropéen …

Beijing+30 National Review Report-Sweden

… 6 Section Two: Priorities, achievements, challenges and setbacks ...................... 8 1. Over the past … the basic level are reserved for each parent and cannot be transferred. Parental benefit at the basic level is paid out …

Взаимосвязанные области по природным ресурсам в регионе ЕЭК

… East 42nd Street S-09FW001 New York, NY 10017 United States of America Электронная почта: [email protected] … является оценка 11 См .: https://www .unece .org/trans/trans/conventn/latest .html . 12 См .: https://www … .html . 66 …