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Cloud for Official Statistics

… © United Nations, 2023 This work is available open access by complying with the Creative Commons licence created … available at Publishers must remove the UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following disclaimer: “The …

United Nations Framework Classification for Resources Update 2019 (ECE ENERGY SERIES No. 61)

… 61 UNECE Energy Series EN VI RO NM EN TA L- SO CI O- EC ON OM IC VI AB IL IT Y … products not developed Other combinations Produced quantities Codification (E1; F2; G3) Viable projects Potentially … be established where the quantity, quality and sales (or transfer2) price of product are determined. Except for past …

Canada: country market statement 2023

… - NON CLASSIFIÉ Trends and Prospects UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry November 2023 Prepared by: … Aviation CPTPP Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership CUSMA Canada-United States-Mexico …

UNECE Annual Report 2022

… i NOTE: The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not … cooperation with our 17+1 member States with economies in transition, practical normative tools and valued policy … change, natural hazards and the green energy transition and welcomed Ukraine as the 42nd Party to the Convention. UNFC …

Gap Analysis-Framework Guidelines for EE Standards in Buildings

… Gap Analysis-Framework Guidelines for EE Standards in Buildings English GAP ANALYSIS between the Performance Objectives Set Forth in the Framework Guidelines for Energy … 50 Table 5. Minimum Admissible Resistance Value of Heat Transfer of the Building Envelopes of Residential and Public …

ACCC/C/2017/150 United Kingdom - Letter enclosing reply to Committee’s questions from the Party concerned 31.08.2022 - Annexes 1-19

… United Kingdom - Letter enclosing reply to Committee’s questions from the Party concerned 31.08.2022 - Annexes 1-19 English Annex.1. Withdrawal Act 2018.pdf European … day. (6) In this Act— "the implementation period" means the transition or implementation period provided for by Part 4 …

COVID-19 impacts on the forest sector in countries in the Western Balkans

… This report summarizes the impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic had, during the first three quarters of 2020, in the forest sector of the countries in the Western Balkans (WB) … the Serbian sawnwood were not able to secure containers and transport to ports (truck transport to the Adriatic and …

Newsletter no. 18 - Water Convention

… submission of more than 700 voluntary commitments and pledges to the Water Action Agenda. The Water Convention and … the Water Action Agenda needs to be implemented - water and transboundary cooperation should not disappear from the … spotlight but need to have a prominent role in other processes (e.g. High-level Political Forum on Sustainable …

Technology Brief - Nuclear Power

… The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, its … and design services for this document. Ekaterina Zayash translated the Russian version of this report. Disclaimer …

Technology Brief on Nuclear Power

… The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, its … and design services for this document. Ekaterina Zayash translated the Russian version of this report. Disclaimer …

Status of the Agreement, of the annexed Regulations and of the amendments thereto - Contracting Parties to the Agreement, their date of application of the UN Regulations and designated Type Approval Authority(ies) and Technical Service(s)

… and of the amendments thereto - Contracting Parties to the Agreement, their date of application of the UN … Type Approval Authority(ies) and Technical Service(s) ECE/TRANS/WP.29/343/Rev.29/Add.1 English 3 …

Item 5 (b): BPA for Exports of Pharmaceutical Products from Georgia to the Central Asian Countries

… Products from Georgia to the Central Asian Countries ECE/TRADE/471 English Business Process Analysis For … Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) Simple, Transparent and Effective Processes for Global Commerce …

M Amakali, and A Mwetulundila - Comments

… ON THE Draft United Nations Framework Classification For Resources Supplemental Groundwater Specifications (M Amakali, and A … and it look at management at all levels, national and transboundary. 4. The need for the draft UNFC Supplemental …

P. Moonen. Canada, Carbon & Construction

… Embodied ImpactsAir Quality Emissions Solar Renewables Climate Change Carbon • Biogenic • Embodied • Operational • Procurement / Codes • Opportunities for Wood in Canada – Codes, Legislation, … in Source: Athena Institute Extract raw materi als Transp ort to factory Make produ cts Transpo rt to site …

ITS Manifesto

… ITS Manifesto English 1 THE 2015 BORDEAUX MANIFESTO ‘ITS ADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGE’ Adopted on October 5, 2015 Currently CO2 emissions in the transport sector account for about 23% of the total man-made …

Экологические показатели и основанные на них оценочные доклады

… 1990-2003 (EEA Technical Report 6/2005). • Environmental Pressure Indicators for the EU. Eurostat (2001). • Air … Atmospheric Pollutants. • ml • • … …

Findings and recommendations on compliance by Serbia with its obligations under the Protocol in respect of the Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period up to 2025 with Projections up to 2030

… by Serbia with its obligations under the Protocol in respect of the Energy Sector Development Strategy of the … to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context Meeting of the Parties to the …

Recommandations pour un Transport durable respectueux de l'environnement et de la santé – « Reconstruire en mieux »

… té - « R ec on st ru ir e en m ie ux » Mise en page et impression : Nations Unies, Genève – 2101940 (E) – Février 2021 … le Comité directeur du Programme paneuropéen sur les transports, la santé et l’environnement a mis en place une … mai 2020. Disponible à l’adresse 63 Philip Turner, International Association of …

Analysis of business processes of grain and fruit exports for sustainable trade, efficient water management and food security in the SPECA region

… Analysis of business processes of grain and fruit exports for sustainable trade, … regarding procedures for concluding a commercial contract, transportation and payment of goods: current regulatory …

Jobs in green and healthy transport

… Jobs in green and healthy transport Making the green shift UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC … Copyright © 2020 International Labour Organization The designations employed in this publication, which are in conformity with United Nations practice, and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression …