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Search results for elina warsta

Displaying Results 61 - 80 of 103

ACCC/C/2022/197 France

… à l'épreuve de la déontologie et de la transparence, Elina Lemaire, Thomas Perroud (dir.), IFJD, 2022. Dominique …

ACCC/C/2022/197 France

… à l'épreuve de la déontologie et de la transparence, Elina Lemaire, Thomas Perroud (dir.), IFJD, 2022. Dominique …

list of participants (if you need further details, please contact the secretariat)

… September 7, 2022 6 Ms. Xu ZHAO MEE Beijing Finland Ms. Elina EKOKOSKI (HoD) Senior Officer Finnish Safety and …

List of participants

… Mission of The Gambia Gambia In-person Ms. Bakradze Elina Governments (Treaty Bodies) - Contracting Party …

Chapter 2 – Key common principles of wellbeing measurement frameworks

… more holistic measures of societal progress igh le el ti eline or pro ect acti ities ecall a or international i pet ses the principles they call or igh le el ti eline or pro ect acti ities ecall a or international i pet …

Draft Chapter 2 – Key common principles of well-being measurement frameworks

… more holistic measures of societal progress igh le el ti eline or pro ect acti ities ecall a or international i pet ses the principles they call or igh le el ti eline or pro ect acti ities ecall a or international i pet …

Prognozowanie metanowości ścian z uwzględnieniem struktury geologicznej na przykładach kopalń Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej; by Mr. Krystian Wierzbiński, GIG

… - dopływu metanu ze zrobów, Qz - dopływu metanu z pokładów (warstw nadbieranych i podbieranych), Qdes Qprog = QEKSP + Qz … budowy modelu górotworu. Przyjęcie założeń dot. miąższości warstw skalnych w profilu litologicznym, stref zawału oraz … 405/1 Ruchu Knurów jako przykład wpływu uwzględniania warstw piaskowców budujących profil geologiczny. W obu …

THE PEP 2023 workshop - Sonja Kahlmeier, Swiss Distance University of Applied Science

… Rutt, Harry Rutter, Randy Rzewnicki, Kjartan Saelensminde, Elin Sandberg, Alexander Santacreu, Andreia Santos, Parth …

Executive Guide on Digital Product Conformity Certificate Exchange

… CEFACT_2017_11E__White_Paper_on_RDM_.pdf Link to RDM Guideline: … eline-v1.0.0.2.pdf … fileadmin/DAM/cefact/GuidanceMaterials/ReferenceDataModelGuideline-v1.0.0.2.pdf … fileadmin/DAM/cefact/GuidanceMaterials/ReferenceDataModelGuideline-v1.0.0.2.pdf Centre for Trade Facilitation and …

Revision of the Executive Guide on Digital Product Conformity Certificate Exchange

… CEFACT_2017_11E__White_Paper_on_RDM_.pdf Link to RDM Guideline: … eline-v1.0.0.2.pdf … fileadmin/DAM/cefact/GuidanceMaterials/ReferenceDataModelGuideline-v1.0.0.2.pdf … fileadmin/DAM/cefact/GuidanceMaterials/ReferenceDataModelGuideline-v1.0.0.2.pdf Centre for Trade Facilitation and …

ACCC/C/2021/186 (Portugal) - Additional information from the observer, Mining Watch 19.10.2021 - Annex 2: Environmental Impact Assessment Information System

… e Sistema e lassi ca o e risco Projeto - Anexo III - ui elines or Mine Waste Dump an Stoc pile Design Projeto - … e Sistema e lassi ca o e risco Projeto - Anexo III - ui elines or Mine Waste Dump an Stoc pile Design Projeto - …

SCTCS-2021 - PPT - Agenda Item 5-6-7

… Thank you for your attention. English 1 Statement by Ms. Elina Simonyan Advisor, Ministry of Economy of the Republic …


… Office of the Kyrgyz Republic Latvia Ms. Angelina BEKASOVA Senior Expert The Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia Ms. Elina BRINKE Senior Expert of the Division of Policy …


… for the report (coordinates the preparation of the report): Elina Häkkinen, Specialist, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, elina[email protected] 3. Name and contact details for the …

List of participants - 13th WGWH

… Rep Sub Type Contact details Email Address 81 Virtual Ms. Eline Boelee expert advisor Deltares Others … Independent experts Utrecht Netherlands Phone: 31646911738 eline[email protected] 82 Virtual Mr. Jorge Vinuales …

RFSD 2021 LoP

… Office of the Kyrgyz Republic Latvia Ms. Angelina BEKASOVA Senior Expert The Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia Ms. Elina BRINKE Senior Expert of the Division of Policy …

List of participants - 12th Task Force on Target Setting and Reporting

… Experts 14 Others – Independent Experts Deltares Ms. Eline BOELEE Deltares Utrecht Netherlands Local NGO Ms. …

List of participants - 12th Working Group on Water and Health

… 868601436 Email: [email protected] Deltares Mme. Eline BOELEE Expert advisor Water & Health Deltares Utrecht Netherlands Phone: (+31)646911738 Email: eline[email protected] Independent Ms. Barbara MATEO …

Minutes of the Espoo 11th Baltic Sea subregional meeting

… to the Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA Sweden Elin Celic Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management …

A Taxonomy for indicators related to the SDGs - Combined Presentation

… Class 1: can be assessed w.r.t. Relevance, Accuracy, Timeliness, Coherence and comparability, Availability and … choice of governance indicators Questions? Contact Eline[email protected]