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Displaying Results 359461 - 359477 of 359477

ADN catalogue of questions 2023 Chemicals

… Basic general knowledge B Which of the following could happen to a substance in a physical reaction? A The … liquid escaping from the cargo tanks and spreading into the environment B To remove the least possible liquid from the … may clog B The tank cleaning machine’s system may become damaged by the formation of small crystals C In winter the …

ACCC/C/2021/186 (Portugal) - Email enclosing response to communication from the Party concerned 04.04.2022 - Annex 2: Judgment of the Tribunal Administrativo de Círculo de Lisboa of 21.10.2021

… de Acesso aos Documentos Administrativos (CADA), a qual damos aqui como integralmente reproduzida para todos os … de decisão; – O que a APA, I.P. fez através do ofício enviado à Autora, ora Requerente, no dia 08/03/2021 é … de documentos continuam a não estar disponíveis, designadamente: • EIA Anexos - Anexo I Clima e Alterações …

TIR Convention of Uzbekistan

… Kafolat birlashmasi yuqorida eslatib o‘tilgan summalarni birdamlik javobgarlik sifatida undirilishi kerak bo‘lgan … va yo‘l transport vositalari haydovchilarining shartli dam olish paytlariga taalluqli bo‘lgan qoidalarni hisobga … BERISH TO‘G‘RISIDA TAXTACHA (inglizcha varianti) ≥ 200 mm APPROVED FOR TRANSPORT UNDER CUSTOMS SEAL NL/26/73 TYPE */ …

(Netherlands) Loading and unloading instructions

… out during the construction of the vessel) and the Design Appraisal Document, have been “used” as a loading and … verteilt.] [2: Entsprechend dem Arbeitsprogramm des Binnenverkehrsausschusses für 2021 gemäß dem Entwurf des … sowohl bezüglich des befördernden Schiffes als auch (der (Dampfdichte) des beförderten Stoffes. Leider werden diese …

Streamlined CQ Road Transport VKM theme

… not)/Total Road traffic & transport equipment Systematic approach of the types of fuel X-III-01-40-48_2-85_1 Road … HELPER1 HELPER2 HELPER3 GLOSSARY2 X-I-03-40-49_6-0_0 Straßenverkehr Nach Art des Fahrzeugs Nationale und ausländische … (in Mio.)/Fahrräder/Total Straßenverkehr & Transportmittel DEU 1 2 …

ADN 2021 Catalogue of questions - Chemical questions

… -243 K 331 02.0-16 Connaissances de base en physique D Qu’appelle-t-on des liquides à haut point d’ébullition ? A Des … de type fermé ? A Empêcher la libération de gaz dans l’environnement B Soustraire le moins possible de liquide de … von Zucker in Wasser. C Das Rosten von Eisen. D Das Verdampfen von Benzin. 331 01.0-04 Allgemeine Grundkenntnisse D …

ADN catalogue of questions 2023 Gas

… chemistry Examination objective 1.2: Law of ideal gases, Fundamental laws Number Source Correct answer 231 01.2-01 … Avogadro’s number and calculation of masses of ideal gas Application of the mass formula Number Source Correct answer … (d = 600 kg/m³). Combien de vapeur de propane se forme-t-il environ à une température ambiante de 20 °C? A 12 m33 B 24 …

ADN 2021 Catalogue of questions - Gas questions

… Objectif d’examen 1.2 : Loi des gaz parfaits, lois fondamentales Numéro Source Bonne réponse 231 01.2-01 Loi … ? A 270 kPa B 300 kPa C 630 kPa D 700 kPa 231 02.1-06 supprimé 231 02.1-07 ptot = pi et Vol .-% = pi x 100/ ptot B … (d = 600 kg/m³). Combien de vapeur de propane se forme-t-il environ à une température ambiante de 20 °C? A 12 m33 B 24 …

(Secretariat) Consolidated list of amendments relevant for ADN adopted by the RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting and by the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15) for entry into force on 1 January 2025

… or of ADR shall include performance of the appropriate mechanical design type tests in 6.1.5 or 6.5.6 of … Place this paragraph number before the heading “Environmentally hazardous substances”. (Reference document: … by a comma and after “LITHIUM METAL BATTERIES"”, add “or "DAMAGED/DEFECTIVE SODIUM ION BATTERIES"”. (Reference …

ADN catalogue of questions 2023 General

… 01.0-03 D Where do the classes of dangerous goods appear in ADN? A B 3.1.1 C D 110 … consequence dangerous goods” under ADN? A Goods that may damage the materials from which the vessel was constructed B Goods that are particularly damaging to the environment C Goods that emit gases or vapours D Goods that …

ADN 2021 Catalogue of questions - General questions

… figurent dans l’ADN les prescriptions de service, qui sont applicables pendant le transport de marchandises dangereuses … routier et ferroviaire. C Ces prescriptions spéciales renvoient à d'autres législations applicables.. D Ces … des travaux sur le pont C Pour des travaux dans les cofferdams D Pour des travaux dans les caissons latéraux 110 …

Draft Fourth Revision of the Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network

… The Working Party on Inland Water Transport may wish to approve the draft and give further instructions to the … maximum draught (1.70 m); upgrading of locks to class Va is envisaged.xiii xiii Upgrading of lock No. 3 Ragodosch was … 5.00 42.502 VIc A Sea vessel route Moerdijk — Rotterdam 225.0/153.0 23.50/34.353 225.0/229.5 23.50/22.90 5.00 …


 AD 07 Andorra la Vella Parish 
 AD 08 Escaldes-Engordany Parish 
 AE AJ 'Ajman Emirate 
 AE AZ Abu … Agstafa Rayon 
 AZ AGC Agcab?di Rayon 
 AZ AGM Agdam Rayon 
 AZ AGS Agdas Rayon 
 AZ AGU Agsu Rayon … Department 
 CH AG Aargau (de) Canton 
 CH AI Appenzell Innerrhoden (de) Canton 
 CH AR Appenzell …

(CCNR) - Directive of the Administrative Committee on the use of the catalogue of questions for examination of ADN experts (Chapter 8.2 ADN)

… and ADN tank vessels. 19b. The above provision shall also apply to final tests following refresher courses. 20. The … of ideal gases 1 1.1 Boyle-Mariotte, Gay-Lussac 10 1.2 Fundamental law 10 2 Partial pressures and mixtures 2.1 … 1 Physical injury 7 0 or 1 2 Material damage 6 0 or 1 3 Environmental damage 5 0 or 1 4 Damage-control plans 6 0 or …

ADN catalogue of questions 2023 Directive

… and ADN tank vessels. 19b. The above provision shall also apply to final tests following refresher courses. 20. The … of ideal gases 1 1.1 Boyle-Mariotte, Gay-Lussac 10 1.2 Fundamental law 10 2 Partial pressures and mixtures 2.1 … 1 Physical injury 7 0 or 1 2 Material damage 6 0 or 1 3 Environmental damage 5 0 or 1 4 Damage-control plans 6 0 or …

ADN 2021 Catalogue of questions - Directives on the use

… écrite destinée à être présentée à l'autorité compétente ou envoie une confirmation électronique à l'autorité … et ADN-bateaux- citernes. 19b. La disposition ci-avant s'applique aussi pour les épreuves finales au terme du cours de … parfaits 1.1 Boyle - Mariotte, Gay - Lussac 10 1 1.2 Loi fondamentale 10 2 Tensions de vapeur et mélanges de gaz 2.1 …

TIR Convention in Turkmen

… Merkezi Aziýa çenli ýollar boýunça syýahat eden her bir adam HÝoG-nyň üstaşyr ulgamyny ulanýan ýük ulaglaryna we … 73,200 67,100 Marokko 0 100 100 150 200 100 200 100 0 0 0 Mongoliýa 50 0 0 0 50 100 100 50 50 50 200 Niderlandlar 7,250 … gapyda elýeter bolmadyk towly nurbatyň ujy Ryçag Gümrük pplombalary üçin deşik Ryçagyň stopory Kebşirleme bilen doly …