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Search results for DAM env pp reports implementation 2008

Displaying Results 360061 - 360080 of 360088

Closing statement by Ms. Tatiana Molcean United Nations Under-Secretary-General Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe at COP28 Energy, Industry, Just Transition, Indigenous People Day Event

… the water-food-energy nexus in global climate and environmental processes. I hope that your countries and … cooperation and is based on experience from pilot projects implemented by UNECE and partners in the Western Balkans, …

Resolution on safety considerations for activities other than driving undertaken by drivers when automated driving systems issuing transition demands exercise dynamic control

… Resolution. II. Scope & Definitions 2. This Resolution applies to vehicles equipped with automated driving systems that issue transition … encourage improper use of automated driving systems; d) Implement measures to prevent tampering with and misuse of …

Opening Statement by Ms. Olga Algayerova, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

… new ones to drive innovative development. The country has implemented a broad range of reforms to increase the … Secretary Under-Secretary-General Innovation is already happening. And Georgia has become a leader in certain areas. … and Technology Agency has also piloted a number of support measures for innovative startup and entrepreneurs, …

Instructions relatives aux Règles types pour l’identification permanente du matériel roulant ferroviaire

… non-binding guidance on the way parties may choose to implement the provisions in the Model Rules. Les Règles … types fixent les modalités et les responsabilités pour l’apposition de l’identifiant URVIS sur un élément de matériel … le cas lorsque les voitures ne peuvent pas circuler indépendamment car elles sont reliées à un bogie commun (comme dans …

Statement by Ms. Olga Algayerova at the Ministerial meeting of SPECA participating States and UNECE and ESCAP representatives

… Third, despite the risks, the SPECA region is a region of opportunity. The connectivity and transit potential of the … operational facilitation. Road safety, energy efficiency, environment, decarbonization and gender equality all need to … standards under UN CEEFACT. Diversify and green trade, by implementing the SPECA Sustainable Trade Principles, also …

(EBU/ESO) - Proposal for adding "or a recognized classification society" in and of ADN

… Submitted by the European Barge Union and the European Skippers Organization (EBU/ESO)[footnoteRef:2]*, … une fois qu’ils ont été établis, ces documents doivent être envoyés du pays où le navire a été livré (ou du pays où les … werden, in dem die zuständige Behörde ihren Sitz hat, damit sie mit deren Sichtvermerk versehen werden können. 7. …

Rome Ministerial Declaration ESP

… la Declaración aprobada en la Conferencia Ministerial sobre Envejecimiento de UNECE celebrada en Roma los días 15-17 de … de la edad están ganando en reconocimiento. También damos la bienvenida a la creciente implicación en las … sociales. La pandemia ha: a. afectado desproporcionadamente a las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad, …


… Национальный статистический комитет КР Nazira KERIMALIEVA Environmental Statistics and ICT Division, National … of the Division Department for the Development of Water Supply and Sanitation State Agency for Architecture, … планированию Отдела реализации проекта Всемирного Банка Damira SYDYKOVA Water Resources Management and Basin …

10 years of EPR

… POLITIQUE DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT DANS LES PAYS EN TRANSITION: 10 ANNÉES … signifie qu’il s’agit d’un document de l’Organisation. Les appellations employées dans la présente publication et la … la transition a mis en branle un changement structurel fondamental des modes d’élaboration et de mise en œuvre des …

List of participants

… КОМИССИЯ Second High-level Meeting on Transport, Environment and Health EUR/02/5040828 Geneva, SWI 5 July … a.i. Permanent Mission of Austria 35-37, av. Giuseppe Motta CH-1211 Geneva Austria - 2 - Mr. Heinz SCHREIBER … de la Paix, 15 1211 Geneva Switzerland BELGIUM Mr. Michel DAMAR President Comité de Direction SPF Mobilité et …

(OICA) Proposal for a new Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 49 (Emissions of compression ignition and positive ignition (LPG and CNG) engines)

… (OICA) Proposal for a new Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. … from exhaust temperature and pressure, installation environment and vibrations on the measurement shall be … (a) No prescriptions. X (b) Misfire that may cause catalyst damage (e.g. by monitoring a certain percentage of misfiring …

(CCNR) - Harmonisation of terminology used in (f) and (s) of ADN 2019 – additional documents to be carried on board of dry cargo vessels and tank vessels

… le f) et le s) de l’ADN 2019 − documents supplémentaires devant être présents à bord des bateaux à … verteilt.] [2: Entsprechend dem Arbeitsprogramm des Binnenverkehrsausschusses für 2020 gemäß dem Entwurf des … ist der Meinung, dass der Wortlaut geändert werden sollte, damit er der französischen und deutschen Fassung entspricht. …

Presentation by Ms. Shahnaz Badalova, Head of subdivision, State Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning (SCUPA) of Azerbaijan: The draft Master Plan of Ganja


(Netherlands) ADN Checklist

… session, INF.17 from Germany and INF.25 from FuelsEurope supported by the European Barge Union and the European … by reducing pollution, 8; promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, 9; improved infrastructure, … sollte dies in dieser Tabelle berücksichtigt werden. Damit ausreichend Platz zur Verfügung steht, schlagen wir …

ADN catalogue of questions 2023 Chemicals

… Basic general knowledge B Which of the following could happen to a substance in a physical reaction? A The … liquid escaping from the cargo tanks and spreading into the environment B To remove the least possible liquid from the … may clog B The tank cleaning machine’s system may become damaged by the formation of small crystals C In winter the …

ACCC/C/2021/186 (Portugal) - Email enclosing response to communication from the Party concerned 04.04.2022 - Annex 2: Judgment of the Tribunal Administrativo de Círculo de Lisboa of 21.10.2021

… de Acesso aos Documentos Administrativos (CADA), a qual damos aqui como integralmente reproduzida para todos os … de decisão; – O que a APA, I.P. fez através do ofício enviado à Autora, ora Requerente, no dia 08/03/2021 é … de documentos continuam a não estar disponíveis, designadamente: • EIA Anexos - Anexo I Clima e Alterações …

TIR Convention of Uzbekistan

… Kafolat birlashmasi yuqorida eslatib o‘tilgan summalarni birdamlik javobgarlik sifatida undirilishi kerak bo‘lgan … va yo‘l transport vositalari haydovchilarining shartli dam olish paytlariga taalluqli bo‘lgan qoidalarni hisobga … BERISH TO‘G‘RISIDA TAXTACHA (inglizcha varianti) ≥ 200 mm APPROVED FOR TRANSPORT UNDER CUSTOMS SEAL NL/26/73 TYPE */ …

(Netherlands) Loading and unloading instructions

… out during the construction of the vessel) and the Design Appraisal Document, have been “used” as a loading and … verteilt.] [2: Entsprechend dem Arbeitsprogramm des Binnenverkehrsausschusses für 2021 gemäß dem Entwurf des … sowohl bezüglich des befördernden Schiffes als auch (der (Dampfdichte) des beförderten Stoffes. Leider werden diese …

ADN 2021 Catalogue of questions - Chemical questions

… -243 K 331 02.0-16 Connaissances de base en physique D Qu’appelle-t-on des liquides à haut point d’ébullition ? A Des … de type fermé ? A Empêcher la libération de gaz dans l’environnement B Soustraire le moins possible de liquide de … von Zucker in Wasser. C Das Rosten von Eisen. D Das Verdampfen von Benzin. 331 01.0-04 Allgemeine Grundkenntnisse D …

Streamlined CQ Road Transport VKM theme

… not)/Total Road traffic & transport equipment Systematic approach of the types of fuel X-III-01-40-48_2-85_1 Road … HELPER1 HELPER2 HELPER3 GLOSSARY2 X-I-03-40-49_6-0_0 Straßenverkehr Nach Art des Fahrzeugs Nationale und ausländische … (in Mio.)/Fahrräder/Total Straßenverkehr & Transportmittel DEU 1 2 …