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Search results for DAM env pp CCimplementation

Displaying Results 331001 - 331020 of 331132

Programme Plan for 2022

… the United Nations”. With this resolution, Member States approved the proposed budget change from biennial to annual … contributes to the work of the Secretary General's Special Envoy for Road Safety and the operation of the United … prenantes constitué au titre des instruments juridiques fondamentaux, une plateforme baptisée « Observatory on Border …

Provisional agenda for the forty-second session. Addendum

… in of ADN) of cargo samples on board of "supply vessels or other vessels delivering products for the … Sitzung können offizielle Dokumente bei der Sektion Dokumentenverteilung der UNOG (Tür 40, zweiter Stock, Gebäude E, … der UN-ECE ihre Musterbescheinigungen zu übermitteln, damit das Sekretariat sie auf der Website einstellen kann. …

Provisional agenda for the fortieth session. Addendum

… Corr.1) ADN 2021 (texte complet) ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/80 Rapport du Comité de sécurité de l’ADN sur sa trente-neuvième … Sitzung können offizielle Dokumente bei der Sektion Dokumentenverteilung der UNOG (Tür 40, zweiter Stock, Gebäude E, … gemäß der üblichen Vorgehensweise übermittelt werden, damit sie am 1. Januar 2023 wirksam werden können. …

ADN catalogue of questions 2023 Chemicals

… Basic general knowledge B Which of the following could happen to a substance in a physical reaction? A The … liquid escaping from the cargo tanks and spreading into the environment B To remove the least possible liquid from the … may clog B The tank cleaning machine’s system may become damaged by the formation of small crystals C In winter the …

The Commercial Use of Interchange Agreements for Electronic Data Interchange

… in connection with international trade transac- tions, apply the Model Interchange Agreement for the International … 4. Originating within different cultural and legal envi- ronments, these existing model agreements often intro- … Zealand and Asia. The increasing use of EDI is fundamentally changing international trading practices by …

Guidelines for Mainstreaming Ageing - Executive Summary

… population ageing and individual longevity to seize the opportunities and mitigate the challenges of this demographic … Ebenen hinweg koordiniert und kohärent umgesetzt werden. Damit das Prinzip des Mainstreaming Ageing Wirkung zeigen … anerkannt und es wird betont, wie wichtig die Eigenverantwortlichkeit jedes Landes für den …

Synthesis report: Overview of instruments relevant to transport, environment and health and recommendations for further steps

… report: Overview of instruments relevant to transport, environment and health and recommendations for further steps … and to further develop them as needed. They also judged it appropriate to consider the feasibility of new international … before they are deposited on the ground, causing damage to sensitive ecosystems. Some of the effects of …

Synthesis report: Overview of instruments relevant to transport, environment and health and recommendations for further steps

… report: Overview of instruments relevant to transport, environment and health and recommendations for further steps … and to further develop them as needed. They also judged it appropriate to consider the feasibility of new international … before they are deposited on the ground, causing damage to sensitive ecosystems. Some of the effects of …

ACCC/C/2021/186 (Portugal) - Email enclosing response to communication from the Party concerned 04.04.2022 - Annex 2: Judgment of the Tribunal Administrativo de Círculo de Lisboa of 21.10.2021

… de Acesso aos Documentos Administrativos (CADA), a qual damos aqui como integralmente reproduzida para todos os … de decisão; – O que a APA, I.P. fez através do ofício enviado à Autora, ora Requerente, no dia 08/03/2021 é … de documentos continuam a não estar disponíveis, designadamente: • EIA Anexos - Anexo I Clima e Alterações …

Examples of implementing data stewardship in countries

… data governance and data stewardship models and frameworks applied in countries and the role of NSOs in those models. … in which quality assessment and data assurance are fundamental. Many of the guidelines have now been codified in … analysis of detailed microdata in a secure controlled environment. The DataLab currently services approximately …

Data stewardship and the role of national statistical offices in the new data ecosystem - country examples

… Union and OECD are undertaking in this area. It is a supplement to the report “Data stewardship and the role of … in which quality assessment and data assurance are fundamental. Many of the guidelines have now been codified in … analysis of detailed microdata in a secure controlled environment. The DataLab currently services approximately …

Reporting on global SDG indicator 6.5.2: Template of the third reporting exercise

… partly, no) (See sect. II question 1) Criterion 1 applied (yes/no) (See sect. II question 3) Criterion 2 … water management issues |_| Navigation |_| Human health |_| Environmental protection (ecosystem) |_| Water quality |_| … sources |_| Existing hydromorphological alterations (dams, etc.) |_| Flows or water levels (including groundwater …

Reporting on global SDG indicator 6.5.2 - Third exercise - TEMPLATE

… partly, no) (See sect. II question 1) Criterion 1 applied (yes/no) (See sect. II question 3) Criterion 2 … water management issues |_| Navigation |_| Human health |_| Environmental protection (ecosystem) |_| Water quality |_| … sources |_| Existing hydromorphological alterations (dams, etc.) |_| Flows or water levels (including groundwater …

INF.11 - (CCNR) ADN Catalogue of questions 2021 - General (Track changes document)

… 2.750 kg gefährliche Güter der Klasse 8 Verpackungsgruppe II in Versandstücken befördert. Unterliegt diese … die Entzündung eines brennbaren Stoffes als Gas/Luft- oder Dampf/Luft-Gemisch eintritt. C Die Temperatur, bei der ein … das ADN geregelt. B Ja, örtliche Vorschriften, wiez.B. Hafenverordnungen / Hafenordnungen. C Ja, lokale Vorschriften, …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2019 - National Reply - Netherlands

… please highlight changes in yellow and explain them in the appropriate 'Note' column. Please use flags and notes (see … for Eurostat. A. General recommendations A.1 Please use eDAMIS to send your questionnaire to Eurostat. Choose the … provide details (e.g. for which data?). Do you use other environmental accounts? NO If yes, please provide details. …

Decision VIII/1 - Reporting under the Convention

… Lakes, Determined to facilitate the implementation and application of and compliance with the Convention on the … significant water management issues Navigation Human health Environmental protection (ecosystem) Water quality Water … pollution sources Existing hydromorphological alterations (dams, etc.) Flows or water levels (including groundwater …

List of documents by agenda item and annotations for the thirty-seventh session

… is required ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2020/32 (France) Approval of classification societies – Interpretation of … zur Annahme gemäß der üblichen Vorgehensweise übermittelt, damit sie am 1. Januar 2021 wirksam werden können. b) … zur Annahme gemäß der üblichen Vorgehensweise übermittelt, damit sie am 1. Januar 2021 wirksam werden können. b) …

TIR Convention of Uzbekistan

… Kafolat birlashmasi yuqorida eslatib o‘tilgan summalarni birdamlik javobgarlik sifatida undirilishi kerak bo‘lgan … va yo‘l transport vositalari haydovchilarining shartli dam olish paytlariga taalluqli bo‘lgan qoidalarni hisobga … BERISH TO‘G‘RISIDA TAXTACHA (inglizcha varianti) ≥ 200 mm APPROVED FOR TRANSPORT UNDER CUSTOMS SEAL NL/26/73 TYPE */ …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2018 - National Reply - Ireland

… please highlight changes in yellow and explain them in the appropriate 'Note' column. Please use flags and notes (see … from the UNECE website: Oriented … at the link outlined below: TS-OB % …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2018 - National Reply - Ireland

… please highlight changes in yellow and explain them in the appropriate 'Note' column. Please use flags and notes (see … from the UNECE website: Oriented … at the link outlined below: TS-OB % …