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Displaying Results 61 - 80 of 102

- English
This document presents the UNECE's Action Plan for the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011–2020). This Plan is directly aligned with the UN Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety. It aims to achieve the UNECE’s overall road safety goals by addressing priority areas of work as well as by implementing the ongoing and future initiatives in the UNECE region and beyond. Free
- English
The UNECE Recommendations on Harmonized Europe-Wide Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation Vessels (Resolution No. 61) establish a Pan-European regime of technical requirements for inland navigation vessels engaged in international transport of goods and passengers. They are a result of Governments efforts, aimed at unifying the divergent regulations in force within different
- English
White Paper on Efficient and Sustainable Inland Water Transport in EuropeInland water transport is, on many European transport corridors, a competitive alternative to road and rail transport, offering an economical, sustainable and environment friendly mode of transport. However,  in most UNECE countries it is still largely under-used and its development calls for a pro-active policy
- English
SIGNI – Signs and Signals on Inland WaterwaysThis volume contains the revised full text of the harmonized system of Signs and Symbols on Inland Waterways (SIGNI).ECE/TRANS/SC.3/108/Rev.2Sales No. E.11.II.E.11ISBN 978-92-1-117048-1e-ISBN 978-92-1-054465-8Price: US$ 20Languages: E, F, R How to order this publication
- English
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/185Sales No. E.10.VIII.1ISBN 978-92-1-139137-4Price: US$ 15Languages: E, F, R, GHow to order this publication
- English
This publication presents the text of the European Code for Inland Waterways Revision 4 including Annexes and Supplement. It extensively details the Code and covers Articles 1 through 9.ECE/ TRANS/SC.3/115/Rev.4Sales No. E.10.II.E.3ISBN: 978-92-1-117019-1Price: US$ 50Languages: E, F, R How to order this
- English
ECE/TRANS/195 Sales No. E.07.VIII.5 ISBN: 978-92-1-139124-4 Price: US$ 35 Languages: E, F, R, Spanish, Convention on Road Traffic of 1968 and and European Agreement Supplementing the Convention - 2006 consolidated versionsThe Vienna Convention on Road Traffic was done at Vienna on 8 November 1968. Since its entry into force on 21 May 1977, it replaces previous road traffic Conventions
- English
ECE/TRANS/196 Sales No. E.07.VIII.7 ISBN: 978-92-1-139128-2 Price: US$ 45 Languages: E, F, R Convention on Road Signs and Signals of 1968 European Agreement Supplementing the Convention and Protocol on Road Markings, Additional to the European Agreement - 2006 consolidated versionsThe Convention on Road Signs and Signals was done at Vienna on 8 November 1968. Since its entry into force
Cutting road traffic deaths and injuries in half by 2020Download the publication here (Russian)The world has been paying serious attention to road safety since 2003, following a United Nations General Assembly Resolution on the rapid global increase in road traffic deaths, injuries and disabilities. With roughly 1.25
Международное удостоверение на право управления прогулочным судном (МУС), выдаваемое в соответствии с резолюцией № 40, признается более чем 25 государствами-членами Организации Объединенных Наций как в регионе ЕЭК, так и за его пределами. Руководящие принципы применения резолюции № 40 основаны на часто задаваемых вопросах администраций и судоводителями
Le Certificat international de conducteur de bateau de plaisance (ICC), délivré conformément à la résolution no 40, est reconnu par plus de 25 États Membres de l'ONU dans la région de la CEE et au-delà. Les Directives pour la résolution n° 40 se basent sur les questions fréquemment posées par les administrations et les plaisanciers afin de faciliter la
Le "Livre blanc sur les progrès, les succès et les perspectives d'avenir dans le transport par voie navigable" est la troisième édition d'un document d'orientation sur la situation actuelle, les tendances et les défis du transport par voies navigables européennes d'importance internationale dans la région de la Commission économique pour l'Europe.Cette troisième édition fait suite à
The European Code for Signs and Signals on Inland Waterways (SIGNI), adopted by resolution No. 90 of the Working Party on Inland Water Transport on 5 October 2018, provides recommendations for the competent authorities for the installation and application of buoyage and marking on European inland waterways contained in the fifth revision of CEVNI (ECE/TRANS/SC