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Displaying Results 61 - 80 of 86

- English
2010 Update: the impact of the sub-prime mortgage crisisHousing plays an important role in a country’s economy and is often an individual’s biggest asset. The availability of housing finance is, therefore, crucial for overall economic development as well as for a household’s welfare and its quality of life. With
- English
This Country Profile on the Housing Sector of Russia is the ninth in the series published by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. It contains a comprehensive analysis of the housing sector and provides policy recommendations to help policymakers develop strategies and programmes.English
- English
This Country Profile on the Housing Sector of Armenia is the eight in the series published by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. It contains a comprehensive analysis of the housing sector and provides policy recommendations to help policymakers develop strategies and programmes. English
- English
These Guidelines aim at providing practical advice and guidance to the many homeowners and to professional administrators of housing condominiums in Central and Eastern Europe. The Guidelines hope to provide a comprehensive background to the search for solutions to some of the major problems related to condominium ownership in Central and Eastern Europe.
- English
This study on the Republic of Moldova's housing sector is the sixth carried out by the ECE Committee on Human Settlements to analyse housing sector reform in countries with economies in  transition. These country- specific strategic housing sector analyses are intended to assist the Governments of countries with economies in transition in improving performance in this sector.
- English
This Country Profile on the Housing Sector of Albania is the seventh in the series published by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. It contains a comprehensive analysis of the housing sector and provides policy recommendations to help policymakers develop strategies and programmes. English
- English
This study on the Romania's housing sector is the fifth carried out by the ECE Committee on Human Settlements to analyse housing sector reform in countries with economies in  transition. These country- specific strategic housing sector analyses are intended to assist the Governments of countries with economies in transition in improving performance in this sector.
- English
The Strategy is based on the provisions of the Habitat Agenda and Agenda 21, with a particular emphasis on issues of common interest and concern for all countries of the ECE region. It reflects the views of ECE governments that living conditions and urban problems are multidimensional and should be considered in a broader context of economic and social development.UN Sales Number: E/F/R.
- English
This study on the Lithuania's housing sector is the fourth carried out by the ECE Committee on Human Settlements to analyse housing sector reform in countries with economies in  transition. These country- specific strategic housing sector analyses are intended to assist the Governments of countries with economies in transition in improving performance in this sector.
- English
UN Sales Number: E.99.II.E.40 ISBN: 92-1-116741-8 Languages: E
- English
This publication is an assessment of the implementation of human settlement policies on urban renewal and housing modernization in Budapest. It presents the overall conditions for urban renewal in Hungary, the urban renewal strategies in Budapest and in other specific districts. The publication also analyzes the existing policies, the housing problems and the tenure categories. UN Sales
- English
This case study provides an analysis of the implementation of the urban renewal and housing modernization policies that are currently being pursued in Ljubljana. In its firts part, it describes current housing conditions in Slovenia. The subsequent parts present a description of the present state of Ljubljana housing stock followed by conclusions and recommendations.
- English
This study on the Slovak housing sector is the third carried out by the ECE Committee on Human Settlements to analyse housing sector reform in countries in transition. These country- specific strategic analyses of the housing are intended to assist the Governments of countries in transition in improving the performance of the sector.
- English
This case study provides an analysis of the implementation of the urban renewal and housing modernization policies that are currently being pursued in Bratisvala. In its firts part, it describes current housing conditions in Slovakia. The subsequent parts present a description of the present state of Bratislava housing stock followed by conclusions and recommendations. UN Sales Number: E.99.II.
- English
This study on the Polish housing sector is the second pilot project carried out by the ECE Committee on Human Settlements to analyse housing sector reform in countries in transition. These country- specific strategic analyses of the housing are intended to assist the Governments of countries in transition in improving the performance of the sector.
- English
UN Sales Number: E.97.II.E.16 ISBN: 92-1-116695-0 Languages: E
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The discussion in this publication focuses on three main areas: preconditions for housing sector transition; housing finance policy issues and instruments; and housing finance institutions. It fills the need for a glossary of key terms and concepts.  UN Sales Number: E.97.II.E.14ISBN: 92-1-116695-0 Languages: E
- English
Housing policies and urban development cannot be considered in isolation from the social environment and in particular, the general features of the country concerned. This holds especially for Austria, and even more so for its capital, Vienna, which has a number of characteristics that distinguish it from other European cities of comparable size. This case study on Vienna offers the
- English
This study highlights the main trends in the housing sector and in urban and regional planning in Central and Eastern Europe. The transition and the resulting economic recession and political instability have deeply affected the human settlements sector. The study shows that the problems can be solved if an economically and politically feasible strategy is developed to make the housing
- English
This study on the Bulgarian housing sector is the first project of a new programme element of the ECE Comittee on Human Settlements, which foresees a series of country studies focusing on housing sector reforms in economies in transition. English