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Displaying Results 121 - 140 of 211

- Pусский
Обзор 2006 года, подготовленный в соответствии с Конвенцией о трансграничном загрязнении воздуха на большие расстоянияНью-Йорк и Женева, 2007 Readmore
- Français
Examen 2006 effectué en vertu de la Conventionsur la pollution atmosphérique transfrontière а longue distance New York  et Genève, 2007Readmore
- English
2006 Review prepared under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution English French  
- English
Citizens' guide to European complaint mechanism (2006) ENG
- English
Belgium - Brussels Capital Region Read more Report of ECOSPHERE Forum held in Brussels, 27 October 2006 with the support of the Bruxelles Environnement
- English
Document Title ENG RUSIssue 6Russian translation by EcoGlobe ENGRUS
- Pусский
Document Title RUS ECE/MP.EIA/7 Руководство по участию общественности в оценке воздействия на окружающую среду в трансграничном контексте (No. 7 in the environment series)
- Français
Document Title FRE ECE/MP.EIA/7Directive concernant la participation du public à l'évaluation de l'impact sur l'environnement dans un contexte transfrontière (No. 7 in the environment series
- English
Guidance on public participation in EIA in a transboundary contextAvailable in English, French and Russian.(ECE/MP.EIA/7, 136 pp., no.7 in the Environment Series) At their second meeting, the Parties decided to elaborate guidance on public participation in environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context and, at their third
- Pусский
Document Title ENGECE/MP.EIA/8 Руководство по практиприменению Конвенции Эспоо (No. 8 in the environment series)
- Français
Document Title FREECE/MP.EIA/8 Directives concernant l'application concrète de la Convention d'Espoo (No. 8 in the environment series)
- English
Guidance on the Practical Applicationof the Espoo ConventionAvailable in English, French and Russian. (Also issued earlier in English, French, German and Russian.)(ECE/MP.EIA/8, 75 pp., no. 8 in the Environment Series)At their second meeting, the Parties decided to elaborate guidance on the practical
- English
- English
While the Aarhus Convention primarily addresses issues at the national level, its Parties have committed themselves, through article 3, paragraph 7, of the Convention, to promote the application of the principles of the Convention in international environmental decision-making processes and within the framework of international organizations in matters relating to the environment.At their
- English
Kazakhstan Readmore - Also available in Russian
- English
Document Title ENG RUSIssue 5Russian translation by EcoGlobe ENGRUS
- English
Strategic Environmental Assessment at the Policies LevelRecent Progress, Current Status and Future ProspectsEdited by Barry SadlerAvailable in English only. (140 pp.) A volume prepared by the Regional Environment Centre for Central and Eastern Europe on behalf of the Czech Ministry of Environment as a contribution to the
- English