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Statistical Annex to Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2022-2023

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FPAMR 2023 output tables as of 2023-08-03.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, 510.65 KB)

The statistical annex to the Market Review includes over 82 tables showing the leading producers and traders in the three ECE subregions of Europe, North America and the Eastern Europe Caucasus and Central Asia. 39 countries provided data for this year’s publication. The data cover more than 20 primary products in volume (1000 m3 or 1000 mt) and value (for trade). These include industrial roundwood, wood energy, sawnwood, panels, pulp, paper and selected secondary products. The file also includes tables showing apparent consumption by product, including per capita data.