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Report on enhancing national capacities to develop and implement energy efficiency standards for buildings in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region

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ECE_ENERGY_GE.6_2022_3e.pdf (application/pdf, 151.39 KB)
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ECE_ENERGY_GE.6_2022_3f.pdf (application/pdf, 209.9 KB)
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ECE_ENERGY_GE.6_2022_3r.pdf (application/pdf, 264.59 KB)

The present document was developed based on the outcomes of the 2020-2022 project "Enhancing National Capacities to Develop and Implement Energy Efficiency Standards for Buildings in the UNECE Region" and contains results of evaluations from the training seminars and analysis of the impact of project activities on improving energy efficiency in buildings in the project’s beneficiary countries.