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Rules of Procedure of the Inland Transport Committee

Chapter I - Participation

Rule 1

(a) ECE member States participate at the ITC sessions as full members with voting rights.

(b) Non-ECE Member States have the right to participate as full members to the segments of the ITC session that deal with legal instruments  to which they are contracting parties and remain in a consultative capacity in other parts.

(c) States that do not fall under subparagraphs (a) and (b) may participate in the ITC sessions in a consultative capacity.

(d) Specialized agencies, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, may, in accordance with paragraphs 12  and 13  of the Terms of Reference of the Economic Commission for Europe (“ECE” or “the Commission”), participate in a consultative capacity in the Committee in discussions that the Committee may hold on any matter of particular concern to those agencies or organizations.

(e) Non-governmental organizations not in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council may, subject to the approval of the Committee and respecting the principles set forth in Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31, parts I and II, participate with consultative status in discussions that the Committee may hold on any matter of interest to these organizations.

(f) Consultations with specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) shall be conducted in accordance with Rule 51 of the Rules of Procedure of ECE.

(g) Consultations with non-governmental organizations shall be conducted in accordance with Rules 52 and 53 of the Rules of Procedure of ECE. Non-governmental organizations with consultative status under paragraph (d) shall be treated as non-governmental organizations included on the list.

Chapter II - Sessions

Rule 2

Sessions of the Committee shall be held on dates fixed by the Committee, after consultation with the secretariat, at previous meetings.

Rule 3

Sessions shall ordinarily be held at the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG). The Committee may, with the concurrence of the Commission or the Executive Committee if the Commission is not in session, decide to hold a particular session elsewhere. In that case, the relevant United Nations rules and regulations shall apply.

Rule 4

The secretariat shall, at least forty-two days before the commencement of a session of the Committee, distribute a notice of the opening date of the session, together with a copy of the provisional agenda. The basic documents relating to each item appearing on the provisional agenda of a session shall be transmitted not less than forty two days before the opening of the session, provided that in exceptional cases the secretariat may, for reasons to be stated in writing, transmit such documents not less than twenty one days before the opening of the session.