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UNFCCC COP26 Collaborative UN System Side Event

Climate-neutral housing – Decarbonizing the housing stock in an inclusive and affordable way

04 November 2021
Glasgow United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

13:15-14:30 GMT (local Glasgow time)
Lomond Auditorium, Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow, UK

Event's video

Languages: English only

Format: both in-person and online participation

Only those who registered were allowed to participate.

This Collaborative UN System Side Event to the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2021 presented the UNECE-Housing Europe-UN-Habitat joint study “#Housing2030: Effective policies for affordable housing in the UNECE region” containing a toolkit on affordable climate-neutral housing to demonstrate its use in mitigating potential negative social impacts of decarbonization strategies on vulnerable sections of society, particularly young people. The #Housing2030 study and an online platform at were launched on 6 October 2021 at the UNECE Housing Ministerial Meeting. The side event informed about the "Place and Life in the ECE – A Regional Action Plan 2030: Tackling challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, climate and housing emergencies in region, city, neighbourhood and homes” which builds on conclusions of the #Housing2030 study, as well as other relevant tools and practices, including the UNECE High Performance Buildings Initiative.

The event was organized with the support of the city of Glasgow.

Information on this and other side events of the conference are available at this link.



United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in cooperation with Housing Europe, the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).