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Urban trees and forests

For the first time in human history, over half of the world’s population lives in cities. If current projections turn out accurate, by 2050, two-thirds of humanity will be living in urban areas.

Cities are a major driver of climate change, responsible for an estimated 75% of all carbon dioxide emissions globally but at the same time, they are particularly vulnerable to its effects. Inland and coastal flooding, heat stress, extreme precipitation, droughts, water scarcity, and increased air pollution are just some of the expected impacts.  

Climate risks are unevenly distributed, both within and between cities. Cities with outdated infrastructure, urban sprawl, inadequate housing regulations and supply, are at particularly high risk. Building urban resilience to climate change is a complex, multi-stakeholder driven process, and is often constrained by the lack of resources.  

In this context, nature-based solutions are both cost-effective and scalable. They simultaneously mitigate climate change and contribute to building resilience against climate-related and natural hazards. Urban and peri-urban trees and forests are one such solution.

Strategic, tailored, and ambitious tree-planting and strengthening capacities for sustainable management of urban forests is a palpable way for local governments to contribute to climate action and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).   

As we enter the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, hoping to inspire large-scale efforts to halt the destruction of natural habitats and restore degraded ecosystems, this is the perfect moment for city governments to step in and contribute.

UNECE and FAO are working together to support cities and governments in harnessing the power of nature-based solutions to create more liveable, resilient, and sustainable cities.