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Draft Bridging Document between the Oil and Fuel Gas Reserves and Resources Classification of the Russian Federation of 2013 and UNFC-2009-Public comment


The Bureau of the Expert Group on Resource Classification is pleased to present for public comment the draft “Bridging Document between the Oil and Fuel Gas Reserves and Resources Classification of the Russian Federation of 2013 and the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009 (UNFC-2009)”. 

The Bridging Document compares the reserves and resources of the Russian Federation Classification by categories to the categories and classes of UNFC-2009.



DATES: The public comment is from 14 June 2016 until cob 14 August 2016.

COMMENTS RECEIVED: All comments received are available here.

HOW TO SUBMIT COMMENTS: Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods:

1.    Complete the online form

2.    E-mail
Send comments via e-mail to:[AT]
Please include “Draft RF2013 and UNFC Bridging Document” in the subject line.
Comment letters are accepted as attachments in MS Word and PDF format.  

Please do not submit attachments as HTML, GIF, ZIP or EXE.

3.      Paper
Send paper comments in duplicate to:
Sustainable Energy Division
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
PN 378, Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland

All submissions should refer to “Draft RF2013 and UNFC Bridging Document”.  

Important: All comments will be made available to the public – anonymous submissions are not accepted. Comments sent via e-mail will be posted on the UNECE website. Comments sent via paper will be converted to PDF and then posted on the UNECE website. All comments received will be posted without change; personal identifying information will not be edited from submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly.