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Specialized Section on Standardization of Seed Potatoes (GE.6) - Extended Bureau Meeting

08 - 11 September 2015
Oulu Finland
Report of the Meeting (GE.6/BUR/2015/7) PDF
POST-SESSION / Work in progress  
Revisions - Definition of potato viruses for seed certification PDF
Revisions -  UNECE Standard S-1 - Seed potatoes PDF
Revisions -  UNECE Guide to Seed potato Tuber Inspection: Recommended practices PDF
Opening - Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, Head of Unit - Ms. Hanna Kortemaa   PDF
Finland - Agriculture -  Ms. Marja Savonmäki, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry PDF
UNECE commercial quality standards for agricultural produce  - Mr. Mika Vepsäläinen, Chief Market Access Section PDF

Blackleg/Soft Rot in Potatoes - Mr. Yeshitila Degefu, Natural Resources Institute of Finland

Epidemiology and Control of Potato Virus Y - Ms. Lea Hiltunen, Mr. Sascha Kirchner Ms. Elina Virtanen, Mr. Jari Valkonen, Helsinki University PDF
Potato Production in High Grade Regions - Ms. Marja Savonmäki, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland PDF
Seed Potato Production and Certification in Finland - Ms. Hanna Kortemaa, Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, Head of Unit PDF
Seed Potato Research in Finland - Ms. Elina Virtanen, Natural Resources Institute of Finland PDF
Welcome to Oulu DOC

Provisional Programme (GE.6/BUR/2015/1)

Definitions of “field”, “crop”, “lot” and “origin” (GE.6/BUR/2015/2) DOC
UNECE Guide to Seed Potato Tuber Inspection (GE.6/BUR/2015/3) DOC
UNECE Guide to Seed Potato Tuber Inspection (GE.6/BUR/2015/3/Rev.1) DOC
Definitions of virus diseases  
Risk-based inspections  
UNECE Guide to Operating a Seed Potato Certification Service (GE.6/BUR/2015/5)
Second draft (30 June 2015)


Sample sizes (GE.6/BUR/2015/6) PDF
Statistical notes PDF
Requirement on “physiology”