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Issue 2 2016


Forest Information Billboard


Issue 2, June 2016

Rovaniemi Action plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy presented in Batumi

UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section organized a side event "Towards a Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development: Practical Tools for the Forest Sector" during the Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference in Batumi, Georgia, 8-10 June 2016.
This side event discussed the practical ways of how countries can  green their economies in respect to forest sector. It featured presentations from Finland, by Ms. Hannele Pokka, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of the Environment and from Georgia, by Mr. Carl Amirgulashvili, Head of the Forest Policy Service, Ministry of Environment.

The audience was informed  about the development and implementation of the Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy, which was prepared through a multi-stakeholder process over several years. Rovaniemi Action Plan is a voluntary action plan that proposes possible actions to implement green economy in the forest sector for governments, international organizations, NGOs and business associations.

UNECE/FAO UNDA Project on “Sustainable Forest Management for Greener Economies in the Caucasus and Central Asia” showcased examples in  support to the national actions inspired by the Rovaniemi Action plan, e.g. influencing forest strategy or national action plan development for the forest sector.
The objective of the event was to reach out to other sectors and search cross-sectorial cooperation possibilities. Around 60 people participated. The section received positive feedback about the usefulness of including forestry topics in this type of cross-sectorial conference.  New links for possible future cooperation on implementation of the UNECE/FAO integrated programme of work were created (e.g. World Bank, Forest Europe, and Government of Poland).


For more information visit the side event website.


News release of the event is available here.


Pictures of the event are available here.


Forest Reporting


Western Hemisphere Benchmark: New Insights into Global Wood Fiber Supply Chain


Forest2Market’s mission has always been to empower its participants to make exponentially better decisions through the application of industry expertise and unique datasets. We believe that market price transparency and transaction-based benchmarking are vital to optimizing and stabilizing the supply chain between producers and consumers. Demand and capital will always flow to the lowest cost producer, and with wood fiber being the largest variable cost input for the pulping process, it is imperative for producers in various regions to know their wood fiber price positions in the global market.

Forest2Market is on the cusp of producing its first wood fiber delivered price benchmark for the Baltic Rim.* As market penetration builds, we will develop a global wood fiber benchmark covering major market regions and various end products. The following data represents a portion of this metric, the new Western Hemisphere Benchmark.

An additional benefit of being able to accurately report benchmark wood fiber costs for various species and grades is the establishment of a global wood fiber benchmark for various end-products. Below are quarterly trends for these various segments based on our western hemisphere data.


We believe the Western Hemisphere Benchmark is a valuable tool providing unparalleled insights into the global wood fiber supply chain. Expanding into eastern hemisphere markets will allow us to bolster these metrics. To learn more about our global and regional benchmarks, or to subscribe, contact us.

*Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden

DIABOLO Bridges the Gap Between Forest Information Demand and Supply in Europe

The increasing competition for resources will call for new forest-related, evidence-based policies at different political levels and across different sectors. The DIABOLO annual project meeting highlighted the progress in developing distributed, integrated and harmonized forest information for bioeconomy outlooks.

The DIABOLO annual project meeting took place at Copenhagen University on 19-20 April 2016. It brought together over 60 experts and scientists from 33 leading European scientific institutions in the fields of quantitative modelling, policy and social science, and national forest inventories, all committed to providing new methodologies and information for a variety of end-uses within the ecological, social and economic diversity in Europe.

During the meeting in Copenhagen, the first DIABOLO (WP 1) results of identifying the demand, provision, flows and gaps in forest data at different political levels were presented. These results will serve as a base for a European workshop organised in Vienna, 19-20 September 2016 where invited policy makers, forest managers, data providers and key stakeholders from different levels and policy sectors are expected to identify options for bridging “gaps” between forest information demand and supply, and to suggest strategies on how to improve the knowledge communication and information exchange as regards forests.
Also first results on the harmonization of definitions for sustainable biomass supply were presented in Copenhagen (WP 5).

The definition will be elaborated and utilised together with 23 partners from as many European countries as a basis for distributed, integrated and harmonized biomass supply analysis. In 2016 DIABOLO stakeholders can expect also first results on “Harmonising growing stock, biomass and carbon estimation, and forest state monitoring based on field and high-resolution remote sensing data” (WP 2); “Improving data collection and analysis for multipurpose inventory of forest resources (WP 3); and “Monitoring disturbances in European forests based on space data (WP4)”.


Read the full press release here. Visit the project website or contact Markus Lier from Luke (Natural Resources Institute, Finland) for more information.

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Scent Detection Dogs for the Asian Longhorn Beetle


Global trade and worldwide shipping of wood and wood packaging material lead to an increase in Asian longhorn beetle outbreaks in Europe. Dogs are trained at the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW) in Vienna to detect Anoplophora.


For more information contact: Magdalena Lackner, Austrian Research Centre for Forests, Vienna,
[email protected]

Link to the press-text:
Images for download:
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New Staff at UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section


Ms. Claudia TRENTINI joined the team of the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section in May 2016. She will, together with Matt Fonseca, coordinate this year’s edition Forest Products Annual Market Review (FPAMR). Claudia holds a PhD in economics from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy and Master of Science in economics and management sciences from Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Before joining our team, Claudia worked for more than three years for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.


Shortly after Claudia joined the team, Mr. Atte KOSKIVAARA and Mr. Teemu ANTTILA joined the team. Atte and Teemu are students at the Helsinki University and complete this year’s team for the production of the FPAMR. Calling them just “interns” would be a huge understatement. Just imagine, one of them is the co-founder of a fancy sunglass brand using wood for the frames – ( and the other one is a peacekeeper and has already build several bridges – real ones with wood and steel! We are very grateful to have Atte and Teemu in our team for the summer and the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section would like to express its gratitude and appreciation to Anne Toppinen and University of Helsinki,  for the reliable support their students provide every year to the production of the FPAMR.

Welcome Claudia, Atte and Teemu! And good luck with the production of the FPAMR2016! For more information visit



Towards a harmonized assessment of European forest availability for wood supply in Europe
The availability of European forests for wood supply is highly relevant for the analysis of global climate change mitigation strategies, carbon accounting, sustainability of management and for planning and forecasting use of wood resources, biomass and renewable energy. For this robust data is essential. 
A newly developed reference definition is supposed to ease the way towards a harmonized assessment of European forest availability for wood supply. The UNECE and FAO have been working jointly with international researchers participating in the COST Action USEWOOD FP1001 and members of ENFIN (European National Forest Inventories Network) on a common definition that could be adopted by all European countries. Aside from the advantages in comparability and robustness of the data, an improved dataset on the availability of wood will make estimations on the carbon storage of forests, energy from wood and harvested wood products more precise.
Find the press release about the topic here and find the scientific paper here: Alberdi, I., Michalak, R. et al. 2016. Towards a harmonized assessment of European forest availability for wood supply in Europe.
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European State Forests Boost the Bioeconomy


The European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR) published a new booklet: “European State Forests Boost the Bioeconomy” to share state forests’ vision of the bioeconomy and explain the potential of European state forests to contribute to the development of this recent economic concept in the EU. European State Forest Management Organizations, members of EUSTAFOR, can serve as reliable partners in achieving the goals set out by the European Union to build a competitive, resource efficient and low-carbon economy. In addition to the significant contribution Europe’s forests already make to the economy, there remains a huge potential for more innovation and growth throughout the forest-based sector.

“This booklet is a short guide on how European state forests can play a significant part in developing both a greener, smarter, more efficient and inclusive European bioeconomy and a bio-based circular economy, using our available resources responsibly and efficiently for the sake of current and future generations,” states Per-Olof Wedin, President of EUSTAFOR.

The publication is the first outcome of EUSTAFOR’s internal Bioeconomy Working Group which brings together experts from 10 of EUSTAFOR’s member organizations and its Head Office in Brussels. The booklet was published in April 2016, on the occasion of EUSTAFOR’s 10th anniversary celebrations which took place in Brussels.

Download the publication here.

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Reports and Studies from Valois Vision Marketing

Vancouver, Canada-based VALOIS VISION MARKETING is a global supplier of market pulp and graphic paper analysis. Established in 1997, the firm’s focus is to provide strategic marketing intelligence to the pulp and paper industry.


Managing Director Michel Valois has been active in the industry for over 25 years and is currently the lead author for the pulp, paper and paperboard chapter for the UN/FAO Annual Forestry Report. Michel holds an MBA degree (’87) from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.


Reports and studies covered include the following:

China Study – An annual study focusing on Chinese imports of market pulp, paper, paperboard and recovered papers. Analysis includes imports by grade and country, market shares and Chinese projects.
Supply/Demand Analysis – Published twice yearly (June and December), this report provides a ten-year forecast of supply and demand for chemical market pulp (high-yield pulp also covered, with a five-year outlook) broken down by market and grade. The report reviews past and future projects, and includes a long-term price forecast by major grade and market.

Market Fluff Pulp – A quarterly report on supply and demand changes for fluff pulp; the report also breaks down the data by end-use segment and geographic region for the current market, and provides a one-year forecast. A price forecast for the U.S. and Europe is included.

World Downtime Report – A monthly recap and short-term forecast of downtime within the global chemical market pulp industry. Provides a summary of monthly downtime by major supplying country or region. Major downtime by mill is also included.

Flash Report – A monthly analysis of current supply/demand issues, stocks, prices and other salient points.

Click on the logo to visit our website:

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Tackling the Limitations of LCA in Relation to Forest-based Products


On the 24th May, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) published a position paper calling for addressing the limitations of life cycle assessment in relation to biodiversity. The paper targets especially those LCAs that address environmental impacts of production processes where forestry, fishing, mining or agriculture is at the start of the supply chain. In such cases LCAs tend to be blind for location specific impacts on the ecosystems from which natural resources are extracted, in particular those that can be summarized in terms of biodiversity impacts. Moreover, the extraction of such resources can have considerable social impacts which should not be overlooked as they are, at least partly, emerging in forms of deterioration of the local environments from which local peoples depend from.

The paper explains that the limitations of LCAs are inherent to the methodologies used. It pleas to any user, whether they are companies, researchers or public authorities, when these are using LCAs to shape production improvement processes or procurement policies, to recognize its limitations, and to address these upfront with requiring evidence of sustainable sources of raw materials. For forest-based materials, offer FSC forest certification as the best way of doing so.


The paper contains a, definitely incomplete, list of examples of public and private product standards which are based on LCA, but which already take such a precautionary measure. It calls upon these to ensure this will be continued and others to join in.

Download the full paper here.

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Research on Seedling Costs in a Tree Nursery in Turkey

Özden GÖRÜCÜ, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Forestry Turkey
İbrahim KURT, General Directorate of Forestry Afyonkarahisar  Directorate of Nursery Turkey

The aim of this study is to perform the analysis of the production cost of 1+0 aged bare-root-leafy tree seadlings and 2+0 aged coniferous trees seedlings hich produced from seeds in Afyonkarahisar Directorate of Nursery.Seedling production cost which calculated utilizing from sales price in 2015 produced in Forest Nurseries and financial losses in this area is calculated.There is total 29.900 L. loss on 2,250.000 bare-root sapling which produced in Afyonkarahisar Directorate of Nursery. But it is determined the presence of Directorate of of Forest Nursery within General Directorate of Forestry(OGM) improve the social and economic relations with the locals as well as provide benefits like transportation, time and ecological advantages in reforestation efforts to OGM.


For more information contact:
Prof.Dr.Özden GÖRÜCÜ
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University
Faculty of Forestry
e-mail: [email protected]

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Statistical Yearbook to Cover the External Trade of All EU-countries
For the first time a statistical yearbook is available which covers the external trade of all EU-countries with regard to their most important wood products, for example, exports or imports of sawnwood from Sweden or imports of logs to Germany: For each particular product there are tables with the amount, the value and the price of the imported or exported product for all 28 EU-countries.

The Excel-tables and graphics (which are also available as pdf files) provide the most important information about the international trade with wood products. Though written in German, everything is relatively international and easy to understand (unless you can’t guess that “Großbritannien” is the German translation of ”Great Britain“.)
Order your copy from: or by e-mail to [email protected]




More Heat with Less Wood – Efficient Use of Wood Energy in Households


The UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section launched the video “More heat with less wood” during the 38th joint ECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management on 23 March 2016. The video is a supplement to the eponymous workshop (6-7 October 2015) and is available on UNECE’s Youtube channel, where it has been ranked among the top 20 videos by UNECE.

The short film promotes the efficient use of wood as a fuel in households. Efficient heating technologies, combustion, pyrolysis, thermal insulation, wood storage as well as aspects of consumer health and behaviour of wood use are visualized and explained in an easy to understand manner. The video is available in English with Russian subtitles and in a Turkish version. Additional versions in Albanian, Georgian, Hungarian, Romanian and Serbian are in progress.

If you would like to translate the video in any other language we can provide you with the original version (contact Theresa Loeffler at the UNECE/FAO secretariat).



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10 Years of Cooperation Among State Forest Organizations at European Level

In April the European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR) celebrated its 10 years of existence and organized a series of events, including a conference and an exhibition in the European Parliament in Brussels. The events were held under the common title: “Managing European Forests Responsibly - for People, Climate and Nature.” They highlighted the important role of European state forests in reaching the objectives of relevant EU policies, such as those concerning the climate and energy package, biodiversity and Natura 2000, and the bio- and circular economies, among others.


The conference was hosted by the Chairs of the three EP Committees which are most relevant for the forest sector: Czesław Adam Siekierski (Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development), Giovanni La Via (Committee on Environment, Public Health, Food Safety) and Jerzy Buzek (Committee on Industry, Research and Energy).


The exhibition was on display during an entire week in the core of the European Parliament building and presented all the different aspects of sustainable and multifunctional forest management in European state forests, including the contribution of Europe’s forests towards climate change mitigation.


EUSTAFOR’s 30 members (state forest organizations managing state forests) represent around one third of the EU forest area. They are committed to sustainable forest management. The total harvest of EUSTAFOR’s members is over 120 million m3 of round timber per annum and together they employ more than 100 000 individuals.

For more information about the events visit:
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ISO Technical Committee on Bamboo and Rattan


The newly established ISO technical committee on bamboo and rattan held its first meeting in Beijing, at the end of April 2016. The meeting was attended by delegates representing the national standardization bodies of China, Colombia, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, France, Egypt, Jamaica, Philippines, together with representatives of INBAR, the International network for bamboo and rattan. The attendance demonstrates the interest of many developing countries in standardizing bamboo and rattan. On the other hand, major producers and users are still absent and need to be involved, e.g. Brazil, India and Japan.

ISO/TC 296 is led by China. As it was their first meeting, the committee structure and the programme of work were extensively discussed. TC members decided to establish three working groups, each of them tied to a specific proposal for a new work item:

• terminology
• bamboo floorings
• bamboo charcoal.


Explicitly wishing to share leading positions within the technical committee, members from Indonesia, Jamaica and China were invited to propose appropriate working group convenors. Members in whose countries the production and use of rattan is particularly relevant, such as Indonesia and Philippines, were invited to propose new work items about rattan.

This was a good start and there are many expectations for future work!

For more information visit the ISO/TC 296 home page.



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#BeyondWood - Policy Conference in Brussels, Monday 23 May 2016

190 delegates representing EU Member States, regional and local authorities, forest managers and owners, environmental organisations, wood based industries, citizens' groups, and businesses and trade associations attended this event.

Interested to get the presentations or to see again who said what?

Just go to
• To download the presentations
• To watch the video recording of the event (available in 6 languages)
• To see what people were saying on Twitter about the event
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Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry in Greater Central Asia


The First Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry in Greater Central Asia has been held in Astana, Kazakhstan, 30 – 31 May 2016. The meeting arrangements were discussed and planned during the Second Regional Workshop on Strategic Forestry Cooperation in Greater Central Asia, which was organized by the Ministry of Environment and Green Development and Tourism of Mongolia and Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation and Mongolian nature and Environment consortium in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, on 15-17 July, 2015.

The meeting in Kazakhstan was attended by the heads of the government bodies, who gathered to discuss forestry development from China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia,  Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The issues related to cross-border and regional cooperation in forestry, implementation of joint programs, projects and forestry research were discussed and considered by the workshop participants. As a conclusion, the meeting proposed to strengthen measures aimed at increasing forest cover, to combat forest diseases and forest degradation, illegal logging, forest fires and other relevant issues.


For more information visit:

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Six-point Plan Positions Forest Criteria and Indicators (C&I) as Integral Part of Sustainable Development


International experts have drawn up a six-point plan to strengthen collaboration on the use of criteria and indicators to guide and track progress towards sustainable forest management.


Some 40 forestry experts from 16 countries came together in Ottawa, Canada, in May for a three-day meeting, organized by Natural Resources Canada in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), as part of a drive to mobilize the full potential of criteria and indicators (C&I) in managing forests sustainably.


Among the six priority areas for concrete action, experts at the Ottawa meeting agreed to jointly work towards a core set of global forest indicators. They also called for better integration of C&I into policy and planning to help guide the development of results-oriented policies and strategies.


Experts agreed on four other priority areas: reporting on global commitments, sharing knowledge and building capacity, analysing commonalities and differences among C&I processes, and analysing the evolution of sustainable forest management indicator processes and lessons learned.


Representatives from the FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit and the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section were among participants at the meeting.

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The XIII International Junior Forest Contest

The XIII International Junior Forest Contest will be held in Peterhof, the St Petersburg region, the Russian Federation, on 4-9 September, 2016.

Organised by the Federal Forestry Agency, the Contest is aimed to encourage international youth cooperation and raise environmental awareness; disseminate knowledge on current trends, problems and prospects of global forestry.

The contestants aged 14 to 22 will present their research works to the International Jury. The research themes vary from silviculture and forestry to forest flora and fauna.

For more information, please, contact the Organising Committee at [email protected] or link at the FFA website.



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UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section - Upcoming Meetings
29 August - 1 September 2016 Joint Workshop of the UNECE-FAO Forest Communicators Network and IUFRO Communications and Public Relations Working Party, Portland, Oregon, USA.
14 September 2016, ILO/UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Green Jobs in the Forest Sector, Geneva, Switzerland.
14-16 September 2016, UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Sustainable Forest Management, Zagreb, Croatia.
18-20 October 2016, UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry, Geneva, Switzerland.
21 October 2016, Workshop on Measuring the Value of Forests in a Green Economy, Geneva, Switzerland.
15-18 November 2016 (to be confirmed) UNECE/FAO United Nations Development Account (UNDA) project "Accountability Systems for Sustainable Forest Management in the Caucasus and Central Asia", first regional workshop, country to be announced at later stage.
4-6 December 2016 (to be confirmed), Capacity Building Workshop on Wood Energy Information, Turkey.
For more information on the listed events as well as other events please visit the meetings page regularly.
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Siberia Forest & Forest Industry Tour & Northern China / Russia Border Tour, September 11 – 19, 2016

Sept 11-17 Siberia Forest & Industry Tour (limited to 16 participants – only a few spots left!)
Sept 18-19 Northern China/Russia Border Tour
The Siberian wood products industry is now rapidly expanding its timber harvesting and manufacturing industry, so this is your chance see it for yourself and establish your own views! Visits will be made to some of the newest, state-of-the-art sawmills, plywood mills and a pulp mill.
Visit our webpage for all information and to order.

China Supply Chain & Logistics Conference, September 20, 2016 – Holiday Inn Qingdao Parkview

Visit our webpage for all information and to order.

Assessing major offshore log and lumber suppliers and their logistics costs in/inside China. Chinese and International speakers will discuss end-use sector for logs and lumber and  analysis of latest supply/demand dynamics.
In conjunction with:
• One-day industry tour around Qingdao, September 21, 2016
• Two-day industry & port tour, east coast China, September 22-23, 2016
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WHAT WE WOOD BELIEVE: Final Stakeholder Workshop in Brussels, 22 September 2016


The final W3B Stakeholder Workshop will provide insights on the project’s achievements and results during the past two and a half years. For example, we will address the importance of innovation for the future communication of the forest-based sector and how pub¬lic perception can support these endeavors. We will share our communication tools and discuss their application on a broader scope.

Please save the date: What We Wood Believe - Final Stakeholder Workshop in Brussels, Thursday, 22nd September 2016, 13-16h, organised at The European Forestry House Brussels, Rue de Luxembourg 66, 1000 Brussels.

For more information on the project, see our project homepage or the latest newsletter at
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Forest-based Innovations: a Key for Europe’s Bioeconomy, 23 September 2016


The seminar ‘Forest-based innovations: a key for Europe’s bioeconomy’ will focus on the role of innovation in the forest-based sector and implications towards a European bio-economy. Topics addressed will elaborate on a wide array of cutting-edge ideas and a range from silviculture techniques to forest products & services. The seminar will be organised in connection with the European Forest Institute’s Annual Conference in Vienna, Austria, on 23 September 2016.

Check out the latest updates on the Seminar and register here:
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2016 PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue: Sustainable Landscapes for Sustainable Livelihoods, 17-18 November 2016

The essential role that forests and trees play in providing solutions to complex, global challenges is being increasingly recognized. This importance is further reinforced within the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Accord.

But with this global attention also comes a call to action for the forest sector to exercise leadership and support the delivery of more ambitious forest-based solutions.

The vibrant backdrop of Bali, Indonesia will set the scene for the 2016 PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue - the public event of PEFC Forest Certification Week - as we explore the role of forest certification and sustainable supply chains in promoting sustainable landscapes for sustainable livelihoods.

What to expect?
The two-day event will convene forest sector leaders from around the world to elaborate on how sustainable forestry and forest certification can contribute beyond traditional boundaries to accelerate sustainable development.

We will examine ways to further the impact of forest certification to promote sustainable landscapes where trees deliver maximum positive impacts to people and the environment.

The objectives
Join us as we look to:
• Share experience and showcase best practice on creating equitable, productive and healthy landscapes through sustainable supply chains;  
• Build clarity around an expanded role for forest certification and the forest sector in catalyzing sustainable landscapes and livelihoods;
• Reflect and input into PEFC’s standards, scope and dimensionality in light of new knowledge, opportunities and expectations.

The 2016 PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue takes place 17-18 November in Bali, Indonesia. Find out more and register:
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University of Eastern Finland - UNEP Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Thirteenth Course, 21 November to 1 December 2016, Joensuu, Finland

The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) are jointly organizing a high profile two-week Course on international environmental law-making and diplomacy at the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland from 21 November to 1 December 2016. The Course transfers past experience in the field of international environmental law to current and future negotiators of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). Each Course is based on a specific theme. In addition, the Course provides a forum to foster North-South co-operation and to take stock of recent developments in negotiations as well as in implementation of MEAs and diplomatic practices in the international environmental arena.


For more information upload the leaflet here or visit the course website.



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Building an Innovative and Resilient Forest Bioeconomy


The bioeconomy can help to tackle many current global challenges: economic growth, climate change and resource scarcity. How can we ensure a forest-based bioeconomy is resilient and sustainable? What innovations are required? What EU-global interactions affect bioeconomy development? How can we monitor and assess the resiliency of bioeconomy development?


This ThinkForest seminar will discuss the above questions in Brussels on 15 November 2016.  The event will be hosted by Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, MEP and chaired by Göran Persson, ThinkForest President.

Registration to this event will open late September 2016. More information:
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Calling Young Leaders with an Interest in Russia!


We are looking for 20 young professionals with leadership potential to take part in a unique 5-day intensive course on the forest-based bioeconomy focussing on Russia. Course takes place in Joensuu, Finland on 28 November – 2 December.  The Young Leadership Programme (YLP) offers an opportunity to interact with a network of global peers and international speakers, to fully understand the emerging opportunities and challenges facing forest-based bioeconomy in Russia.


The YLP is aimed at emerging leaders from the research, education, NGOs, governance or business side of the forest sector or a related area, who are working in or with Russia. Don’t miss the opportunity to improve your leadership skills and knowledge of forestry in Russia! Apply by 26 August. Scholarships are available to participants from non-profit organizations.

The Young Leadership Programme is organized jointly by the European Forest Institute, Joensuu Science Park, Natural Resources Institute Finland, University of Eastern Finland, City of Joensuu and Regional Council of North Karelia, Finland.

Further information is available on the YLP website.


How to contribute? Deadline to provide contributions to the next issue is 15 September 2016. Please note that the editing of the texts is on the responsibility of the contributors. More information and the previous issues are available here.


We work in Collaboration with the Global Forest Information Service.

Last update date: