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Vitor Correia-European Federation of Geologists

Subject: Comments to Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Renewable Energy Resources: from Vitor Correia, President, European Federation of Geologists
12 September 2014
First, on behalf of the European Federation of Geologists (EFG), I would like to congratulate UNECE and the Task Force on the Application of UNFC-2009 to Renewable Energy Resources for the work made.
Going to specifics, the position from EFG concerns only geothermal energy.
According with Dr. Szanyi János, Chair of EFG’s Panel of Experts on Geothermal Energy, the extension of the UN resource classification to geothermal sources faces a difficulty that should be considered: geothermal energy use is highly dependent on its vehicle. But calculation of groundwater resources varies considerably from hydrocarbon resources. Additionally, in the three fundamental criteria that shape the three-dimensional system, the capacity factor isn’t considered. This is relevant since neither heat nor electricity storage is simple. And, because the energy content of geothermal sources isn’t considered, comparison between different energy sources remains difficult.
To conclude, we consider that the extension of UNFC classification to renewable is an important achievement, that poses relevant challenges, and we remain available to cooperate with UNECE in this task.

Comments from Vitor Correia, President, European Federation of Geologists, to Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Renewable Energy Resources.