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Sigurd Heiberg-Petronavitas

Subject: Comments to Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Renewable Energy Resources: from Sigurd Heiberg, Petronavitas
12 September 2014

It is a pleasure to read the draft which is an exceptionally clear specification, to the point and in a form that will carry far.
Of my comments, I would like to highlight two that I think are particularly important.
  1. The title should refer renewable projects, not resources.  This reflects the text and the underlying thinking behind the UNFC much better. The title will then also resonate better with many who identify reserves and resources with something finite, and therefore will view (rightly or wrongly) a classification of resources as foreign and irrelevant for renewable resources. This change is likely to increase the acceptability of the specifications.
  2. Footnote (d) to the E-axis in UNFC 2009 should be repeated in these specifications. This is the text that redefines the E-axis to include all economic and social contingencies affecting a project. Many renewable projects are blocked or delayed by hindrances in this space beyond the stricto senso economic ones. Including this is important for the use of the classification for all the four purposes it is designed to serve.

Comments from Sigurd Heiberg, Petronavitas, to Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Renewable Energy Resources.
Attachment to Sigurd Heiberg Comments