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EA01: Enabling transboundary cooperation and integrated water resources management in the extended Drin River Basin


EXCOM approval

Planning phase

Implementation phase

Final Reporting
and Evaluation phase

EXCOM form

Project identification form (PIF)
• More information available on the following sites: and
• The GEF-funded project will start spring 2016. For information on the preparatory phase see:
The GEF-funded project document

Monitoring the Implementation

Substantive web page information for the project


Final/Terminal report

•Evaluation ToR
•Evaluation report
Midpoint/Annual Progress Reports Annual funds utilization reports
Part I. Planning
(to be filled in before submission to EXCOM)
Part II. Implementation
(to be used for reporting on progress in the implementation of the project in real time)1,2

Expected accomplishments

Planned activities

Estimated costs (US$)


Implemented activities3

Actual expenditures4 (US$)3

EA 1: Consensus among countries on  key transboundary concerns, including climate change and variability reached through joint fact finding.

A1.1 Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA)




A1.2 Agreement on main drivers of change, and on indicators of current conditions, documented and agreed by Drin Core Group




EA 2: Visioning process opens the way for systematic cooperation in the management of the transboundary Drin River Basin.

A2.1 Planned for 2015-2018




EA 3: Countries and donors commit to sustain joint cooperation mechanisms and to undertake priority reforms and investments.

A3.1 Planned for 2015-2018




EA 4: Transboundary cooperation will facilitate balancing of water uses and sustaining environmental quality throughout the extended Drin Basin.

A4.1 Planned for 2015-2018




EA 5: Benefits demonstrated on the ground environmentally sound approaches and technologies new to the region.

A5.1 Planned for 2015-2018




EA 6: Public support and participation to IWRM and joint multi-country management enhanced through stakeholder involvement and gender mainstreaming.

A6.1 Planned for 2015-2018




EA 7: Political awareness at all levels and private sector participation strengthened through higher visibility of the project’s developments and targeted outreach initiatives.

A7.1 Planned for 2015-2018




1 The secretariat shall inform EXCOM in case of unexpected developments or serious problems of any kind in the project implementation.
2 Questions from member States on project implementation will be forwarded to the secretariat.
Relevant information should be uploaded by the project manager on the Project Monitoring Tool within one month from the end of the activity and include the following:
(a) For an advisory service (including at a workshop/seminar/training organized by other organizations): title; venue; dates; project expenditures; and hyperlink(s) to presentation(s) and other relevant documents;
(b) For a workshop/conference/training organized by UNECE: title; venue; dates; project expenditures; and hyperlinks to the meeting agenda, list of participants, presentation(s) made by UNECE, conference documents, training materials and reports;
(c) For a consultancy: project expenditures; hyperlinks to the consultancy ToR and main outputs (study, report, training material, presentation, etc.) produced by the consultant/s;
(d) For other outputs not included under bullet points above: hyperlink to relevant documents.  
[1] Relevant financial information – certified by the Executive Office - should be uploaded by the project manager on the Project Monitoring Tool within one month from the end of the activity.