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Displaying Results 951 - 975 of 1286

In Kyiv, a high-level multi-stakeholder meeting on 28 March 2017 marked the restart of the UNECE-assisted water policy process after a six-year pause. Some 50 participants from key stakeholder organizations attended the meeting of the newly formed National Policy Dialogue (NPD) Steering Committee…
Experts from UNECE member States and the secretariat will be visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina from 27 March to 6 April 2017 for a field mission in the framework of the third environmental performance review (EPR) of the country. The team will meet governmental officials and representatives of…
Did you know that one in four people in the UNECE region live in rural areas? This is true for almost one in three people over 65 as rural areas experience faster population ageing.Rural areas are more thinly populated and people are more geographically dispersed than in urban areas. For this…
With almost a billion people going hungry (795 million people are undernourished according to FAO), hunger is one of the persistent scourges of the world. At the same time, there is more than enough food on the planet to feed the entire world population. FAO estimates that one-third of the food…
Almost two years have passed since the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by UN Member States. It was a landmark achievement in international cooperation, a plan of action to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate…
Natural gas is often considered the cleanest fossil fuel. However, its principal component, methane, is a potent greenhouse gas. Although short-lived in the atmosphere, methane contributes more than ten per cent to the overall anthropogenic emissions. Reducing methane emissions is one of the low-…
Sustainable forest management indicators developed through a participatory process can provide important information on forest resources and support evidence-based forest policies.  The concept of criteria and indicators, integrating social, economic and ecological aspects, was developed after…
Wood energy is an important renewable energy source. The CO2 absorbed by growing trees is equivalent to the CO2 that is released by burning wood. In 2013, wood energy accounted for 3.5 percent of the total primary energy supply and 37.5% of the renewable energy supply among UNECE member States,…
“Accessible, timely and reliable statistics are a prerequisite for effective action on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” said Peter Thomson, the President of the United Nations General Assembly at the 48th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission. He underlined the need for…
Increasing demands for land and other natural resources, construction of environmentally hazardous installations and industrial accidents put people exercising their rights and seeking justice at the new frontline in the battle for the sustainability of their communities and the future of their…
Preparations for the UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing are in full swing. Under the motto A sustainable society for all ages: Realizing the potential of living longer the Conference will review progress in implementing the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in the region and…
UNECE presented the study on overcoming regulatory and procedural barriers to trade during a stakeholder meeting  organized by the Moldavian Ministry of Economy for stakeholders from across the country, including economic operators from the region of Transnistria.According to the Director for…
By mid-century, India’s economy will grow five-fold, according to te goverment’s projections. India will become the most populous country in the world, with over 1.6 billion people, up from the current 1.25 billion.  These additional 350 million people will be absorbed almost entirely by cities,…
In recent decades, family patterns have changed substantially in the UNECE region. Longer cohabitation before marriage and childbearing after personal establishment in the labour market has become more common for both men and women. As an example, the mean age at first marriage for both men and…
As recently highlighted in the news from the United States on the Oroville dam and its damaged spillway, the safety of dams is a major issue worldwide. For quite some time UNECE has been engaged in Central Asia to develop capacity and policy with regard to dam safety. A project funded by the…
Share of the labour force involved in agriculture, forestry and fishing in 2015, according to the ISIC rev. 4 classification of economic activities. Not all UNECE countries shown.In 2015, less than five percent of employed persons worked in the agricultural, forestry and fishing industries in…
The second Global Survey on Trade Facilitation and Paperless Trade Implementation will be carried out until the end of March 2017. It is jointly conducted by the United Nations Regional Commissions (UNRCs) - ECA, UNECE, ECLAC, ESCAP and ESCWA.Building on the success of the first Global Survey of…
Despite considerable progress in recent years, transport in general, but specifically road transport, remains one of the main contributors to air pollution and Climate Change. This is even more relevant in areas of low- and middle-income countries where the number of road vehicles is dramatically…
How are the automotive and ICT industries advancing in the field of automated and connected vehicles? What are the long-term implications for both industries?  What are the business, technological and regulatory issues still to be tackled before automated and connected vehicles hit the road in…
While there is increasing awareness about the health effects of air pollution, its impact on ecosystems and crops is sometimes overlooked. Recent air pollution peaks in Warsaw, Krakow and other cities in Poland and other parts of Europe also have significant effects on plant life. This, in turn,…
Six months after UNECE ministers from 44 countries renewed their commitments on a number of environmental issues in the region (Batumi, Georgia, 8-10 June 2016), delegates at the 22nd session of the UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy (CEP) discussed progress in the implementation of those…
Rising population and increasing urbanization will have a massive global impact on the demand for energy and raw materials. Many countries will increasingly look to secure sustainable supplies of energy and minerals by proactively developing their domestic resource base where available. Countries…
A goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels” (Goal 16). One way of analysing justice systems in…
How to make the most of the recommendations contained in UNECE Environmental Performance Reviews (EPRs)? How to involve the public in decisions affecting the environment, making public participation effective? How to involve better the private sector in the development and implementation of…
On 25 January 2017, a national round-table discussion on legal implementation of the UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment was held in Astana, Kazakhstan. Underpinning the round table was a legislative review prepared by UNECE experts, assessing the existing legislative framework…