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Displaying Results 351 - 374 of 374

The use of nitrogen fertilizers and the combustion of fossil fuels have led to a doubling of the flow of nitrogen compounds around the world in the past 100 years. Nitrogen (N) is important for plant growth and sufficient amounts are needed for plants to achieve optimum crop yields. However,…
While increasing carbon dioxide levels are the dominant factor contributing to climate change in the Arctic, short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) also play a significant role. Targeting SLCPs by reducing black carbon and methane emissions will help to slow Arctic warming in the near term.The…
Algeria and Morocco are currently looking into revising their national legislation on environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) to reduce the environmental impact of economic activities both nationally and across borders, while ensuring sustainable…
UNECE will be contributing to the Seventh World Water Forum, to be held from 12 to 17 April in Daegu and Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. The Forum, the world’s largest meeting on water, is where the water community — policy and decision makers, parliamentarians, civil society and experts from around…
Experts from UNECE member States and the secretariat are visiting Belarus from 17 to 25 March for a field mission in the framework of the third environmental performance review (EPR) of the country. Following today’s plenary meeting, the team will meet governmental officials and representatives…
UNECE has been actively engaged in the preparations of the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (Sendai, 14-18 March). At the conference, UNECE Executive Secretary Christian Friis Bach will showcase at various sessions how UNECE work helps member States reduce disasters risks, build…
Azerbaijan is assessing a draft law on Environmental Impact Assessment prepared with support from UNECE. Following a first round of discussions with all stakeholders (representatives from the relevant Ministries, members of Parliament, local authorities, representatives from NGOs and the private…
Air pollution is a key factor in the degradation of surfaces of historical buildings and monuments. The impact of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere on materials is enormous and often irreversible. Corrosion caused by chemicals and soiling caused by particles can lead to economic losses but,…
What is the best way to effectively identify and notify the public concerned about proposed activities affecting the environment? Are countries providing early public participation when all options, including the “zero” option (doing nothing), are genuinely open? Is it right if at public hearings…
A new study led by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) shows that current legislation in Europe, while significantly improving air quality, is insufficient to remove the region’s many pollution hotspots . Hosting a centre for the Co-operative Programme for Monitoring…
The Executive Secretary will be in Madrid on 23 February to participate in the sixth meeting of the Environment and Health Ministerial Board.  On this occasion the Ministers of Environment of Armenia, Montenegro, Portugal and the Russian Federation, who were appointed by the Committee on…
Transboundary water cooperation has the potential to generate a broad range of economic, social and environmental benefits through improved water management. This is widely recognized and most of these benefits can be assessed. But how to assess spill-over benefits from enhanced trust and…
On 10 November in Bishkek representatives of UNECE, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Bishkek Office and the Kyrgyz and Kazakh authorities discussed and approved the Global Environment Facility- funded project, “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources…
Representatives from key authorities and stakeholders from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan along with representatives of international organizations and experts from the Russian Federation gathered in Bishkek on 11-12 November to participate in a regional meeting on dam safety.…
During the last week of September prominent figures from government, finance, business, and civil society came together in New York for the United Nations Climate Summit 2014 to catalyse meaningful action to address climate change. Many climate-related actions may bring co-benefits for the…
How do we distinguish environmental information from other information? Is information on fishing vessels environmental information? Should test data on pesticides, primary statistical data and personal data on business leaders whose companies are releasing pollutants be disclosed without…
Thirty eight representatives of Environment, Economy, Urban Development and Energy Ministries from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine took part in a Study tour in the Czech Republic, from 1-5 December, on the practical…
Following a fourth round of water and environment cooperation talks, Afghan and Tajik water and environment management officials meeting in Dushanbe on 24 and 25 November 2014 signed an agreement on the responsibilities and areas of work of the Afghan-Tajik Technical Group on Hydrological…
Sustainable development cannot happen without sustainable energy, and fossil fuels will remain a necessary component of sustainable energy for the foreseeable future. From 20 to 23 October, over 100 representatives from UNECE member States and beyond gathered in Geneva for the first UNECE…
Not only are climate change impacts felt acutely through their effects on water resources, such as flooding and droughts, water is also central in adaptation and mitigation strategies to address climate change. These linked interactions were the focus of some of the discussions at the fifth…
UNECE has just launched a web portal to improve water management, to share knowledge about the state of water resources and to track progress in ensuring the sustainability of water resources across the region. The portal is the virtual face of the Astana Water Action (AWA), a toolkit of…
Water scarcity was a key element discussed at the high-level business forum organized by Nestlé and UNCTAD in Lausanne on 9 October. Participants in the “Creating Shared Value Global Forum” discussed the changing role of business in society and how governments and civil society can work with…
On 17 September, Kazakh authorities, UNECE and the Executive Board of the International Fund for the Saving of the Aral Sea organised a round-table on dam safety in Astana to discuss and plan for improved dam safety in Kazakhstan. Representatives from key authorities and stakeholders from…
UNECE, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and the Regional Environmental Centre’s Caucasus Branch Office in Azerbaijan organized a national round-table on the legal implementation of the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to the Espoo Convention on 29…