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Displaying Results 101 - 125 of 241

Did you know that air pollutants come from numerous human activities, such as transport, agriculture, and industry? But even when we repaint our house, have our clothes dry-cleaned or when we make a charcoal barbecue, air pollutants are released. Knowing where exactly air pollutant emissions are…
Improving transboundary water cooperation across the world requires constant dialogue and discussions between countries to exchange good practices, lessons learned and progress achieved. In this regard, on 28-30 May, the second joint meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment and…
Knowing where air pollutant emissions are coming from is important to make viable policy decisions. While air quality in the UNECE region has improved over the past few decades as a result of integrated air pollution management strategies developed under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary…
Ever heard of nitrogen pollution as one of the major problems of our times? The answer is probably no. While everyone knows about climate change and carbon footprints, few people are aware of nitrogen pollution, the nitrogen cycle and the impacts of its imbalance.Indeed, nitrogen pollution…
Who would have thought that heating with wood, a renewable fuel, is not as sustainable as we all thought? Whether heating with wood is a necessity, an alternative to another heating system or just a nice extra to create a cosy atmosphere in our homes, the consequences are the same: smoke that is…
West Africa is rich in transboundary waters with 25 transboundary river basins. The Comoé, Bia and Tanoé river basins are among the main basins that have so far not had a joint management mechanism. The combination of higher water demand from population growth as well as the projected new water…
Can low-cost sensors help us gather more data from many more locations, rendering air pollution monitoring more precise and inexpensive at the same time? Can they help us determine our own exposure to bad air quality? A lot of questions have arisen around the topic of low-cost air quality sensors…
Understanding how pollutant emissions will evolve in the future is essential for designing effective policies today. Under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, the Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections (TFEIP) supports Parties in the reporting of official…
Water is a topic of cross-cutting significance for sustainable development and increasingly high on political, environmental and development agendas of countries around the world. As the majority of freshwater flows worldwide cross borders, ensuring effective cooperation for their sustainable…
Air pollution is not only a regional issue, but it affects countries worldwide and emissions from one country can travel thousands of kilometers to impact local air quality in another country. To discuss remaining concerns, new challenges, including the global dimension of the air pollution issue…
Air pollution is by far the world’s largest single environmental health risk and cause of death by cancer, affecting populations in all regions of the globe.In Asia, air pollution is responsible for significant health impacts. As efforts increase to tackle this challenge, there is growing…
Climate change, the loss of biodiversity and air and water pollution are among global environmental challenges that affect everyone. Public rights to timely access to information, especially with regard to environmental impacts and hazards, and to inclusive public participation in environmental…
Senegal shares most of its water resources with other countries. The major part of its surface water reserves are located in the Senegal and Gambia River basins whose waters come from the Fouta Djallon Highlands in the Republic of Guinea. Cooperating on these shared waters is therefore essential…
More than 40% of the world population relies on transboundary water resources. Cooperation on these resources is necessary to manage shared waters in an integrated and sustainable way. Such cooperation has the potential to generate many significant benefits for countries involved, such as…
Ensuring the effective management of water resources so that different needs – including for agriculture, industry, drinking water supplies, hydropower and the protection of ecosystems – can be met is complex at the national level. When water resources are shared with other countries, this can be…
Water scarcity and droughts are occurring more and more frequently and with increased magnitude, even in previously water-rich countries. Major causes include population growth and increasing water extraction, with climate change further exacerbating the situation. OECD and the Global Water…
Transport can be a powerful driver of sustainable development, but this requires balancing its economic and social value with environmental and health considerations. In order to help meet this challenge, UNECE’s Environmental Performance Reviews (EPRs) assist countries in taking an integrated…
Responding to the findings of the 2016 Scientific Assessment Report ‘Towards Cleaner Air’, Parties to the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention) this week discussed strategic priorities for the future of the Convention.Informed by the scientific findings of…
Creating favourable regulatory frameworks and incentives for renewable energy development, diversifying energy supplies, tackling greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector and ensuring the safety of oil and gas pipelines are just some of the energy-related issues addressed in UNECE…
Following up on member States’ pledges to green their economies and to improve air quality across the region at the Eighth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference in Batumi, Georgia, last year, member States this week discussed progress in the implementation of these commitments and their…
Green approaches to development can help to ensure economic progress, social equity and the sustainable use of ecosystems and natural resources, so as to meet the needs of present and future generations.One and a half years after committing to green the economy and improving air quality across…
While emissions of key air pollutants have been reduced considerably over the past few decades as a result of integrated air pollution management strategies developed under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention), progress has been uneven across the UNECE region…
The need to ensure adequate fire-water retentionWhen being asked for causes of water pollution, most people would probably name an accidental spill of a hazardous substance or a leaking sewage system. However, contaminated fire-water — i.e. water used by firefighters to extinguish a blaze — can…
Reducing the risks of industrial accidents and associated environmental emergencies requires action at all levels. This ranges from strengthening international cooperation and assistance, to enhancing national capacities for risk reduction, and – crucially – building skills and awareness on the…
Regional and transboundary cooperation on water resources is an important feature of climate action and is crucial for effective climate change adaptation. These were central messages of the recent International Summit on “Water and Climate: Meeting of the Great Rivers of the World” held in Rome…