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Displaying Results 1 - 25 of 61

Technological advances have brought down the C02 emission intensity of GDP in the UNECE region by 31% from 2010 to 2020. But progress on climate action remains far too slow. Each one of the past twelve months has been the hottest such month on record. The cost of extreme weather events, such as…
The shift towards the digital exchange of trade data and documents can improve efficiency, reduce costs, enhance transparency, and enable better accessibility to and analysis of data. Furthermore, it has the potential to foster greener and more inclusive trade. Yet, efforts to digitalize data and…
The 2024 UNECE Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Progress Report shows that the UNECE region is far off-target when it comes to meeting commonly agreed SDG indicators. Spanning across Europe, North America, the Caucasus and Central Asia, Türkiye and Israel, the region is currently on track to…
Responding to the request of the Governing Council of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), UNECE is building the capacity of public and private experts in the SPECA participating States to use the semantic standards and reference data models of the UN…
Central Asia is well placed to produce fresh and dried fruit and vegetables. Countries like Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan are important producers of dried fruit, in particular apricots. However, traders from the region have been facing challenges with diversifying their export portfolios…
In an important move to secure the supply of essential raw materials, the European Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) entered into force on 23 May 2024. This legislation is a cornerstone in enhancing the EU's capabilities in sourcing, processing, and recycling critical raw materials (CRMs), which…
Addressing ministers at the 2024 International Transport Forum Summit (ITF24) in Leipzig, UNECE Executive Secretary Tatiana Molcean recalled that 152 United Nations Member States are contracting parties to at least one of the 61 transport conventions hosted by UNECE. These legal instruments help to…
Addressing the Tashkent International Investment Forum (2-3 May 2024), UNECE Executive Secretary Tatiana Molcean called for the mobilization of private sector investments to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to foster regional cooperation in Central Asia.…
Four years ago, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it disrupted the normal functioning of open markets. The ensuing crisis had crippling effects on global trade and productive capacities: it broke supply chains, reduced connectivity and slowed the flow of essential goods. Global food and energy…
At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, UNECE Executive Secretary Tatiana Molcean highlighted the role of UNECE’s legal instruments, standards and tools in dealing with the most pressing global challenges, namely climate change, digital and green transformations, low-carbon energy…
Trade facilitation is a potent instrument that can multiply the benefits of trade. Beyond direct impact on economic growth through higher trade flows linked to improved efficiency at the borders, trade facilitation reforms can also contribute to other policy goals. For example, through the…
According to a recently published UNECE Policy Paper, the agrifood, the garment and footwear and the mineral sectors contribute significantly to the economic growth and employment in the UNECE region, while being major sources of global greenhouse gases (GHG) and environmental pollution. Evidence…
As countries seek to rapidly decarbonize their economies, investing in energy efficiency and the improved performance of buildings offers significant near term gains. Available measures can help transform the building and construction sector, which today is responsible for approximately 40% of…
The European Commission has proposed a new legislation, the European Critical Raw Materials Act, to ensure a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials for the EU. The Act, on which the European Parliament and the European Council reached a provisional agreement on 13 November,…
Strong private sector engagement positively impacts the relevance, legitimacy, and credibility of national trade facilitation bodies (NTFBs) and encourages a business-centric approach to trade facilitation. Over the past several years, governments, donors and international organizations have…
On the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, the UN Road Safety Fund is launching the third edition of its #moments2live4 Campaign to put the spotlight on the hidden heroes of road safety. As we ‘Remember, Act and Support’ the victims of road traffic crashes, the global Campaign calls…
Central Asia has significant untapped potential to decarbonize its energy systems and accelerate the sustainable energy transition, including through renewable energy development and enhanced resource management. To help the region capitalize on these opportunities, UNECE, the United Nations…
The ongoing repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical instability, and elevated inflation rates continue to pose challenges to global trade, with the World Trade Organization (WTO)'s  trade growth forecast  now estimated  at only 0.8% this year.    As the global trade landscape grapples…
Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are in the process of adopting road safety strategies and actions plans that rely on modern tools. In both countries, road safety audit and road safety inspection are recognized by legislation, but in-depth analysis of road crashes is still not part of the…
As one of the United Nations regional economic commissions, UNECE has a key role to play in helping countries with economies in transition to better integrate into the global economy. UNECE is at the forefront of setting international standards on cross-border procedures, identifying regulatory and…
UNECE presented its innovation policy insights during the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA) stakeholder meeting at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on 19 June 2023 in Paris. This meeting was a platform for experts on small and medium enterprises (SME) policy,…
As the global economy emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic and governments strengthen efforts to “build-back-better”, trade as an engine of growth has re-emerged in policy agendas. For developing countries and countries with economies in transition that are still in the process of accession to the…
In light of today’s triple planetary crisis, one challenge for governments is to ensure that growth goes hand in hand with the development of green, inclusive and prosperous societies. This is even more challenging in today’s rapidly evolving global economy, which requires agile, flexible economies…
The mandatory wearing of safety-belts in cars first introduced in Europe at the turn of the 1970s has saved millions of lives around the world in the past 50 years.    According to the World Health Organization, the use of safety-belts by occupants of vehicles in front seats reduces the risk of…
Countries in the Eastern Europe and South Caucasus (EESC) sub-region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine) must boost their efforts to diversify and upgrade their economies through innovation for long-term, sustainable growth and resilience, in light of recent crises…