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Download Documents for 10th Joint session of EMEP Steering Body and Working Group on Effects

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_1 E.pdf ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_1 E.pdf (application/pdf, 266.65 KB) English Annotated provisional agenda for the tenth joint session
ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_1 F.pdf ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_1 F.pdf (application/pdf, 295.75 KB) French Annotated provisional agenda for the tenth joint session
ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_1 R.pdf ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_1 R.pdf (application/pdf, 258.32 KB) Russian Annotated provisional agenda for the tenth joint session
Item 1 Organization of work INF 15_2 August.pdf Item 1 Organization of work INF 15_2 August.pdf (application/pdf, 167.15 KB) English Organization of work
ECE_EB_AIR_GE.1_2024_3 EN joint report.pdf ECE_EB_AIR_GE.1_2024_3 EN joint report.pdf (application/pdf, 263.16 KB) English 2024 Joint progress report on policy-relevant scientific findings
ECE_EB_AIR_GE.1_2024_3 FR joint report.pdf ECE_EB_AIR_GE.1_2024_3 FR joint report.pdf (application/pdf, 348.28 KB) French 2024 Joint progress report on policy-relevant scientific findings
ECE_EB_AIR_GE.1_2024_3 RU joint report.pdf ECE_EB_AIR_GE.1_2024_3 RU joint report.pdf (application/pdf, 349.63 KB) Russian 2024 Joint progress report on policy-relevant scientific findings
ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_4_emission dataE.pdf ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_4_emission dataE.pdf (application/pdf, 277.76 KB) English Present state of emission data, review process and data for modellers
ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_4_emission data F.pdf ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_4_emission data F.pdf (application/pdf, 327.58 KB) French Present state of emission data, review process and data for modellers
ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_4_emission data R.pdf ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_4_emission data R.pdf (application/pdf, 351.75 KB) Russian Present state of emission data, review process and data for modellers
ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_5_E_REV_1.pdf ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_5_E_REV_1.pdf (application/pdf, 669.65 KB) English Financial and budgetary matters
10th joint session EMEP SB_WGE_conclusions_as_adopted.pdf 10th joint session EMEP SB_WGE_conclusions_as_adopted.pdf (application/pdf, 244.23 KB) English Conclusions of the EMEP SB and WGE on their tenth joint session
Item 2 ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF 5.pdf Item 2 ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF 5.pdf (application/pdf, 297.46 KB) English Ageda Item 2 : Activities of the Bureaux of the Steering Body of EMEP and WGE
Item 3 Inputs into GP revision 20 august 2024 INF17.pdf Item 3 Inputs into GP revision 20 august 2024 INF17.pdf (application/pdf, 189.72 KB) English Ageda Item 3 : Discussion on the Gothenburg Protocol revision
Item 4a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF. 13 WHO rev.pdf Item 4a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF. 13 WHO rev.pdf (application/pdf, 278.74 KB) English Ageda Item 4 (a): Effects of air pollution on health
Item 4b ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF 12 ICPMM-2.pdf Item 4b ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF 12 ICPMM-2.pdf (application/pdf, 147.9 KB) English Ageda Item 4 (b): Report by the Task Force on Modelling and Mapping, the Coordination Centre for Effects and the Centre for Dynamic Modelling
Item 4b Narrative for the elearning course.pdf Item 4b Narrative for the elearning course.pdf (application/pdf, 393.48 KB) English Ageda Item 4 (b): Narrative for the e-learning course on air pollution effects work under the Convention
Item 4c ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF. 9 ICP Materials.pdf Item 4c ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF. 9 ICP Materials.pdf (application/pdf, 355.71 KB) English Ageda Item 4 (c) (i): Effects of air pollution on materials
Item 4c ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF 7 ICP Forests.pdf Item 4c ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF 7 ICP Forests.pdf (application/pdf, 762.96 KB) English Ageda Item 4 (c) (ii): Effects of air pollution on forests
Item 4 c ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF. 8 ICP Waters.pdf Item 4 c ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF. 8 ICP Waters.pdf (application/pdf, 243.87 KB) English Ageda Item 4 (c) (iii): Effects of air pollution on rivers and lakes
Item 4 ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 11.pdf Item 4 ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 11.pdf (application/pdf, 192.17 KB) English Agenda Item 4 (c) (iv) : Integrated monitoring of air pollution effects on ecosystems
Item 4 ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF10.pdf Item 4 ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF10.pdf (application/pdf, 165.67 KB) English Ageda Item 4 (c) (v): Effects of air pollution on natural vegetation and crops
Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF 3.pdf Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF 3.pdf (application/pdf, 252.6 KB) English Ageda Item 5 (a): Emission inventories and projections
Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 18 TFEIP adjustments.pdf Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 18 TFEIP adjustments.pdf (application/pdf, 162.76 KB) English Ageda Item 5 (a): Proposal: Adjustments in the reporting of Emission Projections
Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 20 TFEIP condensable.pdf Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 20 TFEIP condensable.pdf (application/pdf, 261.69 KB) English Ageda Item 5 (a): TFEIP 2024 Meeting Paper
Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF.21 new .pdf Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF.21 new .pdf (application/pdf, 180.69 KB) English Ageda Item 5 (a): The practicalities and processes required for including CH4 in emissions reporting under the Air Convention
Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF.22 .pdf Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF.22 .pdf (application/pdf, 161.89 KB) English Ageda Item 5 (a): Improving the efficiency of case referrals
Item 5b ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF 1 TFMM.pdf Item 5b ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024_INF 1 TFMM.pdf (application/pdf, 148.98 KB) English Ageda Item 5 (b): Measurements and modelling
Item 5 ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1−WG.1_2024_INF.19 MSCE.pdf Item 5 ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1−WG.1_2024_INF.19 MSCE.pdf (application/pdf, 139.22 KB) English Ageda Item 5 (b): Implementation plan for the activities of MSC-East of EMEP hosted by the Jožef Stefan Institute
Item 5c ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 2 TFIAM final.pdf Item 5c ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 2 TFIAM final.pdf (application/pdf, 262.75 KB) English Ageda Item 5 (c): Integrated assesment modelling
Item 5d ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 4 TFHTAP.pdf Item 5d ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 4 TFHTAP.pdf (application/pdf, 160.16 KB) English Ageda Item 5 (d): Hemispheric transport of air pollution
Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 6 CEIP fin.pdf Item 5a ECE_EB.AIR_GE.1_2024 INF 6 CEIP fin.pdf (application/pdf, 242.76 KB) English Ageda Item 5 (a) (i): Review of adjustment applications
Nominations EMEP WGE 2024 09.09.pdf Nominations EMEP WGE 2024 09.09.pdf (application/pdf, 54.43 KB) English Ageda Item 10: Election of officers
Statement_by_Ukraine_09.09.2024.pdf Statement_by_Ukraine_09.09.2024.pdf (application/pdf, 93.25 KB) English Agenda Item 1: Statement of Ukraine
2024-09-09 Statement right of reply Russian Federation-EN.pdf 2024-09-09 Statement right of reply Russian Federation-EN.pdf (application/pdf, 132.4 KB) English Agenda Item 1: Statement of the Russian Federation
2024-09-09 Statement right of reply Russian Federation-RU.pdf 2024-09-09 Statement right of reply Russian Federation-RU.pdf (application/pdf, 143.16 KB) Russian Agenda Item 1: Statement of the Russian Federation
Statement United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.pdf Statement United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.pdf (application/pdf, 40.74 KB) English Agenda Item 1: Statement of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Executive Body update.pdf Executive Body update.pdf (application/pdf, 237.75 KB) English Agenda Item 2: Executive Body update
WGSR Chair Report.pdf WGSR Chair Report.pdf (application/pdf, 223.67 KB) English Agenda Item 2: WGSR Chair Report
TFIAM_ICIAM work for the Gotheburg Protoca lRevision.pdf TFIAM_ICIAM work for the Gotheburg Protoca lRevision.pdf (application/pdf, 289.2 KB) English Agenda Item 3: TFIAM - CIAM work for the Gothenburg Protocol Revision
CIAM_scenarios supporting GP revision.pdf CIAM_scenarios supporting GP revision.pdf (application/pdf, 2.35 MB) English Agenda Item 3: CIAM scenarios supporting GP revision
TFH activities and the workplan 2024-2025.pdf TFH activities and the workplan 2024-2025.pdf (application/pdf, 1.34 MB) English Ageda Item 4: The Joint Task Force on the Health Aspects of Air Pollution – activities and the workplan 2024-2025
ICP MM_progress in workplan 2024 25.pdf ICP MM_progress in workplan 2024 25.pdf (application/pdf, 8.1 MB) English Agenda Item 4: ICP Modelling and Mapping Progress in Workplan 2024-2025
ICP Materials.pdf ICP Materials.pdf (application/pdf, 4.64 MB) English Agenda Item 4: ICP Materials Progress on workplan 2024-2025
ICPForests_Progress_Report_0.pdf ICPForests_Progress_Report_0.pdf (application/pdf, 5.69 MB) English Agenda Item 4: ICP Forests Progress on 2024/25 workplan
ICP_IM_status_sept24.pdf ICP_IM_status_sept24.pdf (application/pdf, 2.8 MB) English Agenda Item 4: Update on activities, ICP IM
ICP Waters Progress & Results.pdf ICP Waters Progress & Results.pdf (application/pdf, 2.33 MB) English Agenda Item 4: ICP Waters Progress & Results
ICP Vegetation update.pdf ICP Vegetation update.pdf (application/pdf, 8.34 MB) English Agenda Item 4: ICP Vegetation update
elearning EMEP WGE.pdf elearning EMEP WGE.pdf (application/pdf, 793.29 KB) English Agenda Item 4: E-learning on effects-related work under the Convention
JB Nature restoration.pdf JB Nature restoration.pdf (application/pdf, 1.49 MB) English Agenda Item 7: Nature restoration
Managing Uncertainties Intro.pdf Managing Uncertainties Intro.pdf (application/pdf, 351.21 KB) English Agenda Item 7: Managing Uncertainties Introduction
JB_some aspects of uncertainty.pdf JB_some aspects of uncertainty.pdf (application/pdf, 1.36 MB) English Agenda Item 7: Some aspects of uncertainty
CDM_Limiting uncertainties by using_unrelated_sources of information.pdf CDM_Limiting uncertainties by using_unrelated_sources of information.pdf (application/pdf, 1.18 MB) English Agenda Item 7: Limiting uncertainties by using "unrelated" sources of information
ICP IM Uncertainties.pdf ICP IM Uncertainties.pdf (application/pdf, 801.53 KB) English Agenda Item 7: ICP IM on Uncertainties
ICP Materials - uncertainties.pdf ICP Materials - uncertainties.pdf (application/pdf, 1.1 MB) English Agenda Item 7: ICP Materials on Uncertainties
TFEIP Uncertainties in Emission Inventories.pdf TFEIP Uncertainties in Emission Inventories.pdf (application/pdf, 731.65 KB) English Agenda Item 7: TFEIP Uncertainties in Emission Inventories
TFIAM-CIAM_From uncertainties to robust policy advice.pdf TFIAM-CIAM_From uncertainties to robust policy advice.pdf (application/pdf, 947.66 KB) English Agenda Item 7: TFIAM-CIAM From uncertainties to robust policy advice
JB_Impacts of climate change policies on air pollution .pdf JB_Impacts of climate change policies on air pollution .pdf (application/pdf, 1.75 MB) English Agenda Item 7: Impact of climate change (policies) on air quality
JB_Impacts of climate change policies on air pollution .pdf JB_Impacts of climate change policies on air pollution .pdf (application/pdf, 1.75 MB) English Agenda Item 7: Impacts of climate change policies on air pollution
Changes in the work of the Implementation Committee.pdf Changes in the work of the Implementation Committee.pdf (application/pdf, 1.19 MB) English Agenda Item 5: Changes in the work of the Implementation Committee
CEIP_Adjustment review 2024.pdf CEIP_Adjustment review 2024.pdf (application/pdf, 619.22 KB) English Agenda Item 5: CEIP Adjustment review under EMEP Formal outcome of the 2024 review
TFEIP Progress and Plans2024 Steering Body Meeting.pdf TFEIP Progress and Plans2024 Steering Body Meeting.pdf (application/pdf, 1.62 MB) English Agenda Item 5: TFEIP - Progress and Plans (2024 Steering Body Meeting)
TFMM progress in EMEP activities in 2024 and future work.pdf TFMM progress in EMEP activities in 2024 and future work.pdf (application/pdf, 2.91 MB) English Agenda Item 5: TFMM progress in EMEP activities in 2024 and future work
EMEP_SB_2024_final_HFagerli.pdf EMEP_SB_2024_final_HFagerli.pdf (application/pdf, 3.97 MB) English Agenda Item 5: MSC-W Progress of activities
EMEP CCC Progress of work.pdf EMEP CCC Progress of work.pdf (application/pdf, 7.62 MB) English Agenda Item 5: EMEP CCC Progress of work
MSC-E_heavy_metals_POPs.pdf MSC-E_heavy_metals_POPs.pdf (application/pdf, 5.04 MB) English Agenda Item 5: MSC-E Assessment of transboundary pollution with heavy metals and POPs
TFMM progress in EMEP activities in 2024 and future work.pdf TFMM progress in EMEP activities in 2024 and future work.pdf (application/pdf, 2.91 MB) English Agenda Item 5: TFIAM Progress in activities in 2024 and future work
CIAM_Item5c _Progress_10th joint session_final_0.pdf CIAM_Item5c _Progress_10th joint session_final_0.pdf (application/pdf, 6.06 MB) English Agenda Item 5: CIAM Progress in EMEP activities in 2024 and future work
TFHTAP_Update on progress of the 2024-2025 work plan.pdf TFHTAP_Update on progress of the 2024-2025 work plan.pdf (application/pdf, 355.9 KB) English Agenda Item 5: TFHTAP Update on progress of the 2024-2025 work plan
Open data.pdf Open data.pdf (application/pdf, 101.95 KB) English Agenda Item 11: Open data
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