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Download Documents for 2024 Meeting - UN/LOCODE Advisory Group

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
UNLOCODE_AG_2024_INF1_Agenda_Rev3.pdf UNLOCODE_AG_2024_INF1_Agenda_Rev3.pdf (application/pdf, 118.02 KB) English Annotated provisional agenda
ECE_EX_2024_L.3_E.pdf ECE_EX_2024_L.3_E.pdf (application/pdf, 93.71 KB) English Decisions relating to the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business
ECE_EX_2024_L.3_F.pdf ECE_EX_2024_L.3_F.pdf (application/pdf, 128.67 KB) French Decisions relating to the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business
ECE_EX_2024_L.3_R.pdf ECE_EX_2024_L.3_R.pdf (application/pdf, 186.51 KB) Russian Decisions relating to the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business
UNLOCODE-AG_2024_INF2_Rev2.pdf UNLOCODE-AG_2024_INF2_Rev2.pdf (application/pdf, 186.07 KB) English Report on the UN/LOCODE activities since 2023
UNLOCODE-AG_2024_INF.3_ToR_TF.pdf UNLOCODE-AG_2024_INF.3_ToR_TF.pdf (application/pdf, 175.58 KB) English Terms of Reference of UN/LOCODE Task Force
UNLOCODE-AG_2024_INF.4_TF_report.pdf UNLOCODE-AG_2024_INF.4_TF_report.pdf (application/pdf, 240.89 KB) English Report of UN/LOCODE Task Force
UNLOCODE-AG_2024_INF.5_Project_Proposal.pdf UNLOCODE-AG_2024_INF.5_Project_Proposal.pdf (application/pdf, 165.94 KB) English Project Proposal on UN/LOCODE
ECE-TRADE-C-CEFACT-2023-014E.pdf ECE-TRADE-C-CEFACT-2023-014E.pdf (application/pdf, 543.2 KB) English Executive Guide on United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations Maintenance
ECE-TRADE-C-CEFACT-2023-014F.pdf ECE-TRADE-C-CEFACT-2023-014F.pdf (application/pdf, 474.57 KB) French Executive Guide on United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations Maintenance
ECE-TRADE-C-CEFACT-2023-014R.pdf ECE-TRADE-C-CEFACT-2023-014R.pdf (application/pdf, 520.98 KB) Russian Executive Guide on United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations Maintenance
PPT_AgendaItem4_Report_Sec.pdf PPT_AgendaItem4_Report_Sec.pdf (application/pdf, 1.64 MB) English Agenda Item 4: Report from the Secretariat
PPT_AgendaItem5_UNLOCODE-MaintenanceTeamReport.pdf PPT_AgendaItem5_UNLOCODE-MaintenanceTeamReport.pdf (application/pdf, 730.04 KB) English Agenda Item 5: UN/LOCODE Maintenance Team Report
PPT_AgendaItem-6-1_UNLOCODE_AG.pdf PPT_AgendaItem-6-1_UNLOCODE_AG.pdf (application/pdf, 636.29 KB) English Agenda Item 6.1: UN/LOCODE AG 2024 - Taskforce Report
PPT_AgendaItem-6-2_Report-UNLOCODE-Taskforce-SG3.pdf PPT_AgendaItem-6-2_Report-UNLOCODE-Taskforce-SG3.pdf (application/pdf, 153.17 KB) English Agenda Item 6.2: Report of the UN/LOCODE Task Force Sub-Group 3
PPT_AgendaItem6-3_UNLOCODE-Taskforce-SG4.pdf PPT_AgendaItem6-3_UNLOCODE-Taskforce-SG4.pdf (application/pdf, 2.25 MB) English Agenda Item 6.3: Report of the UN/LOCODE Task Force Subgroup 4
PPT_AgendaItem-7-1_UNLOCODE-SMDG-BFC-Geofence.pdf PPT_AgendaItem-7-1_UNLOCODE-SMDG-BFC-Geofence.pdf (application/pdf, 7.75 MB) English Agenda Item 7.1: SMDG BFC Geofence
PPT_AgendaItem-7-2_Linking-LOCODES-with-GLN.pdf PPT_AgendaItem-7-2_Linking-LOCODES-with-GLN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.61 MB) English Agenda Item 7.2: Initiative to associate UN/LOCODE with GS1 GLN
PPT_AgendaItem-7-3_UNLOCODE-AG-2024-SHYCHKO.pdf PPT_AgendaItem-7-3_UNLOCODE-AG-2024-SHYCHKO.pdf (application/pdf, 651.23 KB) English Agenda Item 7.3: UN/CEFACT JSON-LD Code Publications
PPT-AgendaItem-7-4_EMSA-CentralLocationDatabase.pdf PPT-AgendaItem-7-4_EMSA-CentralLocationDatabase.pdf (application/pdf, 1.86 MB) English Agenda Item 7.4: EMSA’s Central Location Database
PPT-AgendaItem-7-5_UNGEGN_WGN.pdf PPT-AgendaItem-7-5_UNGEGN_WGN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.5 MB) English Agenda Item 7.5: Update on the UNGEGN World Geographic Names Database
PPT_AgendaItem-7-6_PokingHoles.pdf PPT_AgendaItem-7-6_PokingHoles.pdf (application/pdf, 12.17 MB) English Agenda Item 7.6: Poking holes at UN/LOCODE data
PPT-AgendaItem-8_ProjectProposal.pdf PPT-AgendaItem-8_ProjectProposal.pdf (application/pdf, 1.04 MB) English Agenda Item 8: Proposal on UN/LOCODE Ecosystem
UNLOCODE-AG_2024_INF.6_Report.pdf UNLOCODE-AG_2024_INF.6_Report.pdf (application/pdf, 203.28 KB) English Report of the United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations Advisory Group on its 2024 Meeting
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