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Download Documents for Public Hearing on the Pilot Strategic Environmental Assessment for the draft Master Plan of the city of Ganja

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
draft_agenda_28 Sept 2023_eng.pdf draft_agenda_28 Sept 2023_eng.pdf (application/pdf, 290.97 KB) English Agenda
draft_public_hearing_agenda_AZ_28_sept_aze.pdf draft_public_hearing_agenda_AZ_28_sept_aze.pdf (application/pdf, 373.31 KB) Azerbaijani Agenda
UNECE_2023_Azerbaijan_public hearing (28 September 2023)_LoP_ENG.pdf UNECE_2023_Azerbaijan_public hearing (28 September 2023)_LoP_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 591.17 KB) English List of Participants
UNECE_2023_Azerbaijan_public hearing (28 September 2023)_Report_ENG.pdf UNECE_2023_Azerbaijan_public hearing (28 September 2023)_Report_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 423.51 KB) English Report
SCUPA_presentation_Ganja_28Sept2023.pdf SCUPA_presentation_Ganja_28Sept2023.pdf (application/pdf, 9.05 MB) Azerbaijani Presentation by Ms. Shahnaz Badalova, Head of subdivision, State Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning (SCUPA) of Azerbaijan: The draft Master Plan of Ganja
Findings of the draft SEA Report_Ganja_INTRO.pdf Findings of the draft SEA Report_Ganja_INTRO.pdf (application/pdf, 1.41 MB) Azerbaijani Presentation by Mr Michal Musil, international consultant, and Mr Amin Mammadov, national consultant, UNECE: Findings of the SEA Report
Findings of the draft SEA Report_Ganja_INTRO_eng.pdf Findings of the draft SEA Report_Ganja_INTRO_eng.pdf (application/pdf, 1.33 MB) English Presentation by Mr Michal Musil, international consultant, and Mr Amin Mammadov, national consultant, UNECE: Findings of the SEA Report
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