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Download Documents for Meeting of the Group of Experts on Quality of Employment

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2024 QoE EG Provisional Agenda.pdf 2024 QoE EG Provisional Agenda.pdf (application/pdf, 151.3 KB) English Provisional agenda
Information note 2024 QoE.pdf Information note 2024 QoE.pdf (application/pdf, 787.63 KB) English Information note
Report QoE 2024.pdf Report QoE 2024.pdf (application/pdf, 194.99 KB) English Report
Within_family_QoE.pdf Within_family_QoE.pdf (application/pdf, 1.36 MB) English How within family difference in educational attainment associates with labor market outcomes for women after their firstborn child – using administrative data in Sweden, Statistics Sweden, Sweden
Within_family_difference_QoE_Geneve_may2024.pdf Within_family_difference_QoE_Geneve_may2024.pdf (application/pdf, 542.06 KB) English How within family difference in educational attainment associates with labor market outcomes for women after their firstborn child – using administrative data in Sweden, Statistics Sweden, Sweden
Quality_of_employment_A.Solop_Ukraine.pdf Quality_of_employment_A.Solop_Ukraine.pdf (application/pdf, 666.68 KB) English Measurement of quality of employment indicators in Ukraine: Current Status and Prospects for Development
Mexico session 1.pdf Mexico session 1.pdf (application/pdf, 410.29 KB) English Approach to the quality of employment in dependent contractors in three cities of Mexico, INEGI, Mexico
Mexico PPT session 1 updated.pdf Mexico PPT session 1 updated.pdf (application/pdf, 3.33 MB) English Approach to the quality of employment in dependent contractors in three cities of Mexico, INEGI, Mexico
Job Quality, Wellbeing and the Globa Economy _UNECE_May2024.pdf Job Quality, Wellbeing and the Globa Economy _UNECE_May2024.pdf (application/pdf, 795.28 KB) English Job Quality, Wellbeing and the Global Economy, University College London
Dagmara Nikulin_Gdansk University of Technology_Polan.pdf Dagmara Nikulin_Gdansk University of Technology_Polan.pdf (application/pdf, 336.81 KB) English Driving forces of informal employment: An empirical study based on Polish enterprise data, Gdansk University of Technology
Nikulin.pdf Nikulin.pdf (application/pdf, 213.75 KB) English Driving forces of informal employment: An empirical study based on Polish enterprise data, Gdansk University of Technology
Using Aggregate Data to Generate Job Quality Profiles.pdf Using Aggregate Data to Generate Job Quality Profiles.pdf (application/pdf, 1.47 MB) English Using aggregate data to generate job quality profiles, Statistics Canada, Canada
QoE Impact of the 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS).pdf QoE Impact of the 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS).pdf (application/pdf, 511.58 KB) English Impact of the 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS), ILO
Finland_remotework.pdf Finland_remotework.pdf (application/pdf, 446.87 KB) English Legacy of COVID-19: post-crisis remote work in Finland, Statistics Finland, Finland
Shift work in Switzerland 2002-2022, Federal Statistical Office, Switzerland_0.pdf Shift work in Switzerland 2002-2022, Federal Statistical Office, Switzerland_0.pdf (application/pdf, 504.06 KB) English Shift work in Switzerland 2002-2022, Federal Statistical Office, Switzerland
Session_2_3_Finland_Updated.pdf Session_2_3_Finland_Updated.pdf (application/pdf, 1011.13 KB) English How to capture precariousness in the labour market by statistics? Statistics Finland, Finland
Final DPE_SabrinaIannazzone.pdf Final DPE_SabrinaIannazzone.pdf (application/pdf, 541.73 KB) English A quality framework for digital platform employment (DPE) measurement, Eurostat
UNECE_Handbook_Digital_Platform_Employment.pdf UNECE_Handbook_Digital_Platform_Employment.pdf (application/pdf, 1.31 MB) English Handbook on Measuring Digital Platform Employment and Work, OECD
Mexico - session 2.pdf Mexico - session 2.pdf (application/pdf, 1.48 MB) English Measuring new forms of employment in Labour Force Survey in Mexico, INEGI, Mexico
Mexico PPT session 2.pdf Mexico PPT session 2.pdf (application/pdf, 894.16 KB) English Measuring new forms of employment in Labour Force Survey in Mexico, INEGI, Mexico
Work-related population flows – commuting time_az_sfp _Statistics Poland.pdf Work-related population flows – commuting time_az_sfp _Statistics Poland.pdf (application/pdf, 2.57 MB) English Work-related population flows – measurement of commuting time, Statistics Poland, Poland
UNECE_Insights on Delvery Partners_updated.pdf UNECE_Insights on Delvery Partners_updated.pdf (application/pdf, 445.56 KB) English Gleaming insights on delivery partners through administrative data, Ministry of Manpower, Singapore
UNECE x MOM Deck (updated).pdf UNECE x MOM Deck (updated).pdf (application/pdf, 2.13 MB) English Gleaming insights on delivery partners through administrative data, Ministry of Manpower, Singapore
Anitori_Degregorio_Giordano_2024_GEQE_Geneva_post.pdf Anitori_Degregorio_Giordano_2024_GEQE_Geneva_post.pdf (application/pdf, 1.22 MB) English Low wages, employees and employers in Italy: a longitudinal analysis, ISTAT, Italy
UNECE_WG_Anitori_DeGregorio_Giordano_finale.pdf UNECE_WG_Anitori_DeGregorio_Giordano_finale.pdf (application/pdf, 798.13 KB) English Low wages, employees and employers in Italy: a longitudinal analysis, ISTAT, Italy
EE_EveliVoolens.pdf EE_EveliVoolens.pdf (application/pdf, 816.08 KB) English The use of registry data in Estonian average wages and salaries statistics, Statistics Estonia, Estonia
BAS_QoE.pdf BAS_QoE.pdf (application/pdf, 424.57 KB) English Population labour market status - new register-based labour market statistics in Sweden, Statistics Sweden, Sweden
Session 3 PPT.pdf Session 3 PPT.pdf (application/pdf, 439.13 KB) English Population labour market status - new register-based labour market statistics in Sweden, Statistics Sweden, Sweden
Session_3_6_Italy_updated.pdf Session_3_6_Italy_updated.pdf (application/pdf, 640.76 KB) English The implementation of the new classification ICSE-2018 in Italy as a way to achieve greater systemic consistency of employment statistics, ISTAT, Italy
Creating Job Quality Profiles.pdf Creating Job Quality Profiles.pdf (application/pdf, 690.32 KB) English Creating job-quality profiles: A how-to guide
Integration of ICSE-18 assessment paper_08_12_2023.pdf Integration of ICSE-18 assessment paper_08_12_2023.pdf (application/pdf, 419.6 KB) English Integrating ICSE-18 in the Quality of Employment framework
QoE Integrating ICSE-18 in the Quality of Employment framework.pdf QoE Integrating ICSE-18 in the Quality of Employment framework.pdf (application/pdf, 436.83 KB) English Integrating ICSE-18 in the Quality of Employment framework
Session_4_Update_Handbook_QoE.pdf Session_4_Update_Handbook_QoE.pdf (application/pdf, 606.34 KB) English Proposal on updating the Handbook on Measuring Quality of Employment
Session_4_4_update of handbook_update2.pdf Session_4_4_update of handbook_update2.pdf (application/pdf, 213 KB) English Proposal on updating the Handbook on Measuring Quality of Employment
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