Item_3_presentation_SustDev_in_the_region.pdf |
Item_3_presentation_SustDev_in_the_region.pdf (application/pdf, 729.68 KB)
English |
Sustainable Development in the Region |
Item_3_presentation_Aarhus_Convention.pdf |
Item_3_presentation_Aarhus_Convention.pdf (application/pdf, 518.36 KB)
English |
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters - Aarhus Convention |
Item_3_presentation_Protocol_PRTRs.pdf |
Item_3_presentation_Protocol_PRTRs.pdf (application/pdf, 453.46 KB)
English |
Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers - Protocol on PRTRs |
Item_3_presentation_CLRTAP.pdf |
Item_3_presentation_CLRTAP.pdf (application/pdf, 230.94 KB)
English |
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution |
Item_3_presentation_Espoo_Convention.pdf |
Item_3_presentation_Espoo_Convention.pdf (application/pdf, 303.25 KB)
English |
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) |
Item_3_presentation_Protocol_on_SEA.pdf |
Item_3_presentation_Protocol_on_SEA.pdf (application/pdf, 239.89 KB)
English |
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Espoo Convention |
Item_3_presentation_Water_Convention.pdf |
Item_3_presentation_Water_Convention.pdf (application/pdf, 596.35 KB)
English |
The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) |
Item_3_presentation_Protocol_Water_Health.pdf |
Item_3_presentation_Protocol_Water_Health.pdf (application/pdf, 311.07 KB)
English |
UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health |
Item_3_presentation_TEIA.pdf |
Item_3_presentation_TEIA.pdf (application/pdf, 493.5 KB)
English |
Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents |
Item_3_presentation_SDGs_and_MEAs.pdf |
Item_3_presentation_SDGs_and_MEAs.pdf (application/pdf, 585.45 KB)
English |
Sounding the Alarm: SDG Progress in the UNECE Programme Countries and UNECE's Initiative to Reverse the Trend Towards a Rescue Plan for People and Planet in the ECE region |
Item_4_presentation_70th_session_outcomes.pdf |
Item_4_presentation_70th_session_outcomes.pdf (application/pdf, 970.58 KB)
English |
Outcomes of the seventieth session of the Economic Commission for Europe |
Item_5_presentation_SI_Principles.pdf |
Item_5_presentation_SI_Principles.pdf (application/pdf, 1.79 MB)
English |
The International Good Practice Principles for Sustainable Infrastructure |
Item_5_presentation_IACG_Ukraine.pdf |
Item_5_presentation_IACG_Ukraine.pdf (application/pdf, 668.43 KB)
English |
Informal inter-agency coordination group on environmental assessments for Ukraine |
Item_6_presentation_WGEMA.pdf |
Item_6_presentation_WGEMA.pdf (application/pdf, 1.54 MB)
English |
Overview on recent work of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment and main outcomes of its 25th session |
Item_6_presentation_JTF_recent_work_and_sessions.pdf |
Item_6_presentation_JTF_recent_work_and_sessions.pdf (application/pdf, 827.54 KB)
English |
Overview on recent work of the Joint Task Force and main outcomes of its 19th and 20th sessions |
Item_6_presentation_proposed_transformation_of_JTF_to_a_Joint_WG_on_ESI.pdf |
Item_6_presentation_proposed_transformation_of_JTF_to_a_Joint_WG_on_ESI.pdf (application/pdf, 336.39 KB)
English |
Proposal to convert the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators to a Joint Working Group on Environmental Statistics and Indicators |
Item7_CEP-28_EPR_PPTbyUNECE_ENG.pdf |
Item7_CEP-28_EPR_PPTbyUNECE_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 6.3 MB)
English |
Environmental Performance Review Programme: overview of activities |
Item7_EPR_Kyrgyzstan_PPTbyKyrgyzstan_ENG.pdf |
Item7_EPR_Kyrgyzstan_PPTbyKyrgyzstan_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 168.92 KB)
English |
Strategic framework for development in the field of environmental protection of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Item7_EPR_Kyrgyzstan_PPTbyKyrgyzstan_RUS.pdf |
Item7_EPR_Kyrgyzstan_PPTbyKyrgyzstan_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 201.94 KB)
Russian |
Strategic framework for development in the field of environmental protection of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Item_7_EPR_Mauritania_PPTbyMauritania_FRE.pdf |
Item_7_EPR_Mauritania_PPTbyMauritania_FRE.pdf (application/pdf, 301.91 KB)
French |
Examen de la performance environnementale de la Mauritanie |
Item_8_presentation_ESD.pdf |
Item_8_presentation_ESD.pdf (application/pdf, 218.35 KB)
English |
Developments under the UNECE Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development (UNECE ESD Strategy) |
Item_8_presentation_Gender.pdf |
Item_8_presentation_Gender.pdf (application/pdf, 363.34 KB)
English |
Mainstreaming a gender perspective in environmental activities |
Item_8_presentation_WHO.pdf |
Item_8_presentation_WHO.pdf (application/pdf, 3 MB)
English |
Seventh Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health. Accelerating action for healthier people, a thriving planet, a sustainable future |
Item_9_presentation_RPTC.pdf |
Item_9_presentation_RPTC.pdf (application/pdf, 1011.58 KB)
English |
Projects and activities supported by the Regular Programme on Technical Cooperation |
Item_10_presentation_UNEA-6.pdf |
Item_10_presentation_UNEA-6.pdf (application/pdf, 788.15 KB)
English |
The sixth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) |