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Download Documents for Sixth Meeting of the Interministerial Coordination Council of the National Dialogue on Water Policy in Kazakhstan

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
NPD Meeting Agenda_20.11.2020_ENG_0.pdf NPD Meeting Agenda_20.11.2020_ENG_0.pdf (application/pdf, 749.34 KB) English Agenda
LoP.pdf LoP.pdf (application/pdf, 551.6 KB) English LoP
Minutes_RUS.PDF Minutes_RUS.PDF (application/pdf, 1.99 MB) Russian Minutes
Alisher-Mamadjanov_NPDs_Item-1.1_UNECE_activities (1).pdf Alisher-Mamadjanov_NPDs_Item-1.1_UNECE_activities (1).pdf (application/pdf, 2.56 MB) English Activities of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: UNECE activities, Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE
Alexandre-Martusevich_6th-NPD_Item-1.1-WSis-in-KAZ_OECD.pdf Alexandre-Martusevich_6th-NPD_Item-1.1-WSis-in-KAZ_OECD.pdf (application/pdf, 3.07 MB) Russian Activities of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Developing set of Water Security Indicators, Alexandre Martoussevitch, OECD
Valts-Vilnitis-_WECOOP-general-RU-201120-1.pdf Valts-Vilnitis-_WECOOP-general-RU-201120-1.pdf (application/pdf, 2.66 MB) Russian European Union – Central Asia: Water, Environment and Climate Change Cooperation (WECOOP), Valts Vilnitis, WECOOP
Марат-Иманалиев-Презентация-ГПУВР-для-АП.pdf Марат-Иманалиев-Презентация-ГПУВР-для-АП.pdf (application/pdf, 503.04 KB) Russian Concept of the Water Resources Management Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2030, Marat Imanaliyev, Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Claudia-Kamke_NPD-on-IWG_UNECE-TEIA-presentation.pdf Claudia-Kamke_NPD-on-IWG_UNECE-TEIA-presentation.pdf (application/pdf, 2.98 MB) Russian Activities of the Regional project to strengthen the safety of mining operations, in particular tailings management facilities in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and beyond Central Asia, Claudia Kamke and Zhanara Kubler, UNECE
Alisher-Mamadjanov_NPD_Item_3.2_PWH_COVID_20.11.2020.pdf Alisher-Mamadjanov_NPD_Item_3.2_PWH_COVID_20.11.2020.pdf (application/pdf, 2.79 MB) English Activities on the implementation of the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE
10-выступление-Ахметова-С.К.-20.11.20.pdf 10-выступление-Ахметова-С.К.-20.11.20.pdf (application/pdf, 3.23 MB) Russian Draft Work Plan of the National Dialogue on Water Policy in Kazakhstan for 2021, Serik Akhmetov, IWAC
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