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UNFC Workshop, Mexico City

UNFC Workshop, Mexico City

27 - 28 September 2012
Mexico City Mexico


hosted by the Government of Mexico in cooperation with UNECE and ECLAC

with the participation and support of

Ministry of Energy of Mexico (SENER)

National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH)

Mexican Geological Survey (SGM)

The Workshop was opened by Mr. Mario Gabriel Budebo, Deputy Minister of Energy of Mexico, with welcome remarks from Mr. Juan Carlos Zepeda Molina, President of the National Hydrocarbons Commission of Mexico  (CNH), and Mr. Carlos Francisco Yañez Mondragón, Energy Minerals Director, Mexican Geological Survey (SGM).

Closing remarks for the two-day event were delivered by Dr. Rafael Alexandri Rionda, Director General of the Mexican Geological Survey.


Documents ENG
Mexico Workshop Programme PDF
Press Release:  "UNFC: Key Policy Tool for Energy Strategy Development" PDF


Presentation Title & Author ENG
Session 1.
United Nations and Resource Classification (Charlotte Griffiths, UNECE)
Session 2.
Introducing the UNFC: Why classify our resources? (David MacDonald, Chair, Chairman, UNECE Expert Group on Resource Classification (EGRC) and BP)
Session 3.
Introduction to the UNFC, how it works and current status (Jim Ross, Ross Petroleum and EGRC)
Session 4.
Overview of PRMS and its relationship with UNFC (John Etherington, SPE & PRA International Limited)
Session 5.
Pemex's Classification System (Gustavo Hernández García, Vice-President of Planning and Evaluation, Pemex-Exploration and Production)
Session 6.
Overview of the CRIRSCO International Reporting Template and its relationship with UNFC (Edmundo Tulcanaza, Vice-President of Chilean Commission for the Qualification of Competencies in Mineral Resources and Reserves and First Deputy Chair, CRIRSCO)
Session 7.
Mineral Classification in Mexico (Carlos Francisco Yañez Mondragón, Energetic Minerals Director, Mexican Geological Survey (SGM))
Session 9.
UNFC Application Example ‐ Norway (Tom Andersen, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate)
Session 10.
UNFC Application Example ‐ Australia (Ian Lambert, GeoScience Australia)
Session 12.
Guidelines for the evaluation of petroleum reserves and prospective resources in Mexico (Ulises Neri, Edgar Rangel (Commissioner of the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH))
Session 13.
UNFC stakeholders and their needs, specifications and the future (Jim Ross, Ross Petroleum)
Session 14.
Overview of UNFC for Renewable Energy Resources (David MacDonald, Chairman, UNECE Expert Group on Resource Classification and BP
Session 15.
Renewable Energy Resources in Mexico (Julio Valle, Ministry of Energy of Mexico)