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UNFC Workshop: Harmonization of approaches in the assessment of mineral reserves and resources

UNFC Workshop: Harmonization of approaches in the assessment of mineral reserves and resources

30 - 31 May 2018
Moscow Russian Federation

Moscow, Russian Federation

Organized as part of the Russian-funded project on “Improving national capacities of Central Asian countries to harmonize and implement an internationally applicable system of classification and sustainable management of energy and mineral resources”


Document Title ENG    
Programme PDF  


Presentation Title and Author ENG FRE RUS
Round Table 1
Harmonization of national classifications of Central Asian and other Asian countries among themselves and with international classification systems. UNFC - the basis for creating a unified geological and economic space.
UNFC and Resource Management -How its can make an impact
Hari Tulsidas, Economic Affairs Officer, UNECE
Energy and mineral resources of Uzbekistan
Azimjon Hholikov, Head of Main Geological Department, State Committee of Uzbekistan on Geology and Mineral Resources
Round Table 2
Session 1 - Petroleum
Harmonization of the Russian classifications of reserves and resources with the UNFC, PRMS - is the first step to expand the investment potential of the subsoil.
Discuss case study results and prepare proposals for upgrade PRMS.
UNFC and sustainable petroleum resource management – How the National Oil Companies can deliver more?
Satinder Purewal, Chair, EGRC Petroleum Working Group
Session 2- Solid Minerals
Harmonization of the Russian classifications of reserves and resources with the UNFC, CRIRSCO - is the first step to expand the investment potential of the subsoil.
Round Table 3
Session 1 – The Concept of National Audit
The ways to increase reliability and transparency for assessment of reserves and resource management. Creating the institute of national audit in Russia and partner countries.
Session 2 – The Perspectives of Creation of Expert Community and Institute of Competent Persons In Russia and Partner Countries.
Creating the institute of Competent Persons.
UNFC’s Competent Person Guidelines and plan of action
Hari Tulsidas, Economic Affairs Officer, UNECE