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21th Session of the Working Group on Water, Energy and Environment

21th Session of the Working Group on Water, Energy and Environment

14 June 2017
Astana Kazakhstan
Session Agenda ENG FRE RUS
21th Session of the Working Group on Water, Energy and Environment PDF    
Presentations ENG FRE RUS
Mr. Viktor Badaker, UNECE PDF    
The water-energy-environment nexus in the Syr Darya basin, Bo Libert, UNECE     PDF
Presentation of the Russian language version of the Asia Pacific Energy Portal to support tracking progress in achieving sustainable energy development in SPECA countries, ESCAP     PDF
Evaluation of the Project "Capacity-building for cooperation on dam safety in Central Asia" and the road forward, Bo Libert, UNECE     PDF
Sustainable Energy for All Global Tracking Framework in SPECA countries, Scott Foster, UNECE PDF    
Central Asia Regional Environment Center work on the nexus, Saltanat Zhakenova, CAREC     PDF