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21st Session of the Steering Committee of the Energy Efficiency 21 Project

21st Session of the Steering Committee of the Energy Efficiency 21 Project

11 June 2010
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

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Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Twenty-First Session
Report of the Steering Committee of the Energy Efficiency 21 project on
its twenty-first session
Financing Energy Efficiency Investments for Climate Change Mitigation
Development of the Renewable Energy Sector in The Russian Federation and in Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Prospects for Interregional Cooperation
Cooperative Project on Methane Capture and Use:
Best Practice Guidance on Effective Methane Drainage and Use in Coal Mines
Energy Efficiency in Housing: the Action Plan for Energy Efficient Housing in the Unece Region
Wood Energy: Modern and Sustainable Heat and Power From Woody Biomass in South-Eastern Europe

Related Documents

Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Report of the Steering Committee of the Energy Efficiency 21 Project on its Twentieth Session ECE/ENERGY/WP.4/2009/9 PDF PDF PDF
Project Plan 2009-2012 for the Energy Efficiency 21 Project ECE/ENERGY/2009/8 PDF PDF PDF


Document Title   ENG
Recent Developments in the Energy Efficiency 21 Programme
Oleg Dzioubinski, Project Manager, Sustainable Energy Section, SED
Item 2.     Global Energy Efficiency 21 (GEE21)
Global Energy Efficiency 21 (GEE21)
Brinda Wachs, Project Manager, Sustainable Energy Section, SED
Item 3.     Financing Energy Efficiency Investments for Climate Change Mitigation
Presentation by the Secretariat
Financing Energy Efficiency Investments for Climate Change Mitigation (FEEI)
Recent Developments
Alexandre Chachine, Chief, Sustainable Energy Section, SED
Presentation by the Investment Fund Designer Project Contractor UNECE – Investment Fund Designer - Update
Markus van der Burg, Conning Asset Management Limited
Presentation by the Project Contractor on Website and Internet Communications Network of Energy Efficiency Managers in Eastern Europe
Implementation of the Work Plan for the building a network of energy managers of Southeastern Europe and for the development of a project website
Zdravko Genchev, EnEffect
Item 8.     Removing barriers to energy efficiency improvements in the state sector in Belarus
UNDP/GEF/ECE Project “Removing barriers to energy efficiency improvements in the state sector in Belarus
Проект ПРООН/ГЭФ «Устранение препятствий в повышении энергетической эффективности предприятий государственного сектора Беларуси»
Ina Yeliseyeva, Head, Information and Analysis Sector, Department for Energy Efficiency, Belarus

Presentatoion by the Secretariat
Adam Sek, Regional Adviser, Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE


Item 4.     Development of the renewable energy sector in the Russian Federation and in countries of the CIS: prospects for interregional cooperation
Presentation by the Secretariat
Renewable Energy in the Russian Federation and CIS Countries
Adam Sek, Regional Adviser, Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE
Item 5.     Increasing energy efficiency for secure energy supplies
Presentation by the Secretariat
Increasing Energy Efficiency for Secure Energy Supplies
Alexandre Chachine, Chief, Sustainable Energy Section, SED
Item 7.     Energy efficiency market formation in South-Eastern Europe
Presentation by the Secretariat
Energy Efficiency Market Formation in South Eastern Europe
Adam Sek, Regional Adviser, Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE
Item 9.     Buy Smart – green procurement for smart purchasing
Buy Smart – green procurement for smart purchasing
Milena Presutto, Project Manager, ENEA – Terenesist, Italy, Vice-Chair, SC EE21
Item 10.     Energy efficiency in housing: The Action Plan for Energy Efficient Housing in the UNECE Region
Presentation by the Secretariat
Energy Efficient Housing in the UNECE region
Ariel Ivanier, Environment, Housing and Land Management Division
Item 11.     Wood energy: Modern and sustainable heat and power from woody biomass in South-Eastern Europe
Presentation by the Secretariat
Modern and sustainable heat and power from woody biomass in South-Eastern Europe
Paola Deda and David Ellul, UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section
Item 12.    Cooperative Project on Methane Capture and Use: Best Practice Guidance on Effective Methane Drainage and Use in Coal Mines 
Presentation by the Secretariat
UNECE Cooperative Project on Methane Capture and Use:Best Practice Guidance for Effective Methane Drainage and Use in Coal Mines
Carlotta Segre, Energy Industry Section, SED and Adam Sek, Regional Adviser, Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE