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Workshop: Post-Mining Perspectives: Capture and Use of Abandoned Mine Methane and Mine Reclamation and Revitalization of Post Mining Areas

Workshop: Post-Mining Perspectives: Capture and Use of Abandoned Mine Methane and Mine Reclamation and Revitalization of Post Mining Areas

26 February 2020
Hotel QUBUS, Nadwiślańska Street 6, Cracow Poland


CMM_February 2020_Cracow








A full-day-long workshop titled Post-Mining Perspectives: Capture and Use of Abandoned Mine Methane and Mine Reclamation and Revitalization of Post Mining Areas was held within the framework of the XXIX School of Underground Mining organized by the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of the Mining and Geoengineering of the AGH University of Science and Technology.

The main focus of the event was given to:

  • Planning and designing AMM projects;
  • Policies and regulations pertaining to mine closure and AMM capture and utilization; as well as
  • Transition of the coal sector and revitalization of post-mining areas. 

For more details please see a draft agenda in the tab below.

More pictures from the session, as well as recordings of the presentations (access code is necessary -  please contact the Secretary of the Group for more details), can be found on the page of the School of Underground Mining dedicated to our workshop (please click the yellow button – „Galeria zdjęć z sesji”).

Please note that the workshop is to be followed by the event focused on financing AMM projects and standards for mine closure that will be held later this year, back to back with the 15th annual session of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane.

More about the Group's work on AMM can be found here. At the dedicated page you will get an access to the newly issued document Best Practice Guidance for Effective Methane Recovery and Use from Abandoned Coal Mines. Please see also a press release announcing issuance of the document.



Document Title ENG FRE POL
Draft timetable                                                              PDF


Presentations Title ENG FRE POL
Opening Part
AMM utilization and mitigation activities under the Global Methane Initiative
Mr. Clark Talkington, Vice-President, Advanced Resources International
Environmental Aspect of AMM
The Problem of AMM: Fugitive emissions composition, accumulation, migration and potential hazards
Mr. Raymond Pilcher, Chair, Group of Experts on CMM
Scope of methane emissions from abandoned mines and their impact on the environment
Mr. Clark Talkington, Vice-President, Advanced Resources International
Estimating future AMM emissions
Mr. Raymond Pilcher, Chair, Group of Experts on CMM
Ms. Meredydd Evans, Mr. Nazar Kholod, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
AMM Projects: Planning, Design, Technologies, Regulations, Examples
Polish regulations pertaining to AMM capture and utilization; examples of AMM projects in Poland
Mr. Jerzy Hadro, Mr. Janusz Jureczka, Upper Silesian Branch, Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PIG-PIB)
Planning AMM projects: Quantifying resources, reservoir testing, feasibility study, gas production Strategies, AMM utilization options
Mr. Clark Talkington, Vice-President, Advanced Resources International
AMM resources and reserves assessment – Polish experience
Mr. Jerzy Hadro, Mr. Janusz Jureczka, Upper Silesian Branch, Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PIG-PIB)
Efficiency of capturing methane from abandoned mines in Polish conditions
Mr. Marek Borowski, Vice Dean, Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering, AGH University of Science and Technology
Intelligent Mine Closure; a case study of the AMMUSCB project, a first AMM capture and use project in Poland
Mr. Krystian Wierzbiński, Central Mining Institute
AMM project development in Germany: regulations, financing, examples of projects
Mr. Clemens Backhaus, Engineer, A-TEC Anlagentechnik GmbH
AMM project development in the Saar region
Mr. Stefan Möllerherm, Research Administrator, Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola
Abandoned Mine Methane recovery in Northern France
Mr. Julien Moulin, Chairman, Francaise de l’Energie
Mr. Jean Pierre Kucheida, Chairman, French Mining Towns Association
Low quality AMM is also a resource
Mr. Ake Kallstrand, Technical Director, Environment, Climate & Energy, DÜRR- MEGTEC
Revitalization of Post Mining Areas
Degasification in SRK mines set for decommissioning: KWK „Jas-Mos - Rydułtowy I”, Ruch „Jas-Mos” i KWK „Krupiński”.
Mr. Stanisław Konsek, Mr. Mieczysław Lubryka, Mr. Klaudiusz Mężyk, Mr. Andrzej Kozyra, Mine Restructuring Company (SRK)
Presentation on revitalization of post mining areas / post-mining waste management
Mr. Bartłomiej Bezak, Head, Innovation and New Technologies Team, Polish Mining Group
Revitalisation of post-mining areas in Brzeszcze in the context of energy transition in mining regions / Protection of mining heritage in the mine closure and revitalisation processes – case study from Brzeszcze, Poland
Mr. Marek Cała, Ms. Anna Ostręga, Ms. Natalia Kowalska, AGH University of Science and Technology
EU Policy and Regulations on Coal and Methane
Current and future EU policy on methane
Ms. Carmen Opera, Policy Officer, DG Energy, European Commission
Possibilities for funding of Methane related projects under the RFCS fund; priorities for the future
Mr. Lucas Jansen, Policy Officer, DG Research and Innovation, D4 – Coal and Steel, European Commission
EU policy on coal and mine closure - coal regions in transition platform
Mr. Brieuc Posnic, European Commission
Polish Coal Industry’s Perspective
Mr. Janusz Olszowski, President, Polish Mining Chamber of Industry and Commerce
EU Coal Industry’s Perspective
Ms. Magdalena Chawuła - Kosuri, Deputy Secretary General, EURACOAL