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Side event: 20 years of Environmental Performance Reviews: Lessons for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

Side event: 20 years of Environmental Performance Reviews: Lessons for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

Thursday 9 June 2016, 18:15 - 20:15 Hilton Batumi Hotel, room Lazica, Organized by UNECE and UNEP

09 June 2016
Batumi Georgia


To present and discuss the analysis on the Environmental Performance Reviews (EPRs) methodology, the findings on the impacts of the EPRs, as well as the opportunities for integrating a review of progress in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the EPR process (Information Paper “20 years of Environmental Performance Reviews: Impacts, lessons learned and the potential to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals” (ECE/BATUMI.CONF/2016/INF/5)).

Batumi Workshop EPR picture1


18:15       Reception

18:30       Opening and introduction

Mr. Christian Friis Bach, Executive Secretary, UNECE

Mr. Jan Dusik, Director and Regional Representative, UNEP

18:40       Presentation of the Information Paper

Mr. Xavier Tschumi Canosa, Switzerland, on behalf of the Expert Group on EPRs, EPRs: Impacts and lessons learned PDF

Ms. Ivonne Higuero, UNECE, Reviewing progress towards the achievement of SDGs: the opportunities arising from the EPR methodology PDF

19:00       Q&A

19:10       Panel discussion chaired by Mr. Jan Dusik, UNEP

Ms. Marina Philipyuk, Belarus

Ms. Luminita Ghita, Romania

Ms. Martine Rohn-Brossard, Switzerland

Mr. Krzysztof Michalak, OECD

Ms. Francesca Raccioppi, WHO

19:45       General discussion

20:00       Conclusions, Mr. Jan Dusik, UNEP