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Meeting on Environmental Assessments

Meeting on Environmental Assessments

16 - 17 April 2013
Geneva Switzerland

Official documents

Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Annotated provisional agenda for the meeting
Report of the meeting on Environmental Assessments
Report of the 13th session of the WGEMA

Informal document

Document Title ENG RUS
List of participants ENG ---
National inputs (completed templates) to the discussion on the agenda items 3 - 8:    
Armenia --- RUS
Azerbaijan ENG ---
Belarus --- RUS
Georgia ENG ---
Kazakhstan ENG RUS
Kyrgyzstan --- RUS
Moldova --- RUS
Russian Federation --- RUS
Tajikistan --- RUS
Ukraine --- RUS
Uzbekistan --- RUS
Summary of national inputs ENG ---
Environmental Indicator Report 2012 ENG ---
SOER 2015 Project Plan (EEA, agenda item 5) ENG ---
Environment Agency, Austria:    
Experiences in preparation of the national SoE report (Environment Agency, Austria, agenda items 3, 4, 5, 8, 9) ENG ---
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN):    
Swiss experience in preparing the national SoE reports (Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, FOEN, agenda items 3, 4, 5a, 5b, 6, 7) ENG ---
Macedonian Environmental Information Center, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning:    
Legal and regulatory basis for publication of state of the environment reports (agenda item 3) ENG ---
Institutional mechanisms for the production of state of the environment reports (agenda item 4) ENG ---
Structure and content of state of the environment reports: Consistency (agenda item 5a) ENG ---
Structure and content of state of the environment reports: Use of environmental indicators (agenda item 5b) ENG ---
Publication and dissemination of state of the environment reports (agenda item 6) ENG ---
International Co-operation, Slovenian Environment Agency:    
System of Environmental indicators in Slovenia and state of the environment reporting (agenda items 3, 4, 5b) ENG ---
Serbian Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Energy, Development
and Environmental Protection:
State of Environment Reporting in the Republic of Serbia, part 1 (agenda items 3, 4, 5ab) ENG ---
State of Environment Reporting in the Republic of Serbia, part 2 (agenda items 7, 8) ENG ---
Croatian Environment Agency:    
Institutional mechanisms for the production of Croatian SOER (agenda items 3, 4, 5, 6) ENG ---
CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency:    
Legal and regulatory basis, Institutional mechanism of SoE Report in the Czech Republic (agenda items 3, 4) ENG ---
Structure and Content of SoE Report in the Czech Republic (agenda item 5) ENG ---
Publication and dissemination of SoE Report in the Czech Republic (agenda item 6) ENG ---
Links with other assessment reports in the Czech Republic (agenda item 7) ENG ---
Use and evaluation of SoE report in the Czech Republic (agenda item 8) ENG ---
Zoi Environment International:    
Zoï environment network approach to environmental reporting (agenda item 7) ENG ---
State Administration of Environmental Protection in Donetsk Region, Ukraine:    
Automated Environmental Monitoring System in Donetsk Region "OMOS" (agenda item 7) --- RUS
Environmental Knowledge for Change (presentation on the preparation of the regional Caspian Sea SoE report, agenda item 7) ENG ---
Department for Environmental Management and Protection of Moscow City Government,
Russian Federation:
Moscow state of the environment report (agenda item 8) --- RUS

Other relevant documents

Document Title ENG RUS
Thirteenth session of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Geneva, 30 October - 1 November 2012