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Sixteenth session of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Sixteenth session of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

16 - 17 April 2015
Istanbul Türkiye

Official documents

Document Title ENG RUS
Annotated provisional agenda for the meeting
Report of the 16th session of the WGEMA
Provisional timetable ENG RUS
Reporting the performance in establishing and operating the Shared Environmental Information System ENG RUS
Targets and performance indicators for measuring progress in developing the Shared Environmental Information System across the pan-European region
(as adopted at the 20th session of CEP)
Data and information of the Shared Environmental Information System in the pan-European region ENG RUS

Informal documents

Document Title ENG RUS
List of participants ENG ---
Shared Environmental Information System in support of environmental assessments, reviews and outlooks - Introduction (Lukasz Wyrowski) ENG ---
The European Environment, State and Outlook 2015 (European Environment Agency) ENG ---
Reporting and use of air pollutant emission data under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Tranboundary Air Pollution (Krzysztof Olendrzynski) ENG ---
Global and regional reporting on forests (Ivonne Higuero/Roman Michalak) ENG ---
ENHIS Environment and Health Information System (Marco Martuzzi, Andrey Egorov, Christian Gapp) ENG ---
Integrated thematic assessments: outlook on water, data and information needs (Annukka Lipponen) ENG ---
Reporting to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) (Lukasz Wyrowski) ENG ---
Environment-related high-level conferences 2015-2017 (Lukasz Wyrowski) ENG ---
Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (Ivonne Higuero) ENG ---
Progress in the production and sharing of environmental indicators and their underpinning data in the countries of South-Eastern and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (Lukasz Wyrowski) ENG ---
„Priority Data Flow“ benchmarking, Experience made by EEA/Eionet National Focal Points (Johannes Mayer) ENG ---
Reporting on performance in establishing and operating the Shared Environmental Information System (Lukasz Wyrowski) ENG ---


Other related documents

Document Title ENG RUS
Provisional Agenda for European Regional Environmental Information Network Conference ENG RUS
Provisional Annotated Agenda for European Regional Environmental Information Network Conference ENG RUS
Background Paper ENG RUS
Provisional Annotated Agenda for European Regional Environmental Information Network Conference revised ENG RUS

Useful information