Sixteenth session of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Sixteenth session of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
16 - 17 April 2015
Istanbul Türkiye
Official documents
Document Title | ENG | RUS |
Annotated provisional agenda for the meeting ECE/CEP/AC.10/2015/1 |
Report of the 16th session of the WGEMA ECE/CEP/AC.10/2015/2 |
Provisional timetable | ENG | RUS |
Reporting the performance in establishing and operating the Shared Environmental Information System | ENG | RUS |
Targets and performance indicators for measuring progress in developing the Shared Environmental Information System across the pan-European region (as adopted at the 20th session of CEP) |
Data and information of the Shared Environmental Information System in the pan-European region | ENG | RUS |
Informal documents
Document Title | ENG | RUS |
List of participants | ENG | --- |
Presentations | ||
Shared Environmental Information System in support of environmental assessments, reviews and outlooks - Introduction (Lukasz Wyrowski) | ENG | --- |
The European Environment, State and Outlook 2015 (European Environment Agency) | ENG | --- |
Reporting and use of air pollutant emission data under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Tranboundary Air Pollution (Krzysztof Olendrzynski) | ENG | --- |
Global and regional reporting on forests (Ivonne Higuero/Roman Michalak) | ENG | --- |
ENHIS Environment and Health Information System (Marco Martuzzi, Andrey Egorov, Christian Gapp) | ENG | --- |
Integrated thematic assessments: outlook on water, data and information needs (Annukka Lipponen) | ENG | --- |
Reporting to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) (Lukasz Wyrowski) | ENG | --- |
Environment-related high-level conferences 2015-2017 (Lukasz Wyrowski) | ENG | --- |
Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (Ivonne Higuero) | ENG | --- |
Progress in the production and sharing of environmental indicators and their underpinning data in the countries of South-Eastern and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (Lukasz Wyrowski) | ENG | --- |
„Priority Data Flow“ benchmarking, Experience made by EEA/Eionet National Focal Points (Johannes Mayer) | ENG | --- |
Reporting on performance in establishing and operating the Shared Environmental Information System (Lukasz Wyrowski) | ENG | --- |
Other related documents
Document Title | ENG | RUS |
Provisional Agenda for European Regional Environmental Information Network Conference | ENG | RUS |
Provisional Annotated Agenda for European Regional Environmental Information Network Conference | ENG | RUS |
Background Paper | ENG | RUS |
Provisional Annotated Agenda for European Regional Environmental Information Network Conference revised | ENG | RUS |